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Dr. Thomas Mamon'l Funeral Sermon. able to fweeten all the bitternefs, and render infipid all the fweetnefs of this World. This will appear by conGdering, tbat whatever is rcquifite to conflitutc the perfeCI: Ble!Tednefs of Man, is fully enjoy'd in the Divine Prefence. t. An exemption from 31! evils, is the fi rfl: condition of perfeCl: Bl e!Tcdnefs. T he fentence of wife Solo11 is true in another fenfe than he intended, ------Diciquebeatm Ante obit11nz nemo, fiepremaq;funera debet . No Man can be named happy whiHl in this Valley of Tears. But upon the entrance into Heaven, all thofe Evils that by their number, va riety, or weight, difquiet and opprefs us, arc at an end. Sin, of all evils the moll hateful, fl1all be abolifh'd. And all Temptations that furround ~. and endanger our Innocence, f!Jall ceafe. Here the bell Men lament the weaknefs of the flefh, and fometimes the violent A!faults of Spiritual Enemies. St. P a11l himfelf breaks forth into a mournful Complaint, 0 wretched Man that I.,,. f who jhaO deliver me from thk body of D eath? And when harafs'd with the buffetings of Satan, renews Ius moll earnell Addreffes to God to be freed from them. Here our Purity is not abfolute, we mull be always cleanfing our felves from the reliCl:s of that deep defilement that cleaves to our nature. Here our Peace is preferv'd with the Sword in our hand, by a continual Warfare again!l Satan and the World. But in Heaven no ignorance darkens the Mind, no paffions rebe! again!l the fanctified Will, no inherent pollution remains. The Church is wit hrmt JPot or wrinkle, or any Jitch thing. And all Temptations that war againfl thiS01tl, !hall then ceafe. The Tempter was call out of Heaven, and none of his poifon'd Arrows can reach that Purified Compariy. Glorious Liberty! here ardently defir'd, but fully eujoy'd by the Sons of God above. And as Sin ,fo all the penal confequences of it are quite taken away. The prefcnt Life is an incurable Difeafe, and fometimes attended with that f11arp fenfe that Death is defir'd as a Remedy, and accepted as a Benefit . And though the Saints have reviving Cordials; yet their Joys ar~ mixt witl~ Sorrows, nay, caufed by Sorrows. ;r~ec~e~~d ~o!,"J'ed~t~~"J ~~~et~~'J;/~~tfu~·~n;%:~T~~~~ple~~~:0 ~~Ji~'~lN.% Jerufalem. But as in the Building of Solomon's Temple the Nolfe of a Hammer was not beard, for all the Parts were Fram'd before with (hat exaCl: Deugn and Corre- ~d~~~h~~~l~~~l~lb~~~~~~;~:J~gt~*~~e~~e ~~,~~ ~~~:h~:~,;nt~l~ ~~~~~~ ;l:~~ then as Sacred, they were inviolable. So God, the WifeArchitefJ, having prepar'd the Saints here by many cutting AffiiCl:ions, places them in the Eternal Buildi'% where no Voice of Sorrow is heard. Of the innumerable Company above, is there any Eye that Weeps, any Brea!l that Sighs, any Tongue that Complains, or Appearance of Grief? The Heavenly State is called Lift, as only worthy of that Title. There is no Infirmity of Body , no Poverty , no Difgrace , no Treachery of Friends, no Perfecution of Enemies. There h 110 more, nor Sorrow; nor Cryiug, nor jhaU there he any more Pain: for former things ~re pafl away. (Rev. 21. 4·) God wiU wipe arvay all Tears from the Eyes of hk People. Their Salvation is compleat iri all degrees. Pure Joy is the PriviledgeofHeaven, unmixed Sorrows the Punifhment' of Het:. A concurrence of all pofitive Excellencies is requifite to Bleffednefs. And thefe are to be confidered with refpect to the entire Man. . t. The Body !hall be awak'd out of its dead Sleep, and quickned into a glorious, immortal Life. The Soul and Body are the E!Tential Parts of Man ; and though the inequality be great in their operations that refpeCl: }lolinefs, yet their concobrfe is' nece!Tary. Good Actions are defign'd by the Counfel and Refolution of the Spirit, but perform'd by the Miniflry of the Flefh. Every Grace exprdfes it felf in vifible Actions by the Body. In the Sorrows of Repentance it fupplies Tears, in Failings its Appetites are re!lrain'd, in Thankfgivings the Tongue breaks forth into the joyful Praifes of God. All the Victories over fenfi ble Pleafure and Pain are obtain'd by the soul in conjunction with the Body. Now 'tis moll becoming the Divine Goodnefs not to deal fo differently, that the Soul lhould be everla!lingly hap-· py, and the Body loll in forgetfulnt fs; the one glorified in Heaven, the other remain in the Dull.· From their firfl fetting. out in the World to the·Gra\·e they rort the