\ Dr. Thomas Manton'.r Funeral Sermon. 'Ti~ recorded of,Aiexallder, that entri~g with H£pheJI.ion his Favourite, into the Pavthon of Damns Mother, then hts Pnfoner, !he bowed to the Favourite as ha• ving a greater appearance ofMa)efl:y, thinking him to be Alexande>·; but ad~ifed of N.. mljli, her Error, !he humbly begg'd hts Pardon, to whom the generou's King reply'd, rolt s:'l~~.·~~~ ~~~r~~~a~;~k~~;~~.r~, t~l~ ~t!Ye~ ~::~=~:~inSI~::.;: ~~ftetl~f!~r~e~~~~~1~ ~lh~t ~;:.~: er , without degrading the greater in the lefs. This is a Copy of the holy Love of the Blelferl; but wtth the fame difference, as between the Defcription of a Star with a Coal, and its Beauty in its proper Afpect. And where all is Love,, all is Delight. 0 how do they enjoy and triumph in the Happinefs of one another? With what an b~!:~~n:~~~t~n~r;h~lrd~a~ffliin~'t~~~~r~~~~.R:~tc~c:;:o£~t~;c~~~!eaf[~~t:l~; Prefence together in Heaven is not a filent Show. In the Transfiguration , M.fei and Elia< talkt with Chrifl:. With what excellent Difcourfes do they entertain one another ? If DtWid felt fuch inward Pleafure from the fence of God's Favours, that he could not refl:rain the exprellion of it, but invites the Saints, Come and hear, aO ye that fiar the Lord, and I wiO tel! JO" what he has done for my SoHl. Certainly in Heaven, the Blelfed with over-flowing Affections recount the Divine Benefits, the admirable Method, whereby the Life of Grace was begun, preferv'd and carried on in the midfl: of Temptations; the continual Succellion of Mercies in the time oftheir ~0d~fh:;dc~~~~o~~u'::~tiT~~k~~i~1;~et~~eodff~~e;~eE:~~~::';f,t~f ~~;t/~X,f~~ making them rea[onable Creatures, capa~le to know, love and enjoy Him, when they might have been of the lowefl: Order in the whole Sphere of Beings; for his h~:'~~~~~~~ ~~~c~n~np~fe~1~~c~h~~e~ot~eemV~ffe~~i~f'j;~~~,;r ;B}~re};i~~~Xer%~ Grace, in refcuing them from the cruel and ignominious bondage of Sin ; for his mofl: free Love, that jufl:ified them from all their Guilt by the Death of his only Son, and glorified them with himfelf. They are never weary in this delightful Exercife, but continually blefs him for his Mercy that endures for ever. We may judge by the Saints here, when they are in a fit difpofition to praife God, what Fervour~ they feel in their united Praifes of him in Heaven. The Pfalmi£1: in an Extafy calls to all the parts of the World to joyn with him; The L.rd reig11s, let the Heavens rejoyce, atld the Earth be glad; let ~he Sea •·oar, let the Fields be joyful, and .a that dweO therei11. He defires that Nature lhould be elevated above it felf, that the dead parts be infpir'd with Life, the infenfible feel motions of Joy, and thofe that want a Voice, break forth in Praifes, to adorn the Divine Triumph. With what Life and Alacrity will the Saints in their blelfed Communion celebrate the Object of their Love and Praifes? The Seraphims about the Throne cry'd to one a>rother, to exprefs their Zeal and Joy,in celebrating his Eternal Purity and Power, and the Glory ofhis Goodnefs. . Oh the unfpeakable Pleafure of this Concert ! when every Soul is harmonious, and contributes his Part to the full Mufick of Heaven ! 0 could we hear but fame Eccho of thofe Songs wherewith the Heaven of Heavens refounds, fome remains of thofe Voices wherewith the Saints above triumph;,. the Praifes, in the foJemn Adoration of the King ofSpirits, how would it inflame our defiresto be joyn'd wi~~ *~~lul~;;{~1 }~;tf~:a~e~'is ~n~~a~f~; 1oV ta~:·{~~r:f'on~·are always equal. And thofe are the Beatifick Objects reveal'd, and the uninterrupted Cqntemplation of it. WhiH1: we are here below, the Sun of Righteoufnefs, as to our perception and .fence, has afcenfions and declinations, accelfes and recelfes. And our Earth is not fo purified, but fame Vapours arife that intercept his chearfull refrelbing Ligltt. From hence there are alternate fuccellions of Spiritual Comforts and Sorrows, of Doubts and filial Confidence in the Saints. 'Tis a rare favour of Heaven, when an humble Believer in his whole courfe is fo circumfpect as not to provoke God to appear difpleafed againfl: him : When a Chrifl:ian (as thofe tutelar Angels fpoken of in the Gofpel) always beholds the Face of his Heavenly Father, and converfes with l1im with an holy Liberty. And what a torment the hiding of God's foce is to a de- ~r~~d ~:'a~~ ~~~r~/~~lo~~o~ ·~~~ £~,~~;~~- th~~t~ffi~~i~n~b~~ ~~~~~nbu~i~~\~~=~~1 with a tranfcendent Affection, and to fear he is our Enemy, no pnnilbrnent exceed~, · ~d;r~r~~etlsi~~or~s fh~nLori;~tt.kin;i~~~s j~ tfl~~; ~re:n~e i:v~t~too~hb~ ~;~fer~0 a~~ Tears,