Ornaments;-fo efpecially~ becaufe Cl~teCf:\Ye~m i'liQ!e Excellencies tha t were peculiar to the "-.A./1 ~~~i.ms~~~ fi;;ef~~~A~ke~!!~et~0c~e~!~%'e ~~~ ~~r~K2~a;at~cee ~r~;o:xdb~~~~~~~~~~e; ~~~~ ~· rhe Holy Gbofl who infpir'~ the. Pr!Jphets. But when the Lord came to his Temple, and ·perform'd m~ny of his Miracles there, this brought a Glory to it infiuitely exceeding that of the former. For what comparifon is there betwe~n the fi1adowy Prefence of God be- !ween the Clienlbims, an~ his real Prefef\Ce in the hwnane Natur·e of Cbrifl, ih whom the Pulnefs of the God-head dwelt p.o.dily? How mq<;~ inferiour were the Priefls arc! !Prophets to him, who came from Heaven, and had .tpeSpirit withoutmeafure, to reveal 'theCounfel of God for the Salvation of the World? ~Jef~~ ~~~ih~rti~~Ja~~ir~~~!~:e:h~~r;~;.d~':;.~t~~~J~h!'n:•t~::.~:~~e~~i:~e~r~~ .pare )1is way by prea~hing the Do(lti!Je ?.f Repentance; that he !hou!d be born of a Jl!rgin, and of .the .Family of David, af\d,m the Town of Betblehem; that he {hqu!d gb m: -to Eg7pt, , and b~. called forth from tlierice by: God; that his chi~f reGdence !hould ·be >n Galilee, the Re~10n of Zr~bttlon an.d •lflapthalr; that he !hould be poor and humble and «:nter into Ffie,r;.J'alem on the Foie of-an .1\fs; that \le !hou!d .per,form great Miracles in reflaring the'I)Jind, the Lame, the 'Deaf and Dumb; that he !hould fulfer many Aflliaions, Contempt, Scorn, Stripes,; be.fpit, on, ·fcourged, betmyed by his lamiliar Friend, fold for a fordid Price; that he !hould be ·put to Death ; that his Hands and Feet !houl.d b.e 'bored, and his Side piercep; that he !bouJd die between twoTbievos; that in his Paflion he !hould tafle Vine&ar' and qall; that his Garl)lents !hould be di1·ideJ, a_nd. L_otS b..e 'cafl for his Coat; that he !hould be buried,and his •Body not fee Corruption, but rife again the third day; that he !hould afcond to Heaven, ane;! Gt at the right Hand of Gbd: and all thefePre'diClionsi're exadly fulfi)I'J 1 in the ~ord .Chrifl. 1 3· The confequents of, hjs coming are foretold. , , 1. That the '}ews 010uld rejed.him, l:!equfe ofthe •nJeannefs of his appearance. They neither und~rfrood the Gr,atncfs aocl Maj!:fly, nor the Ahafeme.ht of the Mejfiah defctib- <'d in iheir Prophecies, Jft. 53· not his Greatnefs, that the Sen of David was bis Lord; ~at he was before Abraha111, who rejoiced to f.e his Day: for they did not believe the -E;ernity pfhis Divine Natt\re, they diclnot underflanq his humiliation to Death: There,- {ore 'twas ol;>j~Cled by them that the Mefjial, remains for ever, ~nd this Perfon f•ith he Jhall die. They fancied~ carnalMcJ]iah fl1ining 1vith worldly Pomp, accompanied with th_undrin&1 ~egi'lns, ~~ delirec them frOIJl Tempora! Ser~·itud'e; fo tl:at 1vben they fawhi~i rpTtho11tform .4nd cON{Clmefl, and th4f tto Beauty was m ~~~14 to maize buN clefirab!e, they ~;,q 'rheir Faces fi·q,>him, tbey drj}ijid and eflcemed bir;r 1101. Thus by their obflinate refufal "Of the Mcfjiah, they rdly and viftbly fulfilled the Prophecies concerning him. 2. That the Levitical Ceremonies and Sacrifices !hould ceafe upon the Death of the !yiejfiah, 1nd the Jewifo Nation be ditTolved .. Altho' dJe legal Service was eflabliO,.d witll great Solemmty, yet there was always a fufficu:nt Indication that it iliould not be perpt::tu- :~J. Mofis, who delivered the Law~ told them, that God would r(zife auother Propbet ••hont they w1tjl hear. And D<vid (Pfa:. 11 0. 3.) compofed a Pfalm to be fungin the Temple, containin~ the eflabli!hment of a Priefl, not according to the!order of Levi but Melchifedcc, who fhould bring in a woriliip Sp.ritual and Divine. And we ree this accompli rh' cl: all the Ceremonies were buried in his Grave, and the Sacrifices for above Gxteen hundred Yearsareceafl. Befidesthe Deflrudion of the holy City and Sanduary, the Jews are fcattered in all parts, and in their dreadful difperfton fulfer the jufl Puni01ment of their Infidelity. :;. It was prophefied that in the time of the Mcfliah Idols !honld be ruined , and Idolaters converted to the Knowledge of the true God : That he fJould be a Light to the Gcn" tiler, and to him the gatheri11g of the PeoplefJOuld be. And this is fo 'v ifibly accompli!h'd in the Converfton of the World to Chriflianity, that not one jot o r tittle of God's Word bath faile~; fo that befidesthe Glory due to his Power and Mercy, we are obliged to honour htm as the Fountain of Truth. I will now make fame lbort refledions upon the Types of the Law, to !hew how they b~:n~~'drl;~~eiJ,Q;?i~~fl~ll i;.h;a~~.fai~ize;~~;~o~p::~:~o if~!:~· ~;,~,~;;o1;e:;,:, re~%: 10. Chrijl was the end of the Law, R.om. 1 o, 4· the fubflance of thofe Shadows. ' The main defign of the Epiflle to the Hebrews is to fitew, that in the ancient Taberriacle there were models of the Heavenly Things revealed in the Gofpel. The great number ?f !ypes declare the variety of the Divine V\'ifdom, and the admirable fulnefs of Chnfl m whom they are verified. Three forts were inflituted. 1. Some