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The Immortality of the Soul. ~. f~~~~~f;se~~~~oJf~~~~~~: !~~ !: ~;n~[~;~e~~Y nr~afo~~t~~g~~~~n~~st~o~f~1i!;;: ~ herit their own option ? 2. This rejeCting of Eternal Life by Sinners, is peremptory againfl: the befl: and often renewed means to induce them to accept of it.. They are allured by the fweetefl: Mercies, urged by the O:rongefl: terrours, to forfake thetr beloved Lu!h and be happy. And tiUthe richet of goodnefs and forbeara11ce are defoifed, they arc not pall hopes. For though the fentence of the Law be deciftve upon the fir!\ aCt of Sin, yet 'lis not irrevocable but upon impenitence in it. But when Sin has fuch an abfolute Empire in the Will, that no Obligations, no Invitations can prevail with it, 'tis manifeft, that obfiinacy is an ingredient in the refufal ofHeaven. And is it not moO: juO: that an obO:inate averfation from God !hould be puni!h'd with an everla!lingexclufion from his Glory ? This will clearly vindicate Divine Ju!lice, and render Sinners excufelefs in the day of Accounts. God will overcome when he judges, and every mouth be !\opt. Tbis will be a fiery addition to their mifery, and feed the never-dying Worm. For by refleCting upon what they have irrevocably loll, and what ~hey mufl: for ever fnffer, and that by their own wretched choice, the awakened Confaence turns the n;on cruel Fiend againfr it fel£ In HeU there 'k weeping and gnafbing of Teeth. E_xtreamMtfery, and extream Fury, Defpair and Rage, are the true CharaCters of Damnation. 5 • ThedefilementcontraltedbySinsin theprefentlife, cleaves tohim that dies in his Sins for ever. An habitual pravity po!fe!fes the Soul, and expre!fes it felf in direful Blafpbemiesagainfl: the Righteous Judge. And are not fuch polluted wretches forever unworthy of the favour of God, .and ~o~muni?n with llim? Is it not mofl:. rea[onable, the Ju!lice of God, !honldcontmue m •tsternble effeCts, as long as the Jnjufl:JCe of Man remains invincible. lEquum rjl, ut is qui n11nquam drjinit effe ntallti, mmqua1n dejinat ejfe mifer. CHAP. XIII. What influence the Do8rine of the future {tate ./hould have upon our pra8ice. It must regulate our efteem of prefent things. And reconcile our Affi8ions to any condition here, Jo far tT.6 it may be an fldvantage to prepare w.; for the better World. The chiefejt care u due to the .immortal part. The jujt value of Time, and how it ./hould be improved. 'Tu the beft wifdom to govern our whole courfe of Life here, with regard to Eternity that ezpeffs w.;, I :;~~~fr:'c~~i;~ls ~~;';,:::;~~~:~~~c~~~~~~:b~~~~i~~J~~~;:~r~~~~:1~ira~~,~~ ever inequality there is between Men with refpecho temporal Accidents in theprefent State, yet there is no difference with regard to things future. Their .Souls are equally immortal, and arpable of the fame Ble!fednefs, and !table to the fame Mifery. It is mol\ nece!fary therefore to refleCt upon what fo nearly touches us. If the Eternal State hereafter were not an infallible Truth, but only a probable Opinion, and the Arguments for and againfl: It were fo equal, that the Under!\anding remained in fnfpence, yet the importance isfova!\, eithertoenjoyforever the clear vi!ion of God, or to be cafl: into an everlaO:ing Hell, that Prudence requires all poffible diligence in whatever is neceffary, to obtain the one, and efcape the other. But this DOCtrine is not meerly within the terms of Probability, but is clear by irrefutable Evidence. And if thofe Prophane Mifcreants who endeavour by frigid Railleries to expofe the ferious care of Salvation to fcorn, and by trifling Arguments would fuin weaken their a!fem to tbis great Truth, had not loO: the humane property of blufhing, they would be covered with Confufion, whilfl: they contradiCt not only what the wile!\ and beil Men have unanfwerably proved, but what their very oppofttion confirms. For the doubting of the Soul's Immortality, is a O:rong Argument that 'tis Immortal. Becaufe, only a Spiritual Being, and therefore not liable to Di!folution and Death, is capable of refleCting whether it !hall continue fur ever. It