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in Contriving M?J'n's Redemption. "-l\,/'1 c H A P. xxm. ~; The Honour of God's Truth with refpeCi to the Legal Threatning, was preforved in the Death of Chrift. The Divine Truth witb refpea to tbe fromifes and Types of Cbrift under the Law, was juftifted in bis Comi11g, and tbe accomplifh· ment of our Redemption by bim. Some fpecial Predit!ions conjidered that refpe8 the time of his Coming. Tbe particular.Circumftanm that refpe8 the MdTiah; are verified in Jefus Chrift. The Confequents of the McQ!ah's <o'nting, fo~e~ told by t/Je Prophets, are all come to pafr. Tbe Typu of tbe. Law are ccmpleat in Chrift. A particular Confideration of Manna, the Rock, and tbeb r• oz,w Serpent, as they referred to him. The Pafchal Lamb co11jidered. A jhm Pa. rallel between Melchifedec and Chrift. The Divinity of the Oofpel proved, by comparing the ancient Figures with the prefont Truth, and frediClions witiJ the E.ventl. The Happinefs ofChri!lians above the Jews, in tbe clear Revelation of our Saviour to them. From the accomplijhment of Prophecies concerning the firfi Coming of Chrtjl, OIU' Faith jhould be confirmed in the fr~mifo of his Cecond. THe Original Law given to Man in Paradifc had a fevere Penalty an next, that upon the firfl breach of it he fhould die. The end of the Threatning was to preferve'in him a conflant reverence cf the Command. After his Difobedience, the honour of the Divine Truth was concerned as to the infliCting the PunHhment. For altho' the Supreme Lawgiverhath power over t?e Law to r<lax the Punilhment ast~ particu lar Perf?tlS; yet ·having declared that accordmg to that Rule He would proceed m Judgment wtth Man, the perfeCtion of his Truth required, that Sin !hould be puni!hed in fuch a manner, that his Righteoufnefs and Holinefs might eminently appea r, and the reafonable Creature for ever fear to offend Him. Now the God of Truth hath by the Death of his only Son fd compleatly anfwered the Ends of the legal Threatning, that the Glory of that Attribute is broke forth like the Sun through all the Clouds that feemed to obfcure it. Mercy and Truth meet together, Rigbteouf nefs a11d Peace kJfi eacb otber. Of this I have fo largely_ treated before, that I fhall add nothing more concerning it. There is a Secondary refpeCt wherein the Truth of God is concerned, as to the •ccompli!hing our Redemption by Jefus Chrifl , which I will briefly explicate. God having decreed the fendi ng of his Son in the quality of Mediator to purchafe our Salvation, was pl eafed by feveral Promifes to declare his merciful purpofe , and by various Types to lhew the defign of that glo~ rious Work, before the exhi bition of it. This was the effeCt of his Supreme Wifdom and Goodnefs. Firft, To comply wi th the weaknefs of the Church, when 'twas newly feparated from the World. For, as a fudden flrong Light over-powers the Eye that hath been long in . the dark, fo the full bright Revelation of the Gofpel had been above the capacity ofthO: Church, when 'twas firfl freed from a flare of Ignorance: Light mixt with Shadows was proportionable to their Sight. Therefore he was pleafed by .feveral 1\.eprefentatiotis and PrediCtions to exerci fe the Faith, entertain the Hope, and excite Defires of his People be~ fore the accomplifhment of our Salvation by his Son. Secondly, To render the belief of it eafie and certain afterwards. Now,!or the honou~ of his Truth, he was engaged to make good his Word : For altho' pure Love and Mer~ cy is the Original of all God's Promifes to Mah, yet his Truth and Fidelity are the reafonsofhisfulfilling them. NotthatGod is underthe obligation bf a Law, buthisbwii . Righteous Name is the inviolable Rule of his ACtions. Accordingly the Apojl,le lays it as the foundation of our Hopes, Tit . I. o. That God who cannot lie, bath promifcd i terital Life. The DivineDecree alone concerning our Salvation by Chrifl, is a fure Foundation: Fer God is .as unchangeable in his Will, as his Nature. In him there is no· vll ridbfe.. 11ejf, >ZOr fbddow of turning, Jam. r . '7· But the Promife determinesthe Will of God td perform it upon another accoun t : For 'tis not fingie inconflancy bu t fa!!hood, not tci perform what is promifed , from both which He is infinitely diflant. St. Paul all edges' this for the reafon why the Covenan t of Grace is unchangeabi e and of .everl afli ng Eflica, cv, in that the Coun!ei of God was by his Promife and bath confirmed, Heb. 6. t,7 , r8. Thatbytwoimmutflblethings, htwhich it W '(U impoifible for God to lie, we might bave ~rong Confolation. For the ProJUife gives a rightflll claim to the Creatu re, and the fulfillin g ~( L I 3 · tt