25 '• <Jbe Harmuny of the 'Divine Attribmes ~-,-,.-1-h-ee.--S-o -in-tl-,i,-L-if_o_O_od-a-ck-no-w-le-d-ge-sa_n_d_tre-at-s-us-a-sh-is_C_h-ild-re-n-,-he-c-lo-ath-s-us Chap. 21. with the Ri gh teoufne!s of his Son, feeds us with his Word, defends us from om Spiriv-v--J tual Enemies; but the moft publick Declaration of his Favour fhall be in the next Life whe" all the Children of the Reforre/Jion fhall be born in a Day. Add further, Althougl; the Souls of Bel ievers immediately upon their Separation are received into Heaven) and dnring the Sleep of Death enjoy admirable VHionsofGlury; yet their Blelfedne(s is imperfeCt, in comparifon of that excellent degree which fhall be enjoyed at tne RefurreC'cion. As the R..oman Generals, after a compleat Conqueft, firfl: entred the City privately, and having obtained Licenfe of the Senate, made their triumphant Entry with all the Magnificence and Splendour becoming the Greatne[s of their ViCtories : So after a faithful Chrif\:i:m bath fiU1ght t!Jegood Fight, and is come off more than a Conqueror, he enters privately into the Celeftial City; but when the Body is raifed to Immortality, he !ball then, in the Company and with the Acl:lamations of the Holy Angels, have a glor ious Entry into it. I will briefly confider why the Bodies of the Saints fhall be raifed, and how the Divine Power will be manifelted in that laft AC'c. 1. The general Reafon is from God's Julti ce. As the Oeconomy of Diviue Providence requi resrhere muft be a future State, when God fhall fit upon a judicial Throne ro weigh the Actions of all Men, and render to every one according to their quality; ro 'tis as necelfary that the Per(on be judged, and not one Part alone. The Law commands the entire Man compo!ed of elfenrial Parts, the Soul and Body. And 'tis obeyed or violated by both of them. Altho' the Guilt or Moral Goodnefs of ACtions is chiefly attributed to the Soul, becaufe 'tis the Principal of them, yet the ACtions are imputed to the (y)A,imi ;m-whole Man. The Soul is the Guide, the Body thelnltrument (y): . 'tisreafonab!ethereptri~ t;crt"'ri~ fore thar b0th fbould receive their recompence. We fee the Example of this in Humane ~t'::n:~.'S;f }ll fr ice, which i:l aCopy of the Divine. The whole Man is punif11'd or rewarded. The Soul is punilh'd wit h Difgrace and Infamy, th,e Body with Pains: the Soul is rewarded with Efleem and Honour, the Body with external Marks of Digni ty. Thus the Divine JuHice wi ll tender to every one according to the thiugs dom: iu. the Body, whether good or evil, 2 Cor. 5· I Q. o. The fpecial reafon of tqe Saints RefurreC'cion is their Union with Chrift: for he is not only our R..edeemer and Prince, but our [econd Adtlm, the fame in Grace as the firft was in ;-.!ature. Now as from the firft, the Soul was defhoyeci by Sin, and the Body by Death; fo the fecond reltores them both to their Primitive State, the one by Grace, the other by a glorious RefurreC'cion. Accordingly the Aportle faith, 1 Cor. 15. 21. that bJ Mmz came Detrth, and bJ Man came the RefurreOion from the Dead. Chrifr removed the ~~~f: ~ff,i~a~;:tlhi,m~~~~~Y~{v~~r f~'t{;~~u:s ~={;~fi::i~~;t ~he~~~~ '~~u\~e n~~fi~~~ mit the Guilty to be reftored to eternal Life: and the Natural, by his rifing from the Grave to a glorious Immortality. For his infinite Power can do the fame in all Believers. 'Tis obfervable, the Apoltle infers the RefurreC'cion of Believers from that of Ghrilt, not only as the Caufe but the Original Example. For the Members mutt be conformed to the Head, the Children to their Father, the younger to the elder Brother. Therefore he is called thejirfl fru;ts ofthemthatjlept, I Cor. 15. and tbejirjl-begottm ofthe dead, Rev. r. In Chrift's lte!imeC'cion ours is fo fully alfured, that the Event is infallible. Now no le[s than infinite Power is requifite to raife the Bodies of the Saints from the Du!\, and to transform them into the !imilirude of Chrilts. 1. To raife them. Nothing is more aftonin1ing to Nature, than that the Bodies which after fo many Ages in the perpetual Ci rculation ot the Eloments have pall into a thoufand different Forms, one part of them being refol ved into VVater, another evaporated (zJiml"f<O•into Air, another rurned into DuCt, fhould be reftored ro their firlt State (z). What in b'Jmw ;-ll- Wifdom is requi!ite to [eparate the Parts [o mixt and confounded ? W!Jat Power to rej:Z;;!,'~;t;;.compofe them? What Virtue to reinfpire them wich new Life? . It may [eem more difum q:d~tm1'0!-ficutt chan to revive a dead Body whofe Organs and matter is not changed, of which we f!,o;;;;~;J,m have Examples in the Scripture. When the Spirit of che Lord placed Ez.ekjel in the morttm(onfcJf- midfi: of a Valley cover' cl with Bones, and cau[ed him to confider attentively their Num2~::.:~~~:~~=:~~~i~~~ ~::;e~~-g~:a~,, ~~du~h;~r ~~~~h,e ~rZ~eef~,iv7~eadk~dn~i~;ll:~~~~cb:~te~o;~~ ~~~:~;~i~~Yfl~:~~e~~~hl~~~~~i~~t1:t~&b:~inhge ~~~~~~~~' a£~r~~et~~~~,:~~on ~;~~ ~;:i~~f~~~~ manded him, to proph.efie upon thofe Bones, and fpealz to them, as if they had been endtl· ed with Senfe and Underftanding: 0 ye dry Bones, hear the Word ofthe Lord: Thnsfohh the