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Dr. Thomas Jacomb's Funeral !:Jermon. 779 that they "'''J! adom the Gofpcl ofGod o"rSaviom·: The faithful Difcha~of their n ... Service redoubles the Luflrc of the glonous Gofpel, and recommended 1t to the.r Pagan Maf\:ers. And 'tis equa ll y true, that in ~very .lawful Condition of Life, when Men are convcrfant in the Duties proper to zt, wzth a refpetl: to the Command of Chrifl, when their civil Al.l:ions are ultimately refolved into his Glory, they perform ~~1 1:~:;s,.?,.~e~i~~~~. z~~~,}~z;~;~~~/:1:1L',~~oq:y,~:~l~:J;~ rr~:~~e· ,~;h~e~;: fpel.l: to his Will, and for his Honour. l fhall only add that Diligence in our civil Callings, mu(\ always be in Subferviency to the great End of our general Calling, the Salvation of our Souls ; to which we are primarily and indifpenfably obliged. The Life of a Chriflian is a walking with God, and the way is in the performance of ho7et a,7~.~v~} ?e~~!n,·ing~;~~~~e~~~~P[~i~~~:~nir~~~~~Ksa:!~&;~tN~~;~~;;·isb~ ;~~~k always before God uprightly, in all temporal Affairs to regard his Prefence, and every day at fet times to dra.v near to him by Prayer and Thanfgiving, and to reprefent his Greatoefs and Glory in fo folemn • manner, that there may be a ferious habitual Conflitution of Spirit refpel.l:ing him in all his ACiions. If there bq negJe/.1: of heavenly Communion with him, and of our fpiritual Sta(e, and a perpetual Confumption of our Thoughts, Time, and Strength for fecular Advantages and Interefls, Men are Slaves of the World, not Servants of Chrifl. · 3· The Service of Chrifl is more eminently performed in fome fpecial Offices ordained for the Glory of God and the publick Good. And fuch are the civil Magiflracy, and the fpiritual Miniflry. · z. Magiflrate,s the highefl and fubordinate in the Scale of Government, are by de~ fignation to their Office to ferve him, The)' are caUed the MiJJijlerr ofGod,for thegood Rom. , j; of the People. Princes may be coil!idered in a double Capacity, as Chriflians, and as Princes, and in both they arc obliged to !hv,e _Cl1tifl. As Chriflians, by an inflexible neceflity, without Priviledge or D.ilpenfation they are bound to obey his holy Laws as flril.l:ly as every private Perfon ; as Princes, they at' fubjeCl: to him not only upon the account of his Deity limply confidered, but his Oiilco. ~·Mediator. In his mortal State he did not exercife Regal Power, nor appeared withconfpicuous marks of Royalty, for it was incongruous to his End: The Redemption of the lofl World was to be obtained by Sufferings: But his Supremacy over the World, is a Prerogative annext to his being Head oftheChurch, a Title that infinitely tranfcends all An- ~~~t:• ~;:~~e~~~~ ~~:~,~tcr~dc;yaj}%e:h, J:;," !i!~te~h~/;~;c;.t,:tr;!:"~~:/~~ mage they owe to him. As Princes, they are to exercife their Power and Authority to reprels Wickednels, and preferve the publick Tranquility : For without the reflraints of Fear, the mofl favage fierce Beafls would be lels dangerous than Men to Men. They are to encourage Moral Goodncfs, and not only to promote the civil Profperity, but etern•l Felicity of their Subjel.l:s. Accordingly the Apofllc exhorts Chrifi:ians to offer up Prayers and Supplications for Killgl, and t~ll in Authority, that we may lead a quiet •nd peaceable Lift in aU Godlinef' and Honejly. When Princes are inc ~~~~l~, :!~~n ~~~~~~~:t~n~h~i~~~~~~~efs; ~~d0:~;fo~1~il~e t.i~~,:~~nfl ~~b}~:v~~~ ~~);~;~~Z~~,f;~ntl~:I./'~st~~:~~a~nd~~a~a~\~~~\~~s t;~ :,;;~:;mn:tt~b~:i~ the brightefl, richefl Crowns in the State of Glory: But thofe who are a Terror to the Good, and encourage evil Doers, their mighty aggravated Sins will fink them in~ to the deepefl Damnation. 2. Thofe who are confecrated to the Spiritual Funl.l:ion of teaching, and governing the Church, are in a peCuliar manner the Servants of Chrifi:, not as.he is the Lord of the Earth, but of Heaven ; confidering the Quality of their w9rk and the End of it: for 'tis wholly converfant about the Souls of Men, to open their Eyer, and t1rm 'thcm from Darkmfl to Light, ttJtd from the Power o[Satmt to God, that thej may receive forp, ivelll!fl ofSins, and inheritance amongft them which arefantJijied, by Faith that . . i.r in Chrift: And as 'tis exprefs'd in other Words of Scripture, to tra11jlate theui fro!J: Col. r. u~ the Kingdom ofDarklreft, into the Kingdom of his-_dear So11. . This Relation extends it felf from the highefl Apoflle to the lowefl in tl1e facred ~x~~~frc~t~~~m;!,;~~}~"j:;1b~~~s ;~;f~1eJhfo/~h.a£U{;~Ps~ulsn~;J. }~~~a!i~~t~: ;~~;:· Lord nm{lnot ftrive, lmt be gmt/e . to all Men, apt to teach. As ChrHl: is ea)led theSe_,.- 2 Tim. 2 ; , 4~ v'"t ofGod by way of Eminency, and w<H anointed to preach the Gofp<l; fo t(:tofe w~~