Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

Dr. Thomas Man ton's Funeral Sermon. cet;io:,h~f~1t0~:I~ ~~~n~~~fn~Y~~: P~~o~~~[etl;f,\~ ~~f!!nt~t~~~· ;,~nec~~N:;:;~I~af~h~ pleafure of Novelty fprings from a quick fenfe of t he oppofit e terms, between our condttiOn m the want of fame defired Good, and afrer our obtainino- it. Now the Mind is more intenfe on the advantage, and more O:rongly affeCI:edatii;.O:. One newly freed from the torments of a fharp Difeafe, feels a greater pleafure than from a conflant tenour of Health. Thofe who are rais'd from a low State to eminent Dicrnity, are tranfi)orted with their fir([ change; but in tratl: of time the remembran~e of their mean conditionis fo we?kneel and fi'ent, that 'tis like thefhadow ofa Dream, ~')-~ J~Gbf;~·~n:l~~e t~~~; J.~;Y ·:h!~en~,;t t~~~~~~r:; 1b~~::r~ua~~s~o~hd~~rr:n'dr:~ t he excellent difference between their fuffering and triumphant State. They never lofe that rav i01ing part of Felicity, the vivid fence of part Evils. Their refleCI:ions are always as fl:rong on the Mifery from whence they were rais'd to the pitch ofHap.. pinefs, as in their firfl: glorious TranOation. In what an Extafy of wonde~ and plea- ~f~v}~;:1 t~~~"J a~~· /r?~.}h(/.';~~:~~~~fri~: S~~~a) ;;:~~ b~~~~~·, a~~~t~~},~th~~n~ miraculous and happy Alteration ! I am full of L1ght, enrich'd with the Treafures of Heaven, adorn'd with di vine Glory, I was under the tyrannous power of Satan, b11t · l" i< bmifcd nnder my ftet. I was fentenc'd to an everlafting Separation from thePre· fence of God, my only Life and Joy ; but now am poffefl: of my fupream Good. 0 l10w tranfporting is the comparifon of thefe wide and contrary Extreams ? How beautiful and pleafant is the Day of Eternity, after fuch a dark tempefruous Night? ' How does the remembrance of [uch Evils produce a more lively feeling Fruition of ;~~~!!"§!,~n~fs.jhi~g~;es~rf~~~~ly ~~~e~i?~'~\;~i~~~~~:~t~~'FJ:ff.t~1;nalTCf:::~t fcrves an affectionate heat in their Thankfgivings to their Vi~frorious Deliverer. And thus their Happinefs is always the fame, and always new. Their Pleafure is continued in its perfeCI:ion, Lajlly. The Bleffednefs of the Saints is without end. This makes Heaven to be it ;e~~m~\1~~: i~r11cl1~·~~~~ f:,~;l~1oKr~~r~rr~;tl~~~~!~~~ i~:te:h:t f~~~fci ca~=~e;~~~: ~~~ tl1~ ~;,~~~n:~~~le~~ ~/,1e~;'Wa~;~~~~st\~, t~1ic ~~~~~ iW~~~~;v~~~d~Yl~~n~;;!J,~f~t parting with it. B1et the l11heritance referved itt Heaven, is immortal, undejiled, and fides not away. And the tenure of their Poffeffion is infinitely firm by the Divine Power, the true Support of their everlafl:ing Duration. With God i< the' Fountain of Lift. They enjoy a better Immorality, than the Tree of Life could have preferv"d in Adm11. The Revolutions of the Heavens, and Ages, are under their Feet, and cannot in the leafl: alter or determine their Happinefs. After the paffing of millions of Years, fl:ill an entire Eternity remain_softheir enjoy!ng God, . 0 mofl:defirable State! where Bleffednefs and Eternity are mfeparably umted. 0 JOyful Harmony ! when the full Chmt< of Heaven fhall fing, Thi< God i< om· God for ever and ever. This adds an infinite weight of their Glory. This redoubles their ;mfpeakable Joys w~th infinite fweetnefs and fecurity. They repofe themfelves m the compleat frmtwn of their Happinefs. God reigns in the Saints, and they live in him for ever. From what has been difcourfed we 010uld, . mi:;b~0~~~~~:~~~~:n:~#lr·~ft~~he\~ ~~:~!. fu~~n·~l~r"lb~n;~· i~~~rt~~1~, a~~ D efire, or Capacity in Man of enjoying an Happinefs beyond wha~ !s Infinite and Eternal? 0 blind and wretchedWorld! [o carelefs ofeverlafrmg Felic1ty. Wh<?can behold, without compaffion and indignation, Men vainly feeking for Happmefs where "tis not to be found, and after innumerable difappointments fly to an Impoffi- ~~~{~n~~e~~~~~:,~~ '~vJft~f~da?~ c~~~a~!~:~~fe~:Jnt~fl:~~\~~~g ~~~~~.1st;l~! greatefl: Contumely to their Impiety. What powerful Charm obfl:rull:s th~lf true judging of things? What Spirit of Errour poffeJTes them? Alas, Eternal thzngs art m/een ! not of confpicuous moment, and therefore in the carnal Ballancc are eft:eem· Z~}itll,t~ ~~~~;~~t\~;~Gbl~t~~~~eR~e~~~~;:t~~es~~{f~·.r:: ~~;;r;0Jft~u ;h~~,w~~t: Priefl: is entred, andfl:ops the enquiring Eye. llut