Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

<Jhe Gredt Duty.IO{ Re,fignatiofl. Exprcflion is high and cmphatical, Ius Holineft; the brighrcfuGJory of"his Nature: the divinefi Gift of his Love. . . . " · tri l The rwo principal parrs of Holinefs, arc c:cafing from,doing Evil, un.J leat:ning to dti Well. And Affiictions arc ordained and fcm as proiinable for both the!(: Effects. · • , 1 I •l .:-L 1 • For the prevention or cure of Sin, ·which iS an evil int_otn.parably tVoufe in its Na-\ rurc, and terrible confequcnts in this and the ncxr World,. · ~ban al! mecr a.ffiiCbng tem; poral Evils. Sin defiles and dcbafeth the Soul,, wJ1ieh is uhe ,pnoper Jl,"-ecllency of -Man, and fCparatcs from God our Supream Good.. ·if_our jim '_ b~rUr:.fephrated bethJt~tJ yotf aJid1r.~. 59 2 _ your God, and bave bid his face from you. All Aff!IC!ions bcfal us hctc 111 our. l?t:D- ~ [o:~s~~~~~~;:ur:n~~flt~a:h~o~~~~~~~~~~:~;~e~~~', rl~~a~:~:~p~~:~l~~efto;~~~; ' q - ro \\'ithdraw from. us, ~er ca~~t deprive us .or fJnion, wi~\ God by · F~ith .and :toVC;· nor of the Fruition of Ius prop1t1ous Prefence.. ~ Laz:.arus whcn,covcrcd .wo=h Vlce,&S,. \VJs ,,.. ,~ kiifed with d1c Kiifcs of his Mouth: Bur Sin ·hath rhi$ ,petni<ious Elli.:l'l, it . feparafes· · from his gracious Prcfence here, and, if contin~c~ in wiohou.r R~pcnranct, :; \~iH' cx~~ude from his glorious Prcfence for e\' er. Now !l.IRiC.bons a~c MedicmaiAppliCajj!!>n!< fon d1o Cure of .Sin, the Difeafe ahd Deacl1 of the Soul, and therefore m.l:iJJirdy wo.d'c; tha~i, the lharpcfl:Remedies. > ' • •• ,, _. Cl ·' The Bcgmnings and Progrcfs of ·Convcrfion to Gqd, are ufually b]t; f~IICl-JJicd Affiidions. Indeed, confidcring our .folly, and· petver!e abllf~ of his ·Bkl\illgs, ,they are the moil cong~uous means for o~r Rec.overy. ·The Light o( Go.d' ~Law <j0th not fo powe.r;_-· fully convmcc us of the Evtl ~f Sm, til1 felt in the Eifeds of it. Ihy. own wickc~ne(s. ]er. :1.. 1:>, }hall cor'reEl thee, and thy backjltdings jhall reprove_. thee ; k»olll therefor.C tmd.'fee that 'zt z} r .;;,! ~= :;;:;, '/a;fb a;te ~!;'de;; :lofts. th~~:~a1tfr~~7o~:~4 ;;l;t:z~~()=;e>1;~::~:rrJ:~;~~1~~~ the Word ; as the feeling of a tormenting E)jfeafe produ.Cerill .anothco '\<!itlil ·of tiJJdcdbaliding of it, than the reading o£ its Nature · ih Books ofi Phy{lek; an<L .they ·naakr :us more attcmivc to God's Call, and leave.a deeper l!,npreflii?Jl.YN11· \is, ,,<J$~.E#huhisbhfer! V:!tion, If jinners be hound i11 1 fetters·, .and heJdJjllJ ao.uh,' .<t!1~U. , I3c~ J!>ew»: them tbeir, !DorkS; Job 36 . 8 ~. ant! their tranfgrejfjons' tb/J.t , they .have- exu-ed(d•.:· .Atlli&ioni slatifies ,:~)!.eir,_ fig)l<; <l!l()kcs ' Sm to be as. heinous in thc.Yie>¥. ofConf<~errce, .llls ·.inbrs'<"Yn- tfouhl)la>ure' . ' It roUowo; .; : [{::rr~·::;~tl:{d:':~c:": r~:~;t,~;~~~.;,~·t::b';1u~~~:~~;Y,~~ff::.~t:~~~:~~~~~:~ V". •o. relent and rctnrr~ to their E>.ui:y. ·. ~~d afret ~v.erfi~n ~ ~c,ms:?d tltcir. _Di.iCiplin ;rro make us more cn'cwnfpcc.t and obedient. "ThecF[alinijl deda(e~, It is-g'ootl for me. that pc~. , •ii· I bave beeJ1 ajjlicled: For beforc .hc, was ·afflifud ·he went :lil:ray : Hcn~as rednccd ftdzh · •t the Error of )lis Ways by his Troubles: And 'nvas · (1is <>xperimeural Qbfervarion 9 I know in faitbfulneft (from the Con!lancy of. Love) t/Jo• ,htff/ affliEietf ,me-. '' Notlting- :fo cools <itil: Zeal to l;re•nal things, as dte Love ef the Wiu:ldl Vital H ea·c declinesfand languifhcs, as the fe¥erifu H""!JiS inflame<!,; .aad.till 'we feel the VexatiO!fs, we. · ,,.l, lured by the Vaitities of<he ll(orldro .T.l)ereftltti· God i~.pleafcd by _f•ch ,bitter means i to make us,rribre Holy-,and.Hciavenly. i. SometimeS. h,c rcmo.ves wii:h Jealbl)fie rho1e Obje&s to' whi~h. our, HMrtS ~re fo enn~ly· cngaged-,. nhat the Enjoym.cnt. o~ rbc~1) the e .,~l afeendmg of our ,Atfec.tions ro· himfelf.,' Befidcs,', he,wil\rnot fuffer. us ,tQ 'perifh in ::.Plo1 fp:rity. We are c~a]l'ened of tbt ~ -Loid fo~ o~r · ~n;en~menb, th~t 16e may ·»?t be condemned"~ ~ f.o9."· ;tFt w1t!J theunreformedzvortd. And J&n<>nhzs .'an mfallible T10fhmony of" hzs Love'?•Ddvid "·' ' faid, Le't the rigbteou.rfmiteme,: and it foal/. be a J:.indnefs.;. -let him ~reprrYVd m:, :a'nd itfh.all pf~f. 1fi. ;. be an excellent oil. 1f he valued. rh~ Reprchenfions- dw were 'not contUmeliQuS,arldl izlj.u\ t·l :w:J , fl~~ci :~oer J,"c u~::!~~:~s~~o:'rh~~;.~JYF~:~kr~t'a~~ ~Y,~i~i~!~~ ~~:;:~~, to an humble and grarefu.L Acce~ance of rhisE>ifcipline, if. .w~ .con.fidet:what ·:IJfaYere neglect Iris, when God fuffersth~ ~ll icked to lcadavoluptttousLifc·wiihourdifrurbancii :i They arc encircled with Riches and Honours, ifuft*d .\~lth ' Picafures," clianried with:,;,.-; ., · · ,v;> • ticing Objects, and rhus become lrarden'd in Sirr; they are .R.i.orow; and Lu~UJZious; ~nd gtve the Reins to their corrupt linruly Appetite~ withoutcontrouL;t.dle Slaves of sen:fe; led only by Principles. ofPleafure, ·and hereby are incX<Ju!hhlc, nnd; madc iipc:for l)trditzon, and rcfcrved for final Vengeance: Glrliers, _rhougHmoh-gitilry of lcaddalous .Enoro mlt!cs, yet arc by continual Profperity fet1led·upon rhbr'"I<c'Os, .carefe!S rmid -fe.cttre, : JJeg,- leEt. tbe ~reat Sal'Vatio11, and fa{ jn :. thei'r£e3rcs,: It' is goOd•iiJ be•: hire ~ ... and rheit :E>am-;, ~~~~~d~~~.5- ~:~t~~~~~~~~g!1 t~!f~!~~'at~[~~[:;~;0a;~:1~~~~~:!!bk.1~~~t~;_ ::t ~ \~~~·.~~ have JUft,rcafon to be abandoned to. .SQrrow,. h!:ing forfa)<_si!..'of rile 1:ove cof God, " .12hd Oci 2 ,Bramble