Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

To the Moft Illuftrious VV I L L.l AM Duke of BEDFORD. May it pleafe your Grace, IN thif Seafon of Grief that overfpreads Thrte Kingdoms, I thought it n8t unbecoming me, to iuld one Voice to the Confort of Mourners. The Vniverfal Goodnefs of the QJ.teen's Life, if attended with a Sorrow of Equal Compafr at her Death. lf we Confider the · Cm{es of it, our Sins, the juft Incentivu of God's High Dijpleafure, and the Chain of fearful Confequences that may enfue; Wb(lt Heart if Juch a fro'{_en Fountain a5 not to Di!folve, and mix flowing 'JeaN with the Current that wi/J be permanent in Times to C(}me. I have prefum'd to infcribe your Moft Honourable Name in the following Sermon, ltnowing that notwitbftanding the meannefs of the Compofure, the Subjef1 of it will be very pleajing to your Grace, a5 being the Expre!fion of Homage to the Memory of the Incomparable Princejr, our Soveraign by a Double Title, by her Refplen· dent Virtue.r, and by her Crown. I am My Lord, Your Graces very Humble and Obedient Servant, William Bater~ Ddddd t A Sermon