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The Great Duty of J!.eftgnatiotJ. lutely for any rcm~or~l thing; but wheh our D~fires arc mo!l: ~all~onate, to fay \\~ir_h the humility and holmefs, the reverence and obcdJcncc of our ~avwur, Not my wzll~ btd ~t~: i~e :;];ad ";,~~~~~n~u~de~~;ft~~fu:s, 1:,;g~;K ;~ee,?r1v~~:y~~po:~~1d0~vl~~~n~:~ fhall come to rhc top of the Holy Hill, and look ·down on rhe various Circuits Of Providence by which we afc_endcd, we fhall then undcrll:a~1d that Wii~O:m aJ~d Love. conducted us fafel y to FeliCity; we !hall approve and admue a l_l the DIVIne Methods'" order to our Bleaed End. Now the Behef of tlus 1hould compofe us to a pat!ent and chearful Refignatio"n of our ldves to God's Providence and PlcaftJre. Who would not accept of the Counfel of a Friend that proceeds from Love, though his Judgment were not lo exact as to be rcLcd on? Much more fhould we rhankfulJy receive. the Appointments of God, whofe Knowledge and Affection arc equally fupcrlarivc, in whom there is united the Wifdom of a Father's , and the Tendernels of a Mother's Love to his Children. Briefly, As Jouathau by railing the Honey at rhe end ofhis Rod, had his Eyes enligh- :~1~~~ ~~3~1:0~~~~~~i~: ;~~e~~~p~~:~;~~~~~~nr~~c;t~0~~~~:~:~~i~!~~m,Ji:a~,~~; ~:o~~~=~~~ 277 lxrue our ways, and his thoughts ahO'lJe our thoug,bts, as the hea'"vens are abo<Ve the eartb. This Point is applicable to us. ' .Firfl:; ~y way of Reproof for our unfubn?llive Behaviour in AflliCl:ions, our ~mcom- Ufo 1 • pltance wuh the Divine Difpofals. Some are m a fccret Difcomcnt at God's affiiChng Providence ; and this razeth the memory of former Mercies, and takes away the relifh of prefent Mercies ; as the fweer. Shower.s of Heaven that £11l into the Sea arc turned into its brackifl1 ralte : Such neither enJOY God nor themfelves. What egregious Folly and vile Ingratitude is this! All we have, is from his mofl: free F av~ur; and fhall we peevifhly flight hi s Benefits, becaufe our Dcfires arc not gratified m every refped:? Others are moved wi d1 Anger and Vexation for the Evils that befal them: As the Redl10t Iron under the Blows of the Hammer calls abroad fiery Sparks ; fo their lhibborn fierce Spirits, when afflicted, break forth in Expretlions of Impatience and Difpleafure. They count Jt a bafe abjectnefs of Mmd, a defpicablc Pu@animity, to humble themfelves under God's Judgmems, and wnh Comnuon for their Sins to implore his Clemency. The 'Voice of tbe Lord maketh the hinds to cal'Vt, the timorous and weak creatures: But zvhen tbe hea'Uens roar, the lions thunder hack again. Thus ilrong and fiubborn Siimers, when rhey feel the Effects of God's Anger, are raging and furi ous in their Paflions and Expref- . fions. Tbe foolifh man per'Uertetb his way, his moj/ grievous fofferings are the fruits of bis Prov. 19 3· fins, a11d bis beart frettet/; againfl the Lord as the i11jliller of t/;em. This is a high Indignity to God, and an Injury to thcrnfclves. For a vile Creature, a bafe guilty Wretch to murmur an~ fiorm againfl: God's righte~us Judgments, argues a pr?digious Forgetfulnefs, both of 1ts Dependance and Obnoxwufi1cfs ro the Divine Tnbunal. It is i3id of the Adherents of Anti chrifl:, lhat they were fcorched great heat, and htafphemedRev. 16 ~· ~~~:~etro~~~~e1fh~c:cr~a~bftfl1~~;e s~~lr:eth;ar,::~~e11~1 t~e;r~~:;:~!Te~: ~:~~~:j;t~i~~ Dominion ; they have more need of Converfion than Confolation. Bcfides, by impatience and vexatious fretting, they exafperatc thei r Pains, turn the Rod into a Serpent, Vipers inro Dragons; and God's mighty hand is more heavy by their Refi!l:ance. Bold Expoil:ulations irritate his Anger, rather than incline his Mercy ; the wilful Ma.n nevei: ~vants Woe. With tbe froward, faith the Pfalmifl:, tbou wilt jhew ti?J felf froward, or, as Pfal. So. 1t is rendred in the Margent, wrej/le. The frrongelt Sinner is not a March for the Almighty; if his Anger excite his Power, how eafily, bow futldenly are they def/royed without remedy? Stubborn Impa~ience under the InAi~ions of God's righteous Providence, is the n earelt Step to final nun. Others are fo dqected and broken with Afflictions, that ~~~~rrl~~~~ftu:t1~~~;~:~~~d~d1o~ ~f1e~~~ae!t~::a~d~~:nr~;teirct~~~fe~ea~ai~:!:::~~i:~ into Defpair, they lament and languifh as if their Cafe were hopelefs and remedilefs. The Fountai n of this black Stream, is a fitpcrlative efl:eem and affection to inferior things: And '~hat is referved for the Ble!Ted Creator ? If a temporal Lofs be rhe moll: afflicting Ev•l , ns a fign that God was not valued and loved as the chiefelt Good. The difficulty of receiving Confolation, fhews the neceffity of their being Afflicted : The Lan- ~~:!~of! ~~1~~;o~~e~l~i~r~~~ct:y ~~~c~::e~k~td·1 ~6e;)r~fi~/e \;n~e1v;;~toa;::d/;m:~ei~ n~ lds Sacrific~ were due to the remembrance of their Lofs, but Life it fc1f. What a D!limagement IS this of the Divine Excellencies? Are the confolations ofGodfmall rous! Is not Ius Love a~le to C)>mpenf.1te the Lof<> of a fraiJ, mutable, mortal Creature ? CannOt he pleafe and fat1sfie us without the Fruition of one earthly Comfort? This dejection df S?irit