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'Dr. Thomas Jacomb'.r Funeral Sermon. lively Image ofGod, capable of everlafting Communion with him in Glory, was fold for nought. Be aftonifbed 0 ye Heavens at thu, and be very defolatc .- That Man who had the t\~O great Lights. of Natural Reafon and Divine Faith, lhould prefer the pleaGng an megular Appe~tte before the Favour of God, and for a v~in Fancy Jofe the moft fubftant~al Happmefs. Thus Man being in Honour, and 1111derjiood not became like the Beafts that perifo, nay viler tha,JtheEarth. And all theChildrenof.Adane Gn according to the Similitude of hi< Ji>jl Tran./f,rcffion. 0 the cheap Damnation of Sinners ! For tranGent Pleafures, and mean Profits they venture upon eternal Death. This guilty and woful Folly not only defiles, but deba(es Men to Hell. Now the Lord of Life and Glory by fuffering an ignominious Death for us, has with the cleareft evidence dilcovered ,the true Worth of Souls: That they are precious beyond Idon•mfui o- comparifon, fince the whole World is not a valuable Compenfation for them: We p.:risz(hrna~ are not redeemed with corruptible things, as Silver and Gold, but lPith the prccio11r Blood ~~·n:~~~0reofChri.ft, as of a Lamb without fpot and hlemifh: Tl1at facred Treafure of Heaven demir. .dr11,;, that was laid down for us, exceedingly increafes our Obligations to the BleiTed Redeemer. reJ~r~l!lvJ~ghl;;~:;;:~~~;o~: :h~~0;r~nt1f.~'oea"t~l'~~~~~~~:r~:~~~eGo"li,e?~ God's Enemies into the amiable joyful State of his Children: And confequently our Redeemer has purchafed for us not only Salvation from Hell, but eternal Glory, a Life more divine and durable than the natural Life in Parad ife. How can we ferioully think of this tranfcendent Benefit without a rapture of Affection? He infinlteIy deferves our Love and Service who l1as bought us with fo dear a price, and pnrcl1afed for us a glorious and incorruptible Inheritance. 3. We are his Servants by his Deliverance of us from our Spiritual Enemies, Satan, ~~~,!',n~r?.~a~!~s tf,~n~ri~~ep~~Jl;;~\a,intd";~~~gY,i~~rleo;~r t';}u~~e~1~/~~d'~ .Right, which could never be extinguifhed, yet by our Overthrow he has a kind of a Title to us, and keeps us as the Spoils of his Vitl:ory: And having revolted from God, we are juftly though miferahly under the Powers ofDarknefs. We are chained in the loweft and the vileft Bondage: The Soul and Body are under his tyrannous Dominion, and lilffer the deepeft Wounds of Infamy and Cruelty. He fetters our Minds with dangerous Delufions, our Wills with divers Lufts and Pailions, and leads Men Captives in the ways of Sin, till they fall into Hell the Centre of Mifery. Now as in redeeming a Captive, there muft be the payin:>; the Ranfom, and the breaking his Chains, that he may be reftored to Liberty : So, befides the Price that was payed to God the Supreme Judge, for our Difcharge, our Saviour has broken our Chains ; he by the fanctifying Spirit difpels the Darknefs of our Minds, foftens the Hardnefs of our Hearts, fubdues the Rebellion of our Wills, rcfrifies the Diforder of our Affections, that we may be freed from the Dominion of Sin, as well as from the Obligation and Terrors of the Law. He' has broken the Powers of Luke u. ,. r.~r~~: ~~a}r~~n~;~etpJ~tu~~e~h~:a:t~;~d tgfs Ic~~~g~~~~~~a'te~s~rt~;:~::io: violent Lufts that are feated in the Heart, and reftores 11J ' to the glorioM Liberty of the So1u of God; By dying he cleftroyed him that had the Power ofDeath, andtri1tmphed over Principalities and Powers o1z the Crqfs. We have Freedom of Pardon and of Grace, and the natural and nece!fary Confcqnence is, that we cheerfully ferve him that fet us free. This is expre!fed by Zacharias in his divine Thankf- ~~:~i1.~rt~!tJ;;~!e1:1~:e;/~~;,;;o:J,e,l;;;~h:f'D:;, If;;;,~Liv'::. m~~~'fh:~e.~:~1;~~= tafy does the Plafmift break forth, 0 Lord, truly I am thy Servant, I am thy Servt~~tt, and the Son of thy Hand-maid, thou haft broken my B911ds: Yet this was but the refcuing of l1im from fome temporal imminent Danger : How much clearer and fironger Ingagements bind us to ferve our Redeemer, wl10 has freed us from the Power as well as Punifument of Sin ? Love fuould correfpond with Love: As Love defce~ds in Favours' and Benefits, it fhould afcend in Thankfulnefs and Duty. St. Pmtl had fuch a lively apprehenfion of our Saviour's Love, that it had an abfolute Empire in his Heart and Life ; he expre!fes it in the moft lignificant manner : The Love ofChrift conftrain.r 111, beca~tfe we th11s judge, that if oue dyed for all, thm n:erc all dead; and that he dyed for all, that they rvhich live,flJoHld not hmceforth live to them{elves, lmt unto himwhich dyedfor them and rofe agai11, The Word colljiraineth, fignifies prop~~­ Iy to beintirely under the Power of another : As the Prophets infpired by the Spmt of God, only fpakeand atl:ed according to hi s extraord inary Motions in them: 'filus