To the Right Honourable ELIZABETH Countefs Dowager of Exeter. Madam, I Prefmt a SeriJJOJl to your view, that drew fi Nhyour Tears in the Hearing, and "uke to be a revival ofyo1tr Sorrow in Reading; but I could ttot without lndecence decline the infcribi11~ it to your Name . TH deftgn'd to the precio11-1 Memory of one, whofi Piety mrd Prudence httd rmder'd moft worthily tmd alfelJionately reJPeCied by yo 1 e: ffi;;e ~t:f:~!o;t:oi;;":,;!f~~~;f:t~;;;j;:~:,~,:':!!:~J,;{?,"::,ioo~',:;:n:;o~h~~.10 l :;;::J11;;~,:,nJ. ~~:;~~~,;;.: 7o:;n:;ffi~}J;~0Gr{.f~% for ";,:/;;::f Et;/!'"1J:;~:,:a;?e inflm/Jed to be conte111 with the Divine DiJPofal: And our Gr.ciorn God bJ withdrawi11g intermediate Comforts, eaUs you to more intimate and Heavenly Communion with Hi111felf. [might here take aj1tjl occt,on tofpeak ofyour emi1zcnt Virtue.r, and ofyour ferioiiS Re- !!r:e;.;;:~,c~h;: ~;er";!t 'co;:,:!z zaf:;w:;tz,~~:e~"}:Jfi:;"f,t~eft;;?er,~n~!l~i Peifon commended H not in danger ofbeingfweltd with Pride: Attd jiJCh 'k your exceUent aJtd con.fpicJtotH Goodne_fo, that it refte?ls a Lujlre uponyour Nobility, and k above Verbal Encomiums ; aud yo11r rare Humility is moft relucent amongfl yom· other foining Gracu. But 'ti.r 11eedle[s to iUujlrate that Worth that i.r Jo vijible to nU. I Jhnfl only obferve, that MJOII have been .fo happy "' to find Wifdom, the true Spirit11al WifdoiJt that dire/Js' m to our Lajl and Blejfed End, the Wifdom that excels Rubies and bJ an incomparable Comparifon all the admired Things in the World: So the promifed Rewa~·d ofWifdom hM been JOUr Portion : Length of Days are in her right Hand, and in her left Hand Wifdom and Honour. You are now come to Old Age, and are apt to complain ( jitch i.r JOIIr zcalo11< PietJ) that, JOIIr StrCIIgth beingJPC11t, JOH are ufelefs, and n;ith Impatience de/ire a Difmiffion from hence. But tH a Servmt that jlands and waitr upon his Mllfter'J Pleafitre, os trrtly fervu hi1J1, M he thtt't k mofl induflriorn in his- Bujinefs ; fo hJ an h11mble patient waiting upon JOur HeavenlJ Lord, tiU he jhaU eaUyo11 to the Blejfed State Above, JOII M tmlJ pleafe and glorifie him, M when JOIIr a/Jive powers were frefh and livelJ, and you went about doing good. Fo~;~~~:s~~:tio~0tsdn~~~Aha~;~h~':(~~~'ifrKetli:~~d~e 'L.:~'f. 't!.:1 !;,':';J~~ wnp reign inJOIIr Heart, and the Crown of GlorJ be alwap in JOIIr Eye, that JOII mal finifo JOHr co11rje with joJ· Thefe are the mojl 11nfeig11ed Defres ofhint who i.r, M.lDAM, Yo11r verJ humble ar;d foit~Jitl Servmzt, V\t.illiam Bates. nrlo~. j St. J~hn