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Dr. I homas Manton's Funeral Sermon. ;;efr ,of hi< Father's Glm-y, and the exprefs Im~~e of his Perfon; not only for his egua l Pertdbons m rcfpcll: of the U 111ty '?f their Nature, but to fignifie that God in the Pcrfon of the mc•rnate Mediator IS fo fully reprefented to us, that by the fight of Jmn we fee God h•mfelf 111 lus uncha~geable Excellencies. This appears by the fo[, ~~[~~}& ::~~)1;;) ~11f~/rl~~~8r~f1;~~ ;]~/$~~ ~f[~d, a;e[:ft~1°t~ntil~ ~~~~f~~ ;::t~;{ 'f~ i~l:,i~~~~- p~~;i~~dh~!'f,,~~~~ n:;~:et1~~i~~~~~,v':~~:~oM~!~o~:J~~rs10d~~: nefs, Power, were fo vifibl c inbisPerfon, Life, Revelations, and miraculous Works ·that when Philip fo long'cl for the fight of the Father as the only confummate Blef~ fednefs, Shew m the Father~ and tf Jitjfices ~ He told him, He that h.nfeen me, htH feen the Fat he~· alfo. But how bnghtly do they appear in his triumphant Exaltation. Twas h1s Prayer on Earth; Fatl1er, I wtll that they a/fo whom tholt h,tfl_ given me, he with 1JJC where I am, that they ""Y behold my Glory. Ineftimable Felicity! Whether we confider him in the refpell: of an Objell:, that incomparably tranfcends all the created Glory of Heaven, or in the relation of our Head, on a double account; partly becaufe he was debafed into the form of a Servant, and fuffered all Indignities and Cruelties ~~~il~n~~s~~r~1~;;~: ~e~~~~ve~ o:-~,~~~T~J,~c;a~£e:·1i~~~~r;~~r3t~~~~~eh~';Ysbefo~~ ~t~ World"'"'; and partly becau[e every Member fl1all be conformed to him in his Glory; J:Vefha/1 be like him, for wefballfee him ~s he i<. And all Felicity and Glory is compriz'd m that Promife. The fight of the Face of Mo{es when radiant, had no transforming ~fficacy ; for the light of it was not in him as its four ce, but by derivation. But God 1s Light effi11tially, and the fight of his Perfections will be produll:ive of his Like11e{s in us, fo far as it may be in a reflrained Subjell:. When our Saviour was upon the holy A1..omtt, and one vanifhing Beam ofGlory appear'd in his Tr~tn.rfigm·ation, PeteJ• was fo t ranfported at the fight, that he forgot the World and himfelf. How ravilbing then will the fight of him be in his triumphant Majefl:y, when we fl1all be tranffigured our fel ves ? 2. As we !ball behold God's Face, know his mofl amiable Excellencies; fothey !ball love him as pe~fell:ly as they know him. To the illuflrations of the Mind, there are ~~;["j'~~~e~~;~n~~;h':r~,n d\~~ ~:;:· b;~~;'~!~~~n:onfe~dl~~v~~r~~~~~~~~: ais, enamouring conllderations ofGod. But 'tis not fo in Heaven: there the Divine Sun attrafrs every Eye with the light of its Beauty, and inflames every Heart with the l1eat of his Love. The continual Prefence of God is in different refpell:s the Caufe and Effell: of our Love to him. For there is no more powerful Attrall:ive to love l1im, than to fee him; And Love keeps the Thoughts undivided from him. God i< Love, and will ki nd\e in us a pure Affell:ion that Eternity !ball never leffen. Our Affell:ions that are now fcattered on many things, wherein fome !mall Rellefrions of his Goodnefs appear, !ball joyn in one full Current in Heaven, where God i< all in all. We fi1all then underfland the riches of his Love, that God who is infinitely happy in himfel f, fhould make Man for fuch a Glory, and fuch a Glory for Man. And that when for his Rebellion he was juflly expell'd from Paradice, and under a fentence ofEternal Dea th, God fl10uld pleafe to reflore him to his Favour, and to give him a better flate than was forfeited. We !ball then underfland our infinite ~~;;r,•t~~~t~~~:~~~~~~~r~oi;o~~~ed~":j~~~d!~~e~e~~el~e~~~~ ~~;~~~e'Fro~~ ~~~ Glory wherein he was vifible to the Angelica! Minds, and became Man for Men, Redemption for theLofl, to purchafe Immortal Life forthofe who were dead to that bleffed Li fe. In flwrt, then God will exprefs his Love to ns in the highefr degrees that a finite Creature is capable to receive from Love it felf, and we !ball love him with all the fl:rength of our glorified Powers. 3· Compleat fatisfall:ion flows from union with God by Knowledge and Love. r,, l>is Preje11ce is jid11efs of'}o)', at his Right-h•11d nre Pleajitres for ever. The Caufes and Excellencies of the Heavenly Life are in thole words exprefl. The Caufes are the inAuxil'e Prefence of God, the revelat ion of his attrall: ive Perfell:ions, the beholding his Face, the declaration of his peculiar Favour. This our bleffed Lord himfe lf had a refpe(l: to, as the comple<t Reward of his Sufferings : Thon Jbalt tnake "''fit!! of Joy witb thy CoJmt eJJtt11ce. And his Right -ham!, his Bollnty, that difpenfes, and Power that fecures that Felicity. The Excellencies of this State are fulnefs of Joy , and that without diminution, or end. When