Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

274 __ ~--~~-~- -T_h_e_G _ n_~_. _D_u~~--if __ R_e_ft_g~n_a_tl_.on_.~------- i Pti. i.1. Bramble is not tut, when the Vine is pruned till it bleeds, in order to its _fruit fulncfs ! This letting them alone to take their fill of Pleafures, is a heavy Prefage of final Ruin. When the Patient is dciperatc, the Phyfician lays no Rcftraint upon the difealcd -~ppctie<;., but pcrmtts him to take \'vhat he craves. llcfides, the Intention of God is by Afflictibn to cxcrcifc and illuftratc their G :aces. Th( m611 excellent Chri!lian Virtues would be comparatively of little ufc, without hard Trials. Unfeigned Fairh in the Truth and Power of God to accomplifh his PromifCs, fincore Love to him, humble Sclf-:denial, pcdCveri~g Patience then appear in their Radiancy and Vigour. What a blelfei:l Advantage is it, by the lofs of Temporal Comforts to increafe in the Graces of the Spirit? They are rhe true!\ Riches, rhe fulle!l Joy, and rhc highcfi:Honour ofa Chriftian. ~ S. Peter declares, The trial of our faith ii much more preci+ ~:!t:Z:[o~!t=~~/;::J::i!~t:n;~~: r;;:;~t;~ ~~frl~:~;~~r~~ :}~r~!P.ofI:~~~!0id:i~~ Jam. 1 • :, l· of S. James, Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Knowing tbis, tbat t)Jt trial of your faitb worket/1 fatience. Though Afflictions limply conlidered, may be very gnevous, yet if we adviicdly weigh, and rightly compare things, even when our forrowful P_allions arc moved, .our Judgments will eficem them matter of Joy, not only iti expectatiOn of future Happmefs, but as Divine Grace is thereby drawn forrh in the mofr noble Operations. In il1ort, the ultimate Delign of God in afflicting his People1 is thereby ro bring them to Heaven. Affliction mortifies the Lulls of the Flefl1, purifies t~1c Spirit, an~ makes us ft for the iniJeritance of the faints i11 ligbt. By perfevcring Pa- ~~:~~do~~ ~~ff~~~~~~, ~~[ ::~o:l~~o~~drh~ ~~~~ ~~drh~t~~v~n~~~h~l~r~~~e~~a!~~ Rev. ll. Rom.S. fh~lJ be confcrr~d as a ~eward to thofc that overcome. H there be no Enemy, there will . be no Fight; and tf no Fight, no Victory; if no Victory, 'no Triumph ; only tboic who conquer arc crowited. The beloved Ditciplc, ·with his Brother, though allied to o(tr Saviour by Confangui· ft~t~~1I;~hc~,~~t~~u~~r2~~;lo}~~i~":up:0 t~~ ~;~;1:~ ~;;0~fo~r~':!~,:~t1~~g~~a.l, J:,\ this fl1ould rccoricil£ our Spirits to alL our Troubles; for the Apoille declares, who was a competent Judge, l;aving been.througl\lyacquainted with Griefs, and had .a ProfpcC! into the Glotious Kingdom ; 1 recl.n that the fofferings of this preftnt life are not wortbj to ~e compared to the glory that Jhall be rnealed in us. IT. God's Love is difcovered in his compalftdnate Providence over_tl1em, and afftfling Power afforded w them in their 'Afflictions : He .fpcaks ro the afflicted and difconfol:rre, Hob. "· 1 . My [on, defi ife not thou the chaf/ening of the Lord, Hor faiflt when thou art rebuked of !Jj,., To fwccten by that render expreffion, the rigor of his Difcipline; to fignifie his dear fymparhy with their Anguifh and' Sufferings. · Heavenly Confolarion! Godhimfelfbears a fhare in their Sorrows, is aiflilled in tbeir Aiflillions, And rhc effect of this Love is, thar he always rempcrs and moderates their Trials to their Strength; or in<;reafes their Strength in proportion to the Trial. His Corrections arc deliberate Difpenfations, that proceed from Judgment, not frolJ1 Fury, ]or. a. which the Prophet earneftly deprecates. His Rods a.·e bound up with Mercy, Iris Faith- . pr~ . • 9 • , •• ~~~.~~i~~ ~:~~::i~~~e~f:I~c~ill~~;~~~~cr~;~.;i':t~!~r:~hi~~r~~ ~~~af:;~~[;~,~ p., H· and not keep my commandments, then will/ vifit their tranfgre.fliOn wit7; a rod, to' amend n~t to dcftroy them ; but my Urving kindnefs I will not take· away from them, nor .{uffir my , Co•. <o. ,,faitbfulnefs to fail. The Apo!lle alfures Believers, That God is faithful, who will not jif ~fta;~~h: :~;":!;1::uu; ~:"t!::'ft.areo~;· P.!"Je;:!,~w;~~~~e~~~~;t~~:;·;.te~:;~; Heavenly Succour, the prefence . of an Angel with a Melfage of Comfort. S. Paul 2 Cor. r. S· found it verified by his nw~Experience, ll;at as thefo.ffering,s of Chri.fl abounded in bim, 2 Cor. u. 9-fo his confolations abounde~ ~ Chri./1, arid the Divine Power was .~ccomp1ifued1 i11ufirioufly appeared in fitpporrin his weakncfs. ·· How many have emoyed Comforts of a more precious narure1 and m re.. abundant, in want of Supplies frorn the World, than in the polfeffion>cm? When. there is a total Edipfe below, the bleifed Comforter defcends with Light, and fills the Soul with Joy in believing: ~~: ~:;,s;::~ gre~~1~t~~~::~ha~e~f~:1s0fe!~ 1:~h ~~~~~~r~i::e~)t;:rr~~~~!~:J, · ~07fii!eJi~~~~d f~~~:n;~;i;~. ~~:J: 3D:~~~Yc~~~:r~~i~ ~~Su;u~~e ~~:~~fei~~~~i~~~s~r!~~h~:~t~~ ~~:n:~:~~~;~ have proceeded from their Lips, .as have been very comfortable to th6fe abour rh'cm. Tlurdly ;