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Dr. Thomas Jacomb'r Funeral Sermon. ofChriit, as the Rule of our Lives, is truly to fcrv c him. And the aimincr at his Glory in all our De!ircs ~nd Endeavours, either act?ally or habitually, is a(f elfential Ingredtent m h1s Servtce. The actual Intenuon m every performance is not abfolutely nece!Tary : Many good A/lions may proceed from the Influence of the habituallntention: An Arrow that is directed by aim may hit the Mark, rho in its flight the Eye be turned off from it. But the ultimate [cope of our Life,. which ought to ~~e0~~~~f~~,~~~:~ffi~~~:[;d~'e~~~i~e ~°C~;~:e ~~~ifl1~~lc CJ![ii~lrl~c~;~~~:fe Things under the following Heads. I. The Church is a ~ifl_inll_ Society from the World, of which Chrifl is the Head; and the State of Chnfltamty ts a htgh and holy Calling; and all who are brought into it by the outw~rd Miniflryof the Word,_ or in Conjpntlion with it, by the internal Grace ofthe Spmt, are obllged to the Fatth andObedience of the Gofpel; the fame Duties and the fame Rewards are common to all : And Jiving 'according to that Spiritual State in Godlinefl, RigbttOit[nefl, and Sobriety, is to ferve Chrifl. Thus the Adoration, the Honour, the Homage we render to God, the making him the foie Object of our highe{\: Love, an entire relyance on the Mediator for our Salvation, an earnefl defire to pleafe him in all Things, and an equal fear to difpleafe him, theexercife of compaf!ionate beneficent Charity towards Men ; briefly, a Holy and Heavenly Converfation, is the univerfal Duty of Chrifl"s Servants. And that our Service be accepted, it mufl: be performed with Humility, Zeal .and Confl:ancy. With·Humility and Dependance upon the Mediator for Divine Grace and Acceptance. Every fpiritual All requires a Supernatural Power: Not a holy Thought or Word fprings from naked Nature. Our Saviour tells his Difciples, Without me JOlt e<n do nothini!. As the Branches derive Life and a/live Sap from the Root that makes them flourifhing and fruitful ; [o from his fanllifying Spirit, (that was purchafed by l1is meritorious Sufferings, and is conferr"d by him in his Glory,) we are made fruitful in every good Work : And in the beloved So" we"' o>1ly accepted. This general Service due to Chrifl:, mufl: be done with Zeal. We are commanded Ram. ,s. u. to be fervent in Spirit, ferVing the Lord; to work out our own SaltJation, as the Apofl:le with mofl: lively Emphafis enforces the Duty. Our mofl: ardent Affections and a/live Powers are to be imploy"d in this Work, remembring that our Lives are lhort and uncertain : Time flies upon the fwiftefl: Wings : That the Work is of infinite and everlafling Confequence, in comparifon of which our fervent Diligence in worldly Affairs, is like the throwing of Straws and Feathers with our utmofl: fl:rength: remembring, that we are always under the pure Eye of our Divine Mafl:er, that will call us to an exact Account. To he cold and carelefs in his Service, difparages his Excellency, and will defeat our hopes: The Kingdom ofHeaven;. taken by violence. With Confl:ancy. He delivered m ftom the Hands ofour Enemies, ;hat we might ferve k him without Fear, in Holinefl aud Righteolt[~tefl befOre bim all the Day/ ~four Liver. Lu ' '- ?+H· The travail of Faith continues till heavenly Vilion be brought forth, and the Labour of Love till the Reward be obtained. I will not infifl: on this, being to refume the confideration of it afterwards. 2. In the various Conditions of Life in this World, we are to ferve Chri(t. TJ1e entire Man is the Object of God"s tender Care and Providence, and accordingly he ~~~a~~~:ya~dd:~gl~~~~r}~~h~i~~;~o~n:n2'~~~f~:;l~f:h~~~f~;s,w;n~~~et~~b~~~~ ~':'~~nt~~df~si~clJ;~~~·s;h~% ~vr";&i!'~~~ld: 1;o~~~e:f;'~a~fu~ c~li~:tte~~~:: be a diretl: profecution of our Jafl: and ble!Ted End, theG)ory of God in conjun/lion ~~~:~~~~~3~~ wi*h~~~ i~a~~a~~~~~ of Life fo low and mean, but a Chrifrian may fo manage it, ai •!"'"" ~·· •· to excel inHolinefs, andconfequentlyHonourChrifl:: As*Phidi.nthatfamousSculp- ~~·e~f111~'=~- ~of exprefs'd h_is A~t to Admiration~ not only in Gold, and Marble, a~d Ivory, b~t en () m mean Matenals, m Wood or ordmary Stone. The Apo!l:le often mcalcates thts r,~; .~~:.·· Le!Ten upon Servants, ·to obey their Mafl:ers with Fidelity and Cheerfuln~f~, fOr!' «m r.J;·""'''Jerve the Lcrd Chrijl; Col. 3· 24. Eph. 6. 7· It was to a mortal Man, and 1f 1tm1ght in di\' inis ex· be of a perverfe humour their Service was immediatelyaddrefs'd ; but if from Con.. ~~~~s:ti/~x· fcicnce of their Duty to'CbriO:, and a direCt: intention to pleafe him, they perform· il io. Q uom- edit, that Rcfpect fweetened and ennobled the Service. Tis the Spirit and Perfe- ~~;~~;~ tr_ion of Chrifrianity to _tr~nsform ~nd clevat~ th_e loweft ACtions: it makes the Ser.. •l •q••• " ill• vJCe of a Slave to be D1vme Obedience, wluch IS the mofl:.freeand noble Act ofth~ ~;~~:. reafonable_Creature. From hence the fame Apofi:Je enforce> the DJlties ofServat~:t