in Contrivi~Jg Man'I Redemption. 253 3· The !aCting Change made by the Gofpel is the effect of Infinite Power. Philofophy ~' (n), though maimain'd by the fucce!live force of the greateft Wits, yet declined and Chap 21 ' cJme to nothing. But Chrif\:ianity attended only by its own Authority, efl:abltfi1'J 1 ts(~l!· Daminion and rais'd an eternal Empire of Truth and Holinefs in the World. Thett!"~tscHmocciRea[on of Man cannot inft;>ire into its ProduCtion~ a Pri?cii?Ie ?f ':-ife; onl_Y_that P?wer :;;;:n:~~~r;~,.. which conveys to Man an Jmmortal Soul, can denve to Its ,n(btuttons a Sp1nt to ammate tlts.mrtun~~ra and prefen·e them ( x). And this victorious permanent Virtue of the Gofpel is more ad- 'Jb~~n::~en mirable in regard ir prevail'd without the afiift:ance, and againfl: the oppofition of all. Chrijlianor11m~ ~~~:i~~ec:~~e ~~~:~~~.~~fi'\~1~:f~~t:~:~~~d ~~tcfPfe~u~;· co~t~d~ar~!t a::;~: ?~i?;f~~ .. 1fcution; ir was multiplied by the Deaths of its followers. The Cloud of 11litneffes dilfol- Maxinumanu:' ving in a Sbower of Blood, made the Church fruitful. For many Spectators tbar [a~ rhe ~~~~:,uiuChriftian Faith fo fiercely perfecuted, from a deiire to know the caufe that made 1t fo ~"fii. Ampli· hateful , by fearching for its fuppofed Guilt, found its re~! Innocence. And thus to.dif- ~:;:;.,;,(;.~: cover the Truth, the Tempefl:s 1t fuffered were more ferviCeable than the Calm 1t enJoy- cidenttm Im· ed. Although fome Perfecutors have boafted of their utter aboliihing the Chriftian P"''&0 "": Name in all parts of the Empire; yet thofe Infcriptions are the proud Monuments of their ~~~illia~~:'.neo ~~~~t~;, ~~~t~~~~?Gor!!{b~~ :rhi~h;~;;in~~~~;~~~~ ~~~aati~: /r~:Ue~:[~w,8fo ~~~~ :r;: ~:~~:;~rtx~ fill ed with more than Humane Power. To fum up in ihort what hath been amplified; Hew gloriouily was the Arm of the Lord revealed in railing the World, that for four thoufand Years lay in Wickednefs? What lefs than a Divine Power could [often fuch an obftinate hardnefs, as long cuilom in Sin brings? What could pluck up Errors that had taken fu<h deep root in the Spirits of Men, and were natu'i."liz'd to them, and plant a Dif" cipline fo auftere and thorny to Senfe? Who but the Almtghty could ea(\; out the Devil from his Empire fo univerfally and long ufurpt, and withdraw his Subjects that were captivated by the Terror of Laws, and by the Delights of the F!eih? What inviiib!e Power made innumerable of the tender Sex, who were not by Temper couragious, nor by Ob-: fiinacy inflexible, nay, who were fo fearful that they could not fee a drawn Sword without afrightment, yet fo refolute, as to difpife all the Inflruments of Cruelty? What is more a!loniibing than to fee a flock of Sheep encounter and overcome an Army of Lions? This was the Lord's doing, and ought to be marvellous in our Eyes. Briefly, the making a Crucified Perfon to reign in the midfl of his Enemies, and to give Laws to the whole Earth, is a Victory worthy the Lord of Hofls. The Converfion of the World to Chriilianity was the effect of infinite Mercy, and equal Power. Laflly, The Divine Power ihall be gloriouOy manife!led in the compleat Salvation of the Church at the end of the World. Jefus Chrifl as Mediator is invefied with Sovereign Power in Heaven mrd in Earth: and in that quality he !hall exercife it, till our Salvation is finifh'd. · For he 111ujl reign tiU he hath put all Enemie.nmder hi.t feet, 1 Cor. 151 2 5· But we fee not yet aU thhtgr p111 ttnder him, Heb. 2. 8. Although thofe Perfons and Things that never degenerated from their Original, are entirely fubject to him; the Angels obey his Will, univerfal Nature is·govern'd by his Providence; the Heavens, the Earth, the Waters, and all things produced from them, never refifl the Direction of his Hand; yet thett are others that fell from their Integrity, and fome things confequent to Man's Rebellion, which either oppofethe Power of Chrifl, or are not yet attually fubdued; and they are the Enemies of our Salvation, Satan, Sin, and Death. Now the perfect freed om of the Church from all thefe, will be the lafl glorious Act of Chrifl's Regal Office. And 'tis obfervab!e, the Day of Judgment is called the Day of Redemption with refpect to the final accompliibment of our Felicity, that was purchafed by the in~ finite Price of his Sufferings. The Day of Chrifl's Death was the Day of Redemption, as to our Right and Title; for then our Ranfom was fully paid, and 'tis by the immortal Efficacy of his Blood.that we partake of the glorious Liberty of the Sons ofGod; but the al:tual enJoyment of 1t ilia I! be at the lafl day. Therefore the perfell:ion of all our Spiritual Pnvi!edges is referred to that time, when Death o11r lajl Enemy iball be overcome. The Apoille faith, Rom. 8. And not only they, but our [elver alfo, which have the firft .Jrstitt oftbe Spirit, evm we oHr felves, gro11n within our felves, waiting for the Adoption; to wit, the Redemption of our Bodies. During the prefent Life, we are taken into God's Family, in the quality of his Children; but the mofl folemn Act of our adoption O~all be at the !aft day. In this there is a fimilitud~, betwixt Chrifl and his Members: Fo~ although he was ~he ~o? of God by his marvellous Conception, and owned by him wh1!e he performed htS Mtmflry upon the Earth; yet all the Teflinnonies of God's Favour t? him, were not comparable to the Declaration of it in raifinghimfrom the Grave: Then m the face of Heaven and Earth, He faid, Th•u art my S.n, thir D<J have 1 begot- ""