_____ z_n_~ _ nt_rt_v_in~g~Af. __a_n_'s__ R_e_d_a~np_t_io_n. __ ~~~-----219 him not only patient, but thankful and joyful. This fweetens the lofs of all r:mp~ral ~~ Goods, and the prefence of all temR"ral Evils. St. J',m/ in his Chains was • n~mte · . ap. I 7. ly more contented than C£[ar or ~eneca, than all the Pnnces and Phtlc.fophers.m the ~m W~r'-~~il conclude this Argument by a fhort Refleftion on the immotral Maxims of [eve - ~:;~ t:}; .. rj~j~ ral Seers of Philofophers. The CJnic~' (a) affert that all Natural ACtions may be done ,;m;,;"';"' in the face of the Sun; that it is worthy of a Phllofopher to do rho!~ thi rigs in th~ yre- ~:~~Jz~~:f"r fence of all, which would make Impudence it felf to blurb. A Maxim coimary to all !I'"''§' tot•JI the Rul es of Dencency, and corruptivt; of good Manners. For as the defpifilig of Ver· ~i~~r~JO~?;:;· tue, produces the fiightiog of R.epm~tiOn: So _rhe CO~ tempt of ReputatlOil c~u~es the nee Cy!licos, ~~~~.e~e~~e~e;~~~g !~e~h~;:;~f~~~~~~:~~d~:~~'~~~~1 i'lfe~~:~~ ~~~ ~~: e~~~~1 ; t~~~t~~~ ~;!i~~;;~;~~ killing a Bird is of the fame guilt with the murdering a Parent: a Principle that bteaks diJ/,,ri,.J"'· ::urte~:.i~sh~: ~~~e~~;J~~~~m~~~e~fr~~!v~fa~{f~~~s t(b)1 ~ ~~~~h tra(b~r:Z~;:!~: :!;:~!,t'm, at ccn~ unnatural Fury is culpable in many refpefrs, of rebelling againft God , {c). Afpict Marc. Cltoncm,/.:cro ill~ Injuftice to others, and Cruelty to ones felf. Zeuo (c) the Foun· ~~f;;;1/;;;[;:llt;r~7§;11:a:::r:~t$;~~ <lerofthatSefr prafrifed his own DoCtrine. For falling to the ground, he interpreted it to be a Summons to appear in another Worid , and itrangled himfelf. Arijlotle allows the Appetite of revenging Injuries, to be as natural as the Inclination to Gracitude, judging according to the common Rule, that one contrary is the meafure of another. Nay, he condemns the putting up an Injury as degenerous and fervile. He makes Indignation at the Profperity of unworthy Men, a Vertue; and to prove it, tell s us the Greciani attributed it to their Gods, as a Pafiion becoming the Excellency of their Natures. But if we confider, the Supreme Difpofer of all things may may do what he pleafes with his own, that he is infinitely wife, and in the next World will difpenfe Eternal R.ecompences; there is not the lea(( caufe of Irritation for that feeming diforder. He alfo allows Pride to be a noble Temper that proceeds from a [ublime Spirit. ( Vid, lib. 4· Ethic.) He reprefents his Hero by this among other CharaCters, that he is difpleafed with thofe who mention to him the benefits he bath received, which make him inferiour to thofe that gave them; as if Humility and Gratitude were Qualities contrary :t'::O~~:,n~~~t~~m~~~~~~e::l~tf:;~h~c~~~~e!~~t.~~~:c\~ob;~~te~~h:~tt~:~ :hat~~~ above us. But t\;lis is no real Vertue, for it cloth not excite us by the worth of Mora l Good, but from the vain defire of Eqpality or Pre-eminence. And Plato himfelf, rho' itiled Divine, yet delivers many things that are deitrufrive of Moral Hone!ly. He dif• folves the moit facred band of human Society, ordaining in his Common-wealth a Corn• munity of Wives. He allows an honeit Man to lie in fame occafiorts; whereas the Rule is eternal, 1¥e mufl not do evil, th~tt good fllaJ come therebJ. lh <bort, a confidering Eye T~~/~~~~~n~·~tfo~ft~~~;: ~eVe~:u~~~~i~h !~e tt1~~s~~~d ·~~~:;e~u!n~~r:i o~~r~;;; 5:1,;!,:':;'· which are. ne:elfary for the. ~erfettion of our ~ature; and the Vertues they commend).fi;"!~nfir;~j;'· are d~fefrive m thofe Qualities that are r~qurfite to make them fin,ere. If Philofophy '"'; _fi."' wer.e mcarnat~, and had expreO: the Punty and Efficacy of all its Precepts in real ~=~~:~ir~';, ACtions; yet It had abDndanrly fallen fhort of that Supernatural, Angelica! Divine Holinefs which the Gofpel requires. 'Till the Wifdom of God removed his Chair from Heaven to Earth to initruct the World, not _only_the depravation of the lower Faculties, . but the darknefs of the humane Underitandmg hmdred Men from performing thei r uni- ;i~~~~~~1tre~~~s?~~dl~~m~u~~nt~t:;-;g~itf!~ the Mind, Peace to the Confcience, PuF f ~ CHAP.