· in Contriving Man's Redemption. .. 2o5 r. In refpect to our felves, we mult Jive foberly. Temperance governs the fenfual Ap- ~ petites and Affections by fanctified Reafon. The Gofpel allows the fober and chan:e uf~~; of Pleafures, but abfolutely and feverely forbids all excefs in thofe that are law~ul, and abmnence from all thet are unla\l'ful, that ltain and vilify tiJe Soul, and alienate rt from converfe with God, and mortify its tan: to fpiritual Delights. By fenfual comp~a~ency ·' Man fir(llo(l his Innocence and Happinefs, and till the flefb is fubdued to the Spmt, he can never recover them. The carnal Mind w Enmity againft God. F!efbly Lujls war againft, tbe Soul, 1 Pet. 2. 11. Therefore we are urged with the mo[\ affechonate earnefrnefs.• to ab{lain from them, by withdrawing their Incentives, and crucifying our corrupt Inclmations. In' lhort, the Law of Chrilt obliges us, as to deal with the Body as an Enemy, (that is difpofed to revolt again it the Spirit) by watching over all our Senfes, !ell: they fbould betray us to Temptations; fo to preferve it as a thing confecrated to God, from all Impurity, that will render it unworthy the Honour of being the Temple of the Ho!y ~ho(l. 2. We are commanded to live Righteouay, in our relation to others. Jufrrce IS the fupreme Virtue of humane Life, that renders to every one what i.s due. The Gofpel.giv~s . Rules for Men in every O:ate and place, to do what Rea[on reqmres. As no condmon JS ex1=luded from its Bldfednefs, fo every one is obliged by its Precepts. Subjects are como manded to obey all the lawful Commands of Authority, and not refifl, Rom. r3. r. and that upon the frrongelt Motives, not only for Wrath but for Co>ifciencefak._e, V er. 5· They mufl obey Man for God's fake, but never difobey God for Man's fake. And Princes are · obliged to be an encolmtgement to good 11'ork_s, aitd a Ttrror to the evil, Rom. Il· 1· that ~'t:.h~. a;.e ;t"t;)o~~~alii'h:;~r;ert:~~ D:tre~a~et~~sf:{'Js :~d;ti~=~li;te;~:niJ0~t?t~ dren, Maflers and Servants. And that in all contraCts and commerce none difrand his Brother (q): accordingly in the elteem ofChri(lians, he is more religious who is the mbre (q) r Thof 4; righteous than bthcrs. Briefly, ChrWian Righteoufnefs is not to be mcafured by the ri- t Af"d:/,' ,p gor of Laws, but by that Rule of univerfal Equity delivered by qur Saviour, Jf'hatfoever qlirj;J!;r;7. 7ou would have others do to JOlt, do it to them, Mat. 7· 12. Minut. ;. We are inflrueted by the Law of Chrilt to live Godly. This part of our Duty r<- fpects our Apprehenfions, AffeCtions and Demeanour to God, which mu(l be faitable to his glorious Perfections. The Gofpel bath revealed them clearly to us, viz,. the Unity, Simplicity, Eternity and Purity o( the Divine Nature; that it fubfi(ls in three Perfons, the rather, Sop, and Spirit; and his WifdollJ, PowerandGoodnefs intheWorkofour Redemption. It requires that we pay the fpecia! HonoHr \hat is due to God, in the efreem and Veneration of our Minds, in the fubjection of our Wills, in.the .afcentof our Affeetrons to him as their proper ObjeCt. That we have an intire faith in his Word, a firm Hope in his Promifes, a holy Jealoufy for his Honour, a religious care in his Service: And that we exprefs our Reverence, Love and Dependance on him in our Prayers and Praifes. That our Worfbip ofHim be in fuch a manner, as becomes God who receives it, and Man that prefents it. God is a pure Spirit, and Man is a reafonable Creature, therefore he mujl wor(hip hint in Spirit and TrHth. And fince Man in his fallen State cannot app;oach the holy and jufl God without a Mediator, he is directed by theGofpel toaddrefs hrmfeif to the Throne of Grace, in the Name of the Lord 1efiu Chrift, who alone can reconcile our Perfons, and render our Services acceptable with his father. Befides the immelliate Service of the Deity, Godlinefs includes the propenfion and tenc dency of the Soul to him ID the whole ConverfJtion; and it .contai ns three things: r. That our Obedience proceeds from Love to God as its vital Principle. This mu(l warm and animate the external aCtion: This alone makes Obedience as delightful to u• fo pleafing to God. He foewJ Mercy to thofe who love him, and l eep hit Commandment.r, Exod. 20. 6. F..ith rt1ork.,eth by Love, and enclines the Soul to obey with the fame Affection that God enjoyns the Precept. 2. That all our Converfation be regulated by his Will as the R:ule. He is our Father a~d Soverergn, and the refpeet to his Law, gives to every action the formality of Obed1ence. We muO: chufe our Duty, becaufe be commands ir: f'Vhatfoever ye do in 2vortl, or deed, do •Uin the Name oft he Lord1efiu; that is, for hisCommand,and by his Afliflance. 3· That the Glory of God be the fupreme End of all our ACtions. This Qualification mu(l adhere not only to necelfary Duties, buttoour natural and civil Actions. 0Hr Light 11111 fifo ftJinebifore Men, that they maJ fee our good Work..J, andglor.i.fJ our Father which is ili Heaven, Mat. 5· 16. If'hether we eat or drink, or whatfoevcr wed(}, all 1mifl be done, in a ~egular and due ~roportion, to the Glory ofGod, 1 Cor. I o. 3 I. A general Defignation ofthis JS abfolutely requ tfite, (I Pet, 4· n.) and the renewing of ourlntentions aiJunlly in matters of moment. r?r He being the foie Author of our Lives and Happinefs, we cannot without :/,%hm;}h~aJ;t~~r.a~~ ~i'f~~dience, negleCt to glorify Hin' in onr Bodiet ad Sp;~;~