in Contriving Man's Redemption. ~2~;i,~YL~~(y,n1~~~'tdh;a~~~mbl~illi f~r M~:atatst~~ ~e~~~~; ~~· ,~~!:t~,/~~;~nd~n:~;~- But how much more if his Friend would fulfer for him the Pains and Infamy ot hiS V"V"'..i Slavery? If any fpark of Humanity remain in him, can he ever delight himfel f in rhofe Actions, which made fuch a Benefit necelfary to him? Now we were not redeemed with cormptible Things, a.t Silver and Gold, from our vain Converfation, (the mofi fordid and deplorable Captivity) b11t with the preciOII! Blood of Chrift, ., a Lowb 2vithout blentijb and without [pot, 1 Pet. J, 18, '9· And is it poflible for :1 Chn1\ian to live in thofe Sins for which Chrifl died? Will not Love caufe an humble fear, Jell he !hould fruf\rate the great Detign, and make void the mo~ bleffed Effeil: of his terrible Sulferings ? Why did he redeem us with fo excellem a Price from our cruel Bondage, but to ref\ore us to his free Service ? Why did he vind icate us from the Power of the Ufurper to whom we were Captives, but to make us Sub- /,~~~ t~re~~~s N~t~~~l C:;:~:r :atzy dgefi7:m~~;;~y( ~) :~~h t~~: ' we might be intirel y con[ecrated to his Glory, and be fervent ~o~~gan~~~~: 1 of ~~~~n~~~? w:~atu~~ ~~li~:ge~o~~s (\~~~~~ q>dd"* '' <ihid, '''f"'di to Duty, than Gratitude? What more powerful attratl:ive to Obedience, than Love .J This pure Love confirms the Glorified Saints for ever in Holinefs. For they are not Holy to obtain Heaven, becaufe they are poffefs'd of it ; nor to preferve their Bleffedne(s, becaufe they are paf\ all hazard of lofi ng it; but from the mof\ lively and permanent fenfe of their Obligations, becaule they have obtained that incomparable Felicity by a Gift never to be reverfl, and by a Mercy tranfcendentlygreat. And the fame Love to God that is in the Saintsabove in the highef\ degree of l'erfetl:ion, and makes them for ever to glorifi• him, will proportionably to our State in this Life cau(e us to ob[erve his Commands with delight and confrancy. A true Chrif\ian is moved by Fear, more by Hope, mo(\ by Love. CHAP·