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The Exiftence of G 0 D. ~ apd Evil T hings for moO: wife Reafons ; partly to convince Men rhar the Recompences of ~ Moral Afrions arenotdillributed by rheju!l:Godhere, but referved for the next life : And '· partly thatthe foundation of true Vertue might not be taken away ; for that conGas in r,referringthe honefr Good before the Pleafant or Profitable in this World ; fo that there could nqt be a perfefr choice of it, if the certain expefra tion of a prefent tempor~l be p~fit were the motive to allure Men to its prafrke: But ufually 'lis otherwife. ~bl~,m~s" a ~JJ;itn?th;e}~~:t·fo~~~tofS~:sPo;~~~~ 1lr fr~~dil;i~l;~rrc:;~~~d 'b;~hei;~~~= ry of the next H;ir, wlmeas what is obtained by honellindullry, has a ble!ling convey'd along with it. J}ocf fometimes the Divine Providence is fo viflbl e in retribmions here, that impiety it f~lf qnnot overlook it. As when good Men are fignally preferved from imminept dangers, apd become fuccefsful in worthy deflgns beyond all humane expefrations. o, in puniJbing ~he Wjcked: As, 1. When there is fuch an exafr Correfpondence between the evils one has <!one, and the evils he fulfers, that the Signatures and Prints of the Crimes are ~pparent in the Sufferings. Per qHtC quit peccat, per ht£c & torq11etur. The Complices of the Sin, are the Executioners of the Punifhment. 2. When there is fuch a concurrence of Clrcumf\:ances in a Judgment, either as to the Time apd Place, or the InO:mments, that 'tis not po!lible for the Confidering Mind to reckon it among Cafual thincrs, or to attribute it meerly to [econd Caufes; to the Ra9e of Enemies, but mull: rife higb~r, and acknowledge that the blow was reach d from a JU!l: and f<ne Hand, that difpofed of all Accidents, and of the Counfels and RefoluuonsofMen forthe accomplifbment of his Righteous Will. Or, 3· WhenPe~fonsin the highe£1: Dignity, who have abufed their Power by Cruelties to others, are mtferably cut off. Even Hea thens adored a Power above, that has more Sovereign Authority over the greatef\ Monarchs, than they have over the meane£1: Slaves. Many pregnant Examples may bealledged; I will inflance in a few: Thus inf\rufred by his punifbment concerning his fins, gave glory to God : Threefcore and ten Kings, h(fl)ing their thumb! and their great tt~e.r cut off, gathered their medt 11nder my Table : as I h""e done, fo God hath rerurded me. It a!l:onifh'd one of the t wi- 'O!to,Ru fell: and moO: vertuous of the Romans, thatl'ompry fhouldperifh in cl1e·defence of the Ju!l:er ~~~;:~;~~ Caufe, and Cefar profperin h~s violent Ufurpation; but ifhe had lived a while longer, ""'"· . and feen the 11 Ufurper killed m the Senate-houfe that Pompey had dedicated to the Com- ~~~~~~t,. of p~~;;.~·~~~'tu:,h:r~g!~eJh~~tf:'~~~i~t!.;:;: ~{~~~r~ef~t~db~~~na;;JI~~~ ata~~ ~~~V~~ , Jofeph.; ~:~~~ifi~~dhi'%, t~v~~s [~~~i:J;rn~u~~r ~~~nt:."'!J,~~~fulti;~e ~a~~J ~!~l::!':fP~; tGuicrimlino. wretched Vermine, as the ju£1: puni!hment of his Pride. t Pope Alexander the fixth, was poifoned with that Wine he had prepared for the murdering fame rich Cardinals. ~M<ztray. :r:h;~~~~~:r~n°fi~~~~:: Q~!~b~~~~!r:h~t~~~ ~~e~~:~:~f ~l~~~~rn~~~ba~nc~:~~x the bloody Maflacre of the Protejlants. Though that • abhorr'd Fafr was done by the malicious fury of a Monk, yet theCircumf\ances argue the procefsofDivineJu!l:ice, that by the Time and Place, the perpetual Witneffes of ACI:ions, gave evidence of his Crimfon guilt£1: him. In !hart, though extraordinary Calamities may befal Men for Caufes indifcernable to us, yet often there is fuch a perfpicuous demonf\ration of a holy ju£1: Pro· vidence in them, that all are compelled to confefs there is a God that judges the Earth. CHAP.