Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

The Addrefs ofCondoleance toHis Majefty, By the Dilfenting Minifl:ers. May it pleafe your Majerl:y, T HO' we coh1C in the Rear of the Traill of M.oJJrners, to }4J 011r Triblttary Tears for the mtvaluable Lofs in the D eath ofyour Royal Confo1·t, and o11r ntofl Gracio11s /!t.Jtem, yet our Refentments of it arc with as tmdcr a Sympathy as are fions, tha:':£:Co~ftt::fo::;:{;:t';r!';~ft;;ope;:::/;~~:~~fJ;;P:ffa,A~:~~~~:;,;;~,~f_ it/perate them: for while we remember what She wtH, bow gemral a1rd dijfujive a Blej] tO three Kingdoms, the Jevere ji_roke of Providence i1z taking Her from 11~, is mofl afjli{fing. S11ch a Concurrence of high Perfetlionjbin'd in Her PerJotz and AtJion.r, that would have made Her 11/uft_riotu in a low Condition; 11nd in Her exalted Station they were attrallive ofthe E)'e.r and Admiration of all. Her Mind was above the Tcmptationr that attmd the Throne. Maj rfly wen mix'd with that coitdifcending HumiNty, that tender and beneficent Goodnefs, that She WfH ufilJ accejjible to aU for their Relie f and S11pport. Her PietJ and Purity werefo confpicuotH, Her Ajfeaioitr wr:1·efo compofed and temperate, that the Court, that is lfjitally the Centre of Vanity and Voluptt~oufmfs, became vir/JtOIH by the lmprejfion of Her Example. He1· Converfation Wl# Jo regular, that Her Enemies ( if Goddnefr inJitch a bri~ht E11ti11CIICJ had any) could not foflen a Ta.i11t 11pott Her. Her /l..oyal Endowments for Gover11me11t~ Wifdom, Magna.nimity, Vigilance mtd Care itt managing Affairs of State (without which the higheft Princer are but Civil Idol.r , 11felefs tmd 1mpro.(ittt.ble to the World) theft were in jiteh a dej!,ree of ExceUencJ, that in JOflr M-zjefl/t conflrained Ab- ~;tch, t~ehi~~~d ~[~1:S1~'J~:;~l~n!~t:J~ti1:~~=;:~;nho;fea~;~~en~c~;:;1j~::: ft ffut:"Jpo:~~: :;t;;;:;';; ;he D:;;~e ~1J:[!/ingTzr~~ lj;G:db;:o;;;:;;s d7//ae~'b; Infini te Wifilom, and k the Rlt!e if'Goodnefs. We muff rcftejb our Sorrorru with the hope that She is entered into her Saviour's Joy, whom She imitated aml honoured, Md th11t She j< made Happj in the Love ofGod and the Light of hi< COJmle1Wtce for ever. We humbfJ befeech yonr MajeftJ to accept the rmewed Aj]itraitcu of011r invioltthle 1111d conji11nt Fidelity, toJOitr Perfon 11nd Government; tmd thlll we jh11U inftnence 118 that are within OHr Compafs to perfevere in their D"'l. : We jhaU Cdrnefllj P'"J to _the blcjfed God to keep you in the beft Pr?tellion, hH encomf!a}jmg.FaVour, to.fitppo..'rt JOltY S~irit with Divine Comforts, 11nd to contmue long -po11r preczom Life, Jo necejfary for prefervmg the pure Religion, and the Civil Rightr ofthi< Kingdont, A SeJ'mon 755