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'The HarmO'!J of t be 'Di'Vine Jlttribut cs , &c. ~ mt: nc, in~reaf~, but do not chan~e- the narnre of the Ughr. lflti4b, who is lo exafr in Cha p. 2 3. defcribing all th~ Circumfianceof our Sav iours Death, and his Innocence, ~umiliry , and l..t"""'""\ Patience, that he feems to be an Evangcli11 rather than a Prophet; yer rhe Ethiopi.m Profel yte, who certainly was a proficient in the 'J.ewifb R.tligion nnJerr<Ood not of whom the Prophet fpake. We fee what they were ignorant of, nor that OL~r Sight is fhonger, btlt our Light is more clear. The DoCtrine of the Me ffiah fa ved dH.~m, but 'rwas then feen at a dHhnce, and under a veil of Ceremonies after the Jewifh fa fhi on, that concealed its native Beauty. The manifefiarion of it is more evident in the Accompl ifimJent, than whiles the objeCt of future ExpeCtation. The Palfover had refpeCt to their Deliverance ;;;~nL~&P~f~~dw~~.~a,~~s ~~~a~:r;~o;; t~:~i~:~f~~~ew~:~J, ~t~~i\~a:h~;r~eta ti'Ztn~; fo cl earl y underO:ood. Our Sacraments havea relation to what is pafr, and excite the memory by a clear ftgnification of his Sufferings. The full difcovery ofthefe Myfl:eries were referved as an honour to our Saviours Coming. He expounded the fil ent Types and fpeaking Oracles by an aCtual Accomplifhment, and real Comment in his Perfon, Li fe and Death. He is theSun of Righteoufnefs, and fheds abroad a Light that excells that of all the Prophets in brightnefs, as well as his Perron tranfcends theirs in Dignity. And how fhoul d the EvangeUcal Ligh t warm our Hearts, with thankfulners to God for this admirable Priviledge? The dim foreftght of the Meffiah two thoufand years be fore his Coming, put Abraham in an extafie of Joy; how f110uld rhe full Revelation of Him affeCt us? Many holy Prophets and Kings defired to fee the things toat we fee. They cm· braced tl>c P,·omifeJ, we have the blelfed EffeCts ; They had the Shadows, we h"•e the ~ieg~~ory ~};I, 0L;;JaN~~e;~i~~ts ~~~e~!t~b~~~;~~~~i~~;i 7;;;/g~:eb.:~,/b. ,~.~~j;f:d into thefame Image fro"' Glory to Glory, ., by the Spirit of the Lord? The Life of every Chrifliall !hou!d be a fhining Reprefentation of the Graces and Ver.tues of Chrifl: that are fo vift~l e in the Gofpcl. Their Holinefs and Heavenlinefs, their hopes and Joy fhould as much exceed the Graces and Comforts of Believers under the legal Difpenfation, as their Knowledge is incomparably more clear and perfeCt. To conclude, From the Accomplifhment of the ancient Prophecies in the firfl: Coming of the Mefliah, we may confirm our Faith in th.ofe glorious Promifes that are to be fulfill" c:\ at his faeo~zd. For "tis the fame Qivine Goodnefs, the fame Fidelity, the fame Power fli(l upon which we are to build our hopes. f\nd the Confideration, that the Perfe· Ction of our Happinefs is referv"d till th'at time, fhoulp enflame our defires after it. Twas the chAYal1er of Believers of the Old Teflament, They waited f or the Confalation of Ifrael: Tis the defcription of the Saints in the New, they love the appearance of Chrifl. If they long"d for his Coming in the Flefh, tho" it was attended with all the circumflances of Meannefs and Difhonour, the effells of our Sins? with what ardent and impatient De· fires !hould we hafl:en hi< Coming in GlorJ, when He foaU appear the Second time to them that look.Jor him, withoHt Sin, unto Salvation/ Heb. 9· 28. Then He will put an end to all the Diforders of the World, and begin the Glorious State, wherein Holinefs and !~~~t:~~d~~}s~~~~~;s~~~~;~ c/t1:~g~h~~r ~::~d;l ~~:.r;~,:fiJI:.~~~r~~J",!o~~dftn '~~:! ~h:F;r;';:J~h~tu~:::~7:gt:if0~qc;;:; ~~;hiJ:;f~~:~nA:o ~t;::~:J~~'J:!;fs~e :;;tne:t; ~(,~f:~\l~;l~rQ,";f{b:1l:6r~;~n~~;~~~t-:fr~;df~i~o~9t~~~lt f;;;'~j :~~h~r~~~t~; ~;~ thm a!/. the F;repar.tionJ- of ln.fnite W)f,Lm~ and Goodnefs; the things that Eye hath not fim, vor Ea~ heard, neither enter.ed into the heart of M,:n, Cball be the everlafiing portion of thofe who love God, v. 4· Con;~ Lord Jejiu. THE