in Contriving Man's Redemption. God acknowledged him for his Son during his Li fe, had been inerfetl::Ul l wirhour this.~ If he had remain'd in the Grave, it had been reafonable to bel ieve him an ordinary Chap. :w. Per ( on, and that hi s Death had been the puni!bment of his pre(umption; but his Re-'-""':-- furrefrion was the moft illuftrious and convincing Ev idence, that he was what he declar'd him(elf to be. For it is not conceivable that God !hould pu t forth an Almighty power to rai(e him, and thereby aut hurife his Ufurpation, if by robbery he had a/fumed that Glorious Title "~ He is therefore foid to be l'iflifed by the Spirit, which raifed him, 1 Tim. 3· t 6 from all the Accu(arions of his Enwties, who charged him with Bla(- phemy for making him(elf equal with God: Upon the Evidence of it, Thomas adored him as his Lord 11.ud God. 2 . His RefurreLl:ion is the mofl pregnant Proof of the All-(ulliciency of his SatisfaLl:ion. This was lpecial in the Dea th of Chrifl, that the Curie of the Law accompanied ir, and Ceemed like an infinite weight to lie on hi s Grave. But in ri ltng again, the Val ue and Virtue of his SuWerings was fully declared. Therefore the Apoflle tells us, Ront. 4_ 25. that he was d elivered for our Ojfences, and 1vas raifed again for our }iflijiation. Although his Death was fufficient to merit our Pardon, yet lince Belteve_r., al one aCluall y partake of the benefit, and none could believe, if he had not ro(e from the Grave~ 'ri s clear his Death had been ineffett:ual without it. 3· Our Faith in his Promifes to give Life and Glory to his Servants, is bu ilt on his ~~~~r;~~~~~:ro~/~ar~0~1 ~:; :~ildh~~:i~~e~ea~hJ ~~~t;;~; ~s~ 7~~~ finha~l ;e~:;~~~ ed? If he had been confined to the .Grave, all our Hopes had been buried with hijll. But his RefurreLl:ion is the Caufe, Patern and Argument of ours: He did not only raife his Body from the Grave, but his Church with him. Now the etfeLl:ing this is attr ibuted to the Divine Power, with a Note of Eminency : Chrift !Vat raifed by the Glory of his Father, Rom. 6. 4· that is, by his Power, which in that ALl: was manifeLl:ed in its full fplendour ; for what is flronger than Death ? and more inexorable than the Grave? Omnipotency alone can break its Gates, and loofe its Bands. I i ' CHAP.