, irr {:PtJ[rivi1Jg M~r/~J{edemptlon.• thi: Lord Go,J mito i?Jife Bone;, Behold, I wiU wtfe Breath to enter into yo11, and ye jhaU ~ live. And J wiU lay Sinew.r 1JfOJZ you, and wiU hring in Flcjh upon yoJJ, and cover you with .Chap. 2, I • Sf«11 , aJtd put Breath in you, and y ojhaU live, dnd ye ff>all h;zow that Jam the Lord. And 1../"V'U immediately there was • general Commotion among them, they joyned together, the Si· news and Flefh came, upon the111,_and the ~kin tqvered them.' And upon·a fecond Pro: phecy they were ai,) infpired 'Yith the Bre.a.th of Life, and fiood . up an exceeding great Army. Now \vh·etHer this wa~reaqy repref<;:nted to his 'lu1ward Senfes;-'f>r only by the EfficJcy of the Spirit t0 his lmagin'atieJl, nadbllbt f0 firange a SpeCtacle v~hemently af. fetl:ed ,hi{ll; as wirh Joy in hope of ~he miraculous Refioration of J)i·acl, which that Vifion foretold, fa with admiration of, the Divine 'Power. But when the Trumpet of the Arch-Angel fha\( found the univerfal J11bilee (a),"~nd _call forth the £?ead from all their ~~;:,t,:~~ R eceptacles, when the Elements, as fatthfu! ~epofitortes, !haiL efle&tvely re,lt,ore what 9 ,;, """'·"' w,.~-c~~tt~:~h~X, 1'~fi~~;e~~';.,~~~i~~~~\:~~a1~~e~~;:;;~~ ~~~;:fro:.~ the .!i,kenefs of;~fJ~::. C~i([s. The f\poftle fpeaks with av. exaggeration of it: -For oJtr Cmzve;firtion i.r in Hea- w artfcit in . Ve~ (rO"nJ w~mce alfo we look._for the Savtour th.e Lor4 JefdJ Chrijl, who jhall chttnge our~:1;:::;;t~vt Vile /3ody, that it may be fafbioned li~ unto hi.r Gloriou.r Bodj, according to the work._ing[~lvitllf, wlin whereby how ahle-to'jitbd11e aUthingr to himfelf. This Refembiance wiU be only in the Per-"~"'m "m- .f;n ·of Believer.r. AI) Men Cball rife to be judged, but: bot ali to be transformed. Theref~~:~o%'m'llefe_ is a ,1\.efurreftion to Death as well as to Lik Unhappy RefurreCtion! which only"~''"; f'"""· ferv.~s fO mak: ~~e Bod_Y t~e foqd of eterna) Qeatb. But t~e Saim_s w_ho endeavour to ~~,e~~~n~~~~ be' like to Chrtfi m Funty, !hall then have a perfell confo{mtty to htm m Glory and !m- "m '"ff•H• mortality. How' glbrious·the )lady ofChii!f is, we may conjeCture in part by what the •tf:;:ti~i 1 Apollle <elates to Ag•ippa, Afr:.2'?· 13. .lt ;,,;d,day, 0 King, I fow i~' the way a Light Ar '·' ' from Heavcn'ffbove the brightnefnof the Sun, foinhtg .round about me; whtch was no othet but the Light of the Face of Chrifi that flr-uck him 'with B!lndnefs. One Ray of this reBelling upon the firft Martyr St. Stephen in his ,S%fferings, gave an Angelica! Glory to his Ceuntenance. And St. John tells us, 1 1o~. , ; 2. When he appearr, we /haU be li~ him. He alludes td the riling of the Sun, but'wit ' this difference: when the Sun ap~ pears in the Morning, the Stars are made invifible; but the Bodies of thl' S~ints !ball b~ ~~b~~~;,i;kbdu~~~~~~~~;~::jf~~~d~~~~~:a~~:~~ 'g;~;;~nt~~~g~~~Z oii'r~ol~. Brigh\IJefs,_' ,, 'fl>,e 1\olJ§l~W<i.Hbe:furipri~ed !with<wdn\li,r to fee_millions of Stars fpl;i'ng oet o( ,the.Q~fi. r Tho<tord "j.efo'r C~ri,lirw'fll ,be ad~ird in aU them that belfeve, 2 Thef. J, IQ•. f·/t . .J . .1 .:..i:.tf.<; ., ,;-.,_ -~ru.- • 1 ; r 1 • . 2, Tqeir ,Bodies !hall:be rai(tid toa-gl<irious lmmortality. , In this the general RefurreU}pn is dilfere!J.t fr9m tb~~t which•..Was panticular, as of' Lazanu. By the one Death ~:~~o;i~~~~e~;h~~~~~ ~;~~: 0B~{b~0;~:-~~:i~~e~~%~1urZ~j-~~u~~~ ~a~nn'h~~~~ :h cr~:~r ~~; ~~!~~a~~~l~~r~:~;he;~ri~~~nu~8~~,~'ffs.~~~ l"!ft~.~\h.~~n~~~:~~ at xi~ I;:eet, and fing the triuml'hant Song, 7fhou haft·redetm'd· ~l'tW GM by'thy Blood, and m»wr ~s by thy,Pow~r from all ·our Enemies, arid arrworthJ'ff'Honuor, ·'an<f. Glory, "and ~:/:~t ever. , ' 1 :.' _,, ·, '[:;~.~~o ~':,.:,'.'' ~~;~~~ ,_.',, , m;: · ,, ~ :\,it •·, ~-; .1 ;';:s~;;,~,.·~~:·;l1 ~1f~\'i~~J1 ~~J,,;. 1 : .lffi;~~~~l ~/~!~~";.1jjf, ~~~ .. ( ~~ ~£~1) 1; .1 31"h ''11'11. : : i 1 ~j] ) ~t 1 CHAP.: v;oVI