226 'Ihe Harmony of the 'Divine Attributes ~.1£rf~rsor~fs~ho~~~ i,~t~l~h:1~r:Pcb~:ge~1 t~e~av~v~;~dj(./~i~~e~it~i~h~f~~e~~ ~ whom they commended the Precepts of Vertue. The foule(\ A/.lions were approved by forne, and the mo(\ excellent condemned by others that pretended to Philofophical Perfection (o). Unnatural Lu(\ was allowed as indifferent by Zenu and Chryfppus (p): And the noble(\ Love in giving Life it felf for the Glory of God in Martyrdom, is cenfured by EpHJetus and Antuninus, as the effel.l of fooliili and incurable Melauchuly in Chri(\ians, who were difgu(\ed with the World, and devoted themfelves to Death. The Spirit of Holinefs who forms the powerful and la(\ing Habits of true Vertue in the Soul, that effel.lually enclines from the Love of God , and with an intention for his . . Glory, to, obey his Will; as it was purchafed by Jefus Chri((, fo IS pecuhar to the Difpenfation of the Gofpel that reveals Him. The Duf1ri1JC of it is not delivered with fo much Pomp, but with infinite more efficacy than the mo(\ eloquent In- (\rul.lwns of Philufophers. One phin Sermon that reprefents Chri(\ as Crucified before onr Eyes to obtain Pardon of Sin for us, inflames the Soul with a more ardent Love to God and vehement hatred of Sin, than all their elegant and fublime Difcourfes. There is the fame difference between their Moral.r and the Evangelical In£:titution, as between two Nurfes: The one is adorned, and looks lovely to the Eye, but wants Milk to nourifh the.Infant in. her Arms? the oth~r is not. fo amiable in appearance, but hath a living Spnng of Mdk to nounfh her Ch tld. Phtlofophy hath the advantage of artificial Beauty, but cannot fupply the nouril11ment that is necelfary to maintain thefpirittflll Life. But the Cofpel affords the jincerc ratiomtl Nlilk.._ to the So11l, that it may grow thereby. 'Tis therefore called the Wurd of Life, a Title that di(\inguiilies it from the Law, and all h11 - 1fJtme In!titutions. 4· Jefus Chri(\ hath prefented the (\ronge(\ inducements and motives to perfwade us to Holinefs. The way which he takes to fave us, is not by a meer Act of Power to raife us :tbove our fdves; but he deals with us conveniently to our frame, in making ufe of our Atfel.lions to bring us to himfelf. And whereas there are three Atfel.lions that have a mighty Power over the reafonable, aild are the inward Springs of humane ACtions, viz. Fear, Hope, and Love ; He hath propounded fuch Objel.ls to them which being duly confidered, are infinitely more efficacious than any thing that may divert us from our Duty. The great Temptations to Sin are from the Terrors O{ Delights of Senfe, and to overcome thefe, he bath brought toouraffifi'ance the Powers of the World to come: That is, hath revealed the dreadful Preparations for the Punifhment of the Wicked, and the Glorious Rewards that attend the Godly in their future State. Now to difcove r the efficacy of thofe Objel.ls for the perfwading Men to be Holy, I will confider, 1. Their Greatnefs, as 'tis defcribed in the Gofpel. 2. Their Truth and Reality, of which our Saviour bath given us convincing evidence and alfurance. 1. To excite our Fear, he threatens Torments extreme and eternal. Thefe are fet forth by fuch repre)enrations, as may imprefs the quicke(\ fenfe of them upon Man. For the Imagination depends on fenu ble experience, •nd is firongly atfel.led with thofe things that are terrible to our outward Faculties. Now Hell is defcribed by a Worm (Mar. 9· 44· ) gnawing the mo(\ tender Parts, that are mo(\ capable of pain ; ro fignifie the furi- ~h~f~~~~g~7]a~o~~etg~:~~~n~~~~;lf;~~nt~~~~~n~~~gt<t~[~i~~tclo;~~e ~ 0R:en~~J BrimfloiJC, that is moft: fierce to fenfe; the ferious confideration of which is enough to caufe Terror and Amazement in all that are liable to it. And if the foie apprehenfion be intolerab le, how much more will the dweUing with devo~tring Fire, and everlafling Burning ? 'Tis called the blacfwefi uf DarfeJejS, to fignify the compleat horror of that State. The Fire hath only force to burn, not to give any Light to mitigate the obfcurity. 'Tis • ReMo. , 4 . called the fecund Death*, in comparifon of which that of the Body is but the Shadow of ~~:~~!t;c ~:~t~; ~t ~~t~~frge~~r~~~~ ;~~~\~~ b~~~e r~~~~t~l~ ~~~:~~f:sn~h!h¥~;~~~~ ~h~;~~grt~~ Aog. never end. The fuffering Soul knows it lhall be Eternal, and as fuch it is felt and afflil.ls. The Fire that devours, {hall never fay •tis enough; that fad Night iliall never · ~fv~:rt\~rt~~i~ ~x~~:~;•;:t~~,T~~Pf~~::ro}n~~~~~ refr~fu ~h~~e!h::~rn~n~~f~r~~~ Hea t, b1Jt are under torment day 1111d night, for ever and ever, Rev. 20. 10. Now what can be be more powerful to re(\rain men from Sin than the Terrors of the Lord ? If the deores of carnal and momentary Pleafures are imfetuous and urgent, what can be more etfe- l.lual