228 ___________ ~_h_e_li_a_r_m_on~ry_o~{_t_h_e_v_,_·v_in_e_A_t_tr_ib_u_te_s _________ f"V\...,r) Angels are dift:inguifhed by their feveral Orders and Miniftrarions, as Sfraphim.r and UJeChap. 18. rubims, Thrones and Powers, yet a Chain of Holy Love binds all their AffeCtions toge- ~ ther. And though the Saints !hine with different degrees of Glory, yet, as in a Chor11s of Mufick, the different Voices makes one entire Harmony: So Love, that ever continues unites their Wills in a delightful harmonious Agreement. The millions of Celeflial In~ ha~itants compof~ but one Society, Love mixing in one maCs •of Light arid Glory, all thm Underflandmgs and Wills. feef~~f;~~~eab:~ ~~~~7Ic:~c~:~~et~:~,~~~~~~{~~~rc~gv;f ;~i~~TJ'~~b~~'~u!;~ifea~~~ But Principally, their Joyarifesfrom the poffeilion of God himfdf, by the clearefl:Knowledge and purefl: Love of his Excellencies. They fie bim a.r he;., I John 3· 2. Sight is the mofl: Spiritual and noble Senfe, that gives the mofl: diflinCl and evident difcovery of its ObjeCts. Tbe Soul in its exalted fl:ate, fie the King in his Beauty, all the PerfcClions of that infinitely Glorious and Bleffed Nature in their Brightnefs and Purity. And this fight caufes the mofi ardent Love, by w.h~"Ch there is an intimate and vital Union between the Soul and its Happinefs; and from hence fprings perfeCt Delight: In thy prrfince is fulnefs of Jo;, Pfal. 16. I r. It expels all Evil that would imbitter and leffen our Felicity. And this is an admirable Priviledge for the Humane Nature, that is fo fenfible of trouble. All Complaints and Cries, (Rev. o 1. 4·) all Sighings and Sorrows are for ever bani01'd from Heaven. If the Light of the Sun be [o pleafant, that every Morning revives the World, and renders it new to us which was buried in the Darknefs of the Night; how infinitely pleafant will the Light of Glory be, that difcovers the abfolute and univerfal Excellencies of the Deity, the Beauty of his Holinefs, the PerfeClion of his Wifdom, the Greatnefs of his Power, and the Riches of his Mercy? How inexpreilibly great is the Happinefs that proceeds from the illumination of.a purified Soul, when fuch is the amiablenefs of God, that his infinite and eternal Felicity arifes from the fruition of himfelf? The Joy of Heaven is fo full and fatisfying, that a thoufand Tears there, are but M oue Day. Inferior earthl y Goods prefenrly lofe the Flower of No,elty, and langui!h in our enjoynment of them: Variety is neceffary to put an edge upon our Appetites, and quicken our Delights ; becaufe they are imperfeil, and fall !hart of our expeCtation. But the Objel1 of our Bleffednefs is infinitely great, and produces the fame pure and perfeCt Joy for ever. After the longefl: fruition it never cloys or fatiates, but is as fre!h and new as at the firft moment: And that which is the peculiar Pleafure of the Redeemed, is, that thty DuO be with Chri/1, •ndfie his Glory, Job. 17. 24. What a marvellous Joy will fill our Hearts, to fee our Bleffed Saviour, who fuffer'd fo much for us on Earth, to reign in Heaven? Here he was in his enemies Hands; there he bath them under his Feet. Here he was in the form of a Serva11l; there He appears in the form of God, adorn'd with all the Marks of Majefl:y. Here he was under the Cloud of his Father's Difpleafure; there he appears as the Brightnefs of h;. Glory . Here he was ignominioufly Crucified ; there he is crown'd with Immortal Honour. Now confidering the ardent AffeCtions which the Saints have to their Redeemer, the Contemplation of him in this glorious Statemufi: ;,fnitclyravHh their Hearts: efpecially, if we confider that che exaltation of Chrifl: is theirs. The Members triumph when the Head is crown'd: His excellent Glory refleCts a Lurl:re upon them, and by the fight of it they are chang'd into his Likenefs. If the imperfeCt and dim fight of his Divine Vertues in the Gorpel, hath a Power to change Believers inco his Image from Glory to Glory, how much more the Vifion of his unveiled Face? Our Graces here are but as the rude Draught and firfl: Colours of the Divine Image, that !hall then be in its perfetl::ion. lf'c k.._now that whm he 4ppear.r, we flJttU be like him, for we fJaU fee him tU he it, 1 John 3· o. The fimilitude between the Saints above and Chrifl:, is fo exalt, that if one !hould enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, and were not direCted by the Light of that Place, he would be apt to think every glorified Saint he meets to be more than a Creature. St. '}obn the beloved of Chrirl:, and as clear-fighted as any of the Apofl:les, mifl:ook an Angel for God; and would have adored him, although he did. not appelT in his full Glory. The Kingdoms of the World, with all their Splendor, are no more in compare to it, than a dead fpark to the Sun in its brightnefs. The very Bodies of the Saints {hall be raifcd from the Grave, and beamified with eternal Ornaments: They !hall be Companions with the Angels, and conformed to the r,lorious Body ,of Chrifl:. Briefly, in the Prefent fl:ate we are not capable to receive the fu,ll knowledge of Heaven: What we underfl:and is infinitely defirable, but the mofl: glorious part is fl:ill undircovercd. The Apo(lle tells us, 1 Cor. 2. 9· Eye hnth not feen, nor Ear heard, neither IJath it enter'd into the hettrt of i\1an to conceive whtd God hath prepared for thofe that love him.· All that is beautiful or fweet here, is but a !hadow of that Glory, a. drop of that