242 Tbe Harmony of the 'Divine Attributes "-.A../)~.-~~r-nl:-:-d~Nl~an-,v-i l ,-- h /-:- , ;,-,,-,1:-Mt-th,.--e:-bo-:-dy-of-S-in-m~igl:- ., t -bc-,dc-,. jir-oJ--,Cd:-,1-:-h,-t-:-he->tc-,efo-rtl-:-, w-e~fo-ou-:ld-not Ch.1p. 20. ferve fn, Rom. 6. 6. By tbc Gofs of Cbrift tbe World 7s cr~tcijied to us; and we are cruci- \../"Y'""\.J Jied to tbe l l'orld, Gal. 6. By it we are vindi cated from the Power of Satan, into the gloriOtu L;/,crty oft be Sm1S o(God. For this Reafon our Saviour, a little before hi s Paflion faid, fo..'orv j/Ja/1 tbe Prince of this World be cafl OJtt. By the Crojf he fpoi/cd Principalities and Powcr.r, tmd mnrle a j1Jew oftbem openly, triumphing Over tbem in it , '2 Col. 15. to ~eir exrreme confullon, in the view of Heaven and Earth. Although the RefurreCl:ion an'd AfcenGon of Chrifl are the proper ACI:s of his Tri4mph, yet his Death is the foie Caufe and Origi nal of it, The Nails and Spear that pierced his Body, were his Omnipotent Arms, and the Crofs the lnfl rument of his Sufferings, was the Trophceof his ViCI:ory. All our triumphaNt Palms are gathered from that Trte. 'Tis there our Saviour bruifed the head of rhe old Serpent, and renewed his ancient ViCI:ory over him. And from hence it was, that upon thejirfl Preaching of Chrifl Crucified, Oracles were flruck dumb, and put to eternal Glence; invifible Powers were forced to do him vifible Honour. As the riling Sun caufes the Night-birds to retire, fo his Name chafed the rout of Deities into darknefs. They continue to be our Enemies, but not our Lords. Now where did the Divine Power ever appear more glorious than ;n our crucified S:tviour? ~~~~~~ ~~e~~~~ ~~~e~;~~~~re~~~n;:e r~!e~~~ar~o~~:, ~~~~s 3~/"~i s1b~~~- (a{~ ~~e C~~~i~n °: r,;;;..~r~~ _corru ptible World was produced from Nothing, which as it had no Difpofition, fono .~~'®-"':J;•.ip.rt Conrraricty to receive the fOrm the Creator gave it: But the new.World of Grace that is ~~~.:;::;: ~1~1~1~~~ t~;~ ~v~: ~~~:e~ n~u~h~f~;~~~:~l~~ ~~t~~:~.s~~eB~~~ee~~~~~!t ~~::oZ,f;;~:ii :;:~:n:.;, ·::; his Hofls were drowned in his Blood. In lhort, the Crofs bath opened Heaven to us, R~~£1'£~;: d~~ t:d~~~~to~h~;r~~~~o~sf~~~~~r~~ the Earth. But this i fhall more particularly confi- ~:b.'·,:!dl. Fifthly , The Divine Power was eminently magn ified in Chrifl:'s RefurreCI:ion from the Grave. This was foretold concerning the Mef/inh by the Prophet David [peaking in the ~Xfre'wifft~o:~fi;e~· tt}'lC g:alj,:~/;o~;E;;;[;~ 11~= ~i~a~0~~~~·d1 b~Jt~~d·/~~~:C~t fo 'twas executed by his Power_ This is decifive, that he is the Meffiah- His other Miracles were performed by the Prophets, but this was fingular, and only done by the God of the Prophets_ The R.eafons of it prove, that ' twas equally necelfary for his Glory and our Salvation. 1- The Quality of his P erfon requi red it- For he was a Heavenly Man without Guilt, therefore immortal by the original Contlitution of his Nature. Death , that is the Wages of Sin , had no power over him. He was fubject to it.., not by the Law of his Conception, but the Di fpenfation of his Love; not to fatisfie Nature, but purchafe our Salvation: Therefore the Eternal Law that annexes Immortal ity to Innocence, would not fuffer that he fi10uld remain in the !late of Death. 2. The n.tture of hi s Office made it necelfary . As the Occ0110IJIJ of our Redemption .required, thJt he fbould defcend from Heaven, the Seat of his Glory, that by dying he might expiate our Sins; fo after his lying in the Grave, fo long as to atteft: the reality of his Death, ' twas necelfary he fhould rife again in order to his difpenfing the glorious Benefits be had purchafed. The Apojile tells the Cori>tthianr, I Cor. 15. 14- IjChrifi benot ~·ifm, then our Preaching is in vain, andyour Faith is a!fo i11- vain. For the Faith of Chriflians harh a threefold Reference: 1. To the Perfon of Chrifl, that he is the Son of Ood2. T o his Death, that ' tis an all-fuf!icient Sacrifice for Sin. 3· T o his Promife, that he will raife Believers at the la(\ D'IJ· Now the R.efurreCI:ion of Chrifl is the foundation of faith in refpeCI: of all thefe_ 1 . He was declar'd to be the Son of God with Power, according to the Spirit of Holinefs, bJ the Ref•mBion from the Dead, Rom. 1. 4· He was the Son of God from Eternity as the Word, and from the fir(\ moment of his Incarnation as God-Man; But the honour of this Relation was much ecl ips'd in his poor Life, and ignominious Death. And altho' hi s darkefl Night was inlightened with fame difcoveries of his Deity, yet they were tranfi ent and foon vanifh'd. But in his RcfurreCI:ion God did publickly own him in the face of the World; therefore he isreprefented, tefl ifying from Heaven, Thou art mJ Son, thi< d,IJ h,zve !begotten thee, ACI:. '3· 33· According to the Phrafe of Scripture, then things are fa id to be, when they confpicuou(]y appear. All the Miraculous Proofs by w~~~