202 /""'\,..A/) Chap. 16. 1./'or\J '!he Harmony of the 'Divine Attributes CHAP. XVI. Of all the divine ferfetlions, Holinefs is peculiarly admirable. The Honour of it is fecured in our Redemption. In the bitter Sufferings of Chrifl: God declared hi~lfelf unappeafable to Sin, though appeafable to Sinners. The friviledges purchafed by Chrifl, are conveyed upon terms hooourablt to Holinefs. Pardon of Sin, Adoption, the Inheritance of Glory, are annexed to fpecial Q!!.•li.ftcations in thofe who receive them. The Redeemer is made a quick._ning Principle to infpire us with new Life. In order to our Sanctification, be bath given us tbe .moft perfe8 Rule of Uolinef.r, he exhibited a romp/eat Pattern of it, be purcbas'd and conveys the Spirit of Holinefs to 111. He prefents the ftrongeft Motives to perj11ade us to be Holy. The perfeR Laws of Cbrift are conjidered, as they enjoyn an abfolute feparation from all Evil, and command the praelice of all fubftantial Goodneji. Some particular frecepts, which tbt Gofpel efpecially enforcer, with the Reafons of them, are conjidered. OF c~~~:~~ ~~~:~~~~~ ~: ~~: fn~Z;e~0u~~t~. m~f~s~~~t~oft~:~~~t~:;;t,~~ t~~t ~= ri ves a lull re to all the reil: He if glorious in Holinefs, Exod. I 5· I 5.- Wifdom degene· rates inro Craft, Power into Tyranny, Mercy lofes its Nature without Holinefs. He [wears by it as his Supreme Excellency: Once have 1 fworn bJ "'1 Holinefs, I wiU not lie unto David, Pfal. 59· 35. 'Tis the mofl venerable Attribute, in the Praife whereof the Harmony of Heaven agrees. The Angels and Saints above are reprefented, expreffing their Extajj and Ravifbment at the beauty of Holinefs. Holj, Holy, Holy i< the Lord of Hofos, The whole £.,th if full of hi< Glory, Ifa. 6. 0 . This he only loves and values in the Creature, being the Impreffion of his mofl Divine and amiable Perfection. Inferiour Creatures have a refemblance of orher Divine Attributes: The Winds and Thunder fet forth God's Power, the firmnefs of the Rocks, and the incorruptibility of the Heavens are an obfcure reprefema tion of his Unchangeablenefs; but Holinefs, that is the mofl Orient·Pearl in the Crown of Heaven, only fbines in the reafonable Creature. Upon this account Man only is faid to be formed after his Image. And in Men there are Come appearances of the Deity, that do not entitle to his fpecial Love. In Princes there is a fbadow of his Sovereignty, yet they may be the .Objecrs of his Difpleafure; bBt a Jikenefs to God in Holinefs attracts his Eye and Heart, and infinitely endears the Creature to him. Now this Attribnte is in a fpecial manner provok'd. by Man's Sin, and we are reftvred to the favour and Friendfbip of God, in fuch a manner as may preferve the Honour of it inrire and inviolable. This will fully appear, by confidering what our Redeemer fuffered for the purchafing our Pardon. and the Terms upon which the precious Benefits of his Death are conveyeo to us; and what he bath done to reflore our lofl Holinefs, that we may be qualified for the enjoyment of God. 1. God's Infinite Purity is declared in his Jul1ice; in that He would not Pardon Sin, but upon fuch Terms as might fully demonflrate how odious 'twas to him. ·what inAam"d the Wrath of God agaihfl his Beloved Son, w horn by a Voice from Heaven he declared to be the Object of his delight? What made Him inexorable to his Prayers and Tc:1rs, wht'n He follicited the Dh,ine Power and Love, the Attributes that relieve the mi(erab}e, crying, Abb~t, Btther, aU thing.r are p6ff'ible to thee, let this Cup pafl from me~ What made him fufpend all comforting Influences, and by a dreadful Defertion afllict him when he: was environ'd with Sorrows? 'Tis fin only that caufed this fiercedifpleafure, not inberent, (for tbe Meffiah was cut off, but not for himfclf,) but impHted by his voluntary undertaking for us. God fo loved the World, and fo bated Sin, that He gave his Son to purchafe our P~rdon by Sufferings. When his Cornpaffions to Man were at the highefl, yet then his antipathy againfl Sin was fo flrong, that no lefs Sacrifice could reconciie Him to us. Thus God declared himfelf to be unappeafable to Sin, though not to Sinners. o. The