12 The Exiflence of G 0 D. ~ 1. ·Its firutl:ure is very different · from that of Brutes, whereby 'tis a fit infiruChap. 3· ment of the rational Soul. The Brutes being meerly terreOrial Animals, are perpetually ~ groveling and poring downwards, feeking no more than thm food. They have no commerce with the Heavens, but fo far as it !erves them for the Earth, as being only born for their Beliies. But in Man the po!lure of hJS Body, interprets that of his Soul. 11 The fiature is fircigh t and rais'd, exprefii ve of his Dominion over the Creatures made for his ure. TheHead isoverallthe le[s noble parts, and the Eye foplac'd thattheMindmay look out at thofe windows to difcover theWorld in its vadons parrs, to contemplate the Heavens its native Seat, and be infiruCted and excited to admire and love the Divine Maker. 2. If we confid.r Man complexly as joyn'd with fociety, to which he is naturally inclin'd, he is fo form'd as to give or receive ailiO:ance for his prefervation and comfort. The Tongue his p.culiar glory, the interpreter ofthe Thoughts, and reconciler of the Affeilions, nnintains this happy Commerce. Beftdes, the Face makes known our inward motions to others. Love, Hatred, Defire, Dllllke, Joy, Grief, Confidence, Defpa ir, Courage, Cowardice, Admiration, Contempt, Pride, ModeO:y, Cruelty, Cornpaffion, and all the refi ofthe Affetl:ions, are difcover'd by rhrir prop" Arpetl:s. By a fudden change of the CQlmtenance are mani feOed the deepefi Sorrow, d1e highefi Joy. As the face of the Heavens vail'd with Clouds, by the breaking forth of the Sun is prefently clear'd up. And (which is above the imitation of Art) dHfercn t a.tfe<lions are reprefen.. ted in a more or lefs expreffive appearance accordmg to the1r ftronger or remilfer degrees. Ttmanthe.r tbe famous Painter, wjfely drew a vait over Agamemnou's Face, prefent at the facrifice of his innocent Daughter ; defpairing to exprefs and accord his feveral Paflions, the tendernefs of a Father, with the Majefiy of a King, and the generofity of the Leader of an Army. This way of difcovery has a more univerfal ufe than words. The mini!lry of the Tongue is only ufeful to tho[e that underfiand our Language, but the Face, though !ilent, fp,aks to the Eye. The Countenance is a Cryfial wherein the Thoughts and Affetl:ions, o; lmwife invifible, appear, and is a natural fign known to all. For this manner of exprellion is not by the common agreement of Men ·asSigns ab[olutely free or mixt, but from the inrtitution of Nature, that always chufes what is mofi proper to its eud, b.ing gu ided by a fuperiour Diretl:or according to the rules of perfelt Wifdom. · ·Moreover, the innumerable different chara&er in the Faces of Men to difcern every one, is the counfel of mofi wife Providence, for the univerfitl benefit of the World. For take away tbisdifiinltion, and all the bands of Laws, of Commerce, of Friendihip are dilfolv'd. If we could not by fingular infeparable lineaments difiinguiih the innocent from the guilty, a Brother from a Stranger, the worthy from the unworthy, all truth in Judgments, fincerity in Relations, difii ntl:ion of Merits, fecurity in Trade would be defiroyed. In ihort, humane focieties cannot be preferved without union and di(linaion ; the one preventsdivifion, the other confufion. Union is maintain'd by fpeech and other figns of the inward difpofitions of the Heart; di!linfuon is caus'd by the variety ofcountenances. And 'tis confiderablc that fo few parts compofing it, and in fo fmall a compafs, and always in the fame fituat ion, yet there is fuch a diverfity of Figures as of Faces 11- Interc~tertt in the Wor.ld. * Seneca propounds this as a fpedacle worthy of admiration, though pro~trr ~~~~ ~i- the Stoical•pride, falfely eO:eem'd greatnefsof mind, would fcarce admireMiracles. 'tt~fiJ,~;~~ ·- And as the frame ofMan's Body, fo much more the rational Soul, . his eminent pre- •m<JI,''"" ' rogative above all fenfiblebeings, difcovers the Deity. ThefuperiourFaculties, the Un- ''':ft"ijl>mo, dorfianding and Will, whereby he makes a Judgment and Choice ofthingsinorder to his ~~it/;;:;~a happinefs. declare it to be the living Image and Glory of a moft Wife and voluntary , ~'il'""":J Agent. The admirable compofition of two things fo difproportion'd, a fpiritual and ~f;::;;~}Jni- material fubftance in the humane nature, is an argument of his omnipotent skill, who ll4 vulentl{r.. united them in a·manner inconceiv~able to us. But the Nature, Qualities, and Opera- '.'f:u"A'j;.' tionsof the Soul, {hall be more difiintl:ly con!ider;d afterwards. And by t~is ihort ac- . count of fome parts of the World, we may fullicrently d1fcover th.,. perfetl:ions of the Maker. We mufi pluck out our Eyes, and extinguiih common fenfe, not to fee infinite Wifdom, Power and Goodnefs ihining ia them, the proper marks.of theDeity. CHAP.