The Exiftence of G 0 D. To conclude this Difcour[e ; what rational doubt can remain after fo ilrorig . a witnefs ~ of the Deity External from the Univerfe, Internal from the frame of the humane Soul? ~ If we look through the whole compafs of natu~al Beings, there is not one feparately taken but has fome Stgnature of Wifdom upon lt. As a beam of Ltght paffing through a chink in a Wall ofwhatfigurefoever, always forms a Circle on the place where 'tis reflected and by thatdefcribes the tmage of its onginal, . the Sun. Thus God in every one of his Works reprefents himfelf Svlh r.dio fcriptHnJ, But the union ofall the parts by fuch flrong and fweet ba~ds, is a more pregnant proof of his omnipote?t Mind. Js it a teflimony of great nulttary sktll m a General to. range an Army compo~? of divers Nations that have great anupathtes between, them m that Order as ren9.ers 1t 'o.mP ir ,,~ . vW:orious jn Barrel? And is it not a td\:imony of jnfinite Providence to difpofe all the xv/2•f~~7 t' r.: Ho!lsof Heaven andEarthfoas they join fuccefsfully for the prefervation of Nature? :;:;.iJ:,' :i,."' 'Tis ailonifhing rhatany fhould be offucha reprobate mind, as not to be tonvinc'd by the "~'"':."n fight of the World a vifib~e Word that more g1oriouily illuilrates the perteaions bf the ~·M~n;,' · Crearor, than rhefublime~Eioqucnce, that conceal~ what itdefig~sto r:prefent: , ~~en Tcn'tsmurrimfo· Sophoclu was accufed by hts ungrateful Sons, that hts Underilandmg bemg decim d w!th ~rnti• ;, '"" his Age, he was unfit to ~anagethe affairs of his F~m1ly; he m~de no ~ther defence _be- lJ;;,~:n;;;~ fore the Judges, but reclted part of a :rragedy. newly composd by htm, . and left ttto ''"m T'""'' their decifion whether there was a fatlure mh1s InteUett:uals: Upon whiCh he was nor tu m Tbtam oniy abfolv'd 'but crown' cl wjth Praifes.- . .. . . . ::t~~:.~t What foul ingratitude are thofe gudty of~ w~o deny the Dtvme Wifdom, of which ad N'P'X· there are fnch clear and powerful de~on!l:ratJons tn the thmgs that are feen? Ahorr'd impiety! Worthy of the moll fiery indtgnation; and not to be expiated wirh a fingledeath; None except bafe iluptd fpiri ts that are laps'd and funk below the rational Nature, (as a noble • Philofopher juilly cenfures them) are capable of fuch prodigious folly and per- •• , verfenefs. Yet thefe are the pretenders to free reafon and ilrength of mind, and with a A~w ,'&, ~ contemptuous fm1le defpife !he fober World, as fetter'd with fervi le Pr_inciples, and ';,~; ~~;,:.: fooli(hly foften'd by imprdhons of an unknown, uncertain Being, and Value r~emf~lves or~«!11t'"0 " 1 as more knowing than all others, becaufe they contradict AIJ. Ridic1:1Jous variity f AS M~~:'-r;:.&:a~· if a blind Man in a crowd fometimes juillingone, fometimes another, (houJd with impa- p<;m. q, tience cry out, Do not fee ? When he is under a double b!indnefs, both in his "'"'· · Eyes and Underflanding, not feeing himfelf,. and reproaching thofe that fee, for noi feeing. In fhort, thiS great Truth fhmes Wtth fo bright an Evidence, that all the fons of darknefs can never put out, and can only be denied by obilinate Atheifm and Abfurdity. CHAP. VII. The duties of underftanding Creatures to the Maker of aU things. .Admir~tion of hu Glorious PerfeCtions . vijihle ~n them. Thu u more partiCularly the duty of Man, the Warld hemg made eminently for him. The Cau[es why the Creator i6 not honour'd in hu Works, are Mens ignorance and inob~rvance. Things New rather affiCt us than Great• .An ~umhle fear u a tiece.lfary re.Jfell_ from the Creature, to the Diviue MaJefty and Power.. Love and Ohedtence in the highe[i degrees are Du~ from Men to God, m the fjUabty of Creator; Trttft and reliance on God u our duty and priviledge. LE 'i' us now b1iefly confider the indifpenfible Duties of rational. Creatures with re" fpefr to the Maker of all things. And thofe are, 1. To acknowledge and admire the Deity, and his perfections that are fo vifible in his Works. Fortheremuftbe afirilCaufoftom whom that receives Being that canrmtproce~d. from it felf. IQ_ all the form• of things there are fome cha:ract;r5 (lampt of the D!Vln_eW•fdom~ thatdeclarehisGiory, fomefootilepsimpre(l of his Power that difcoye~ htm, fome lmes drawn of hiS Goodnefs that demonilrate him. And fo much praife IS )U(l]y due to the Artificer as there is excellence of Art and Perfection of WorkmailfhijT