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Dr. Thomas Jacomb's Funeral Sermon. I will briefly glance at tile feveral Degrees of the Reward that !hall be conferred upon all whom the Kiug ofGlory del~ghts to houour in the next T¥orld. I. The Scriptu~e reveals, .that the Souls ofj'ifl Mm firll: come to the perfoflio11 ofGlory. If Ad,zm had contmued m hiS holy State after a fhort Immortality upon Earth he had been tranOated Alive, and entire in Soul and Body, to Heaven : The everlall:i~g Door!> l1ad been opened wide for his Reception : But lince our Difobedience, though our Guilt be pardoned, the Gate is fo flrait that the grofs Spoils of our Fldh mull: be left behind us. Now immediately upon the diffolution of the Saints, God fends a Guard of A~gels, his mofl noble Creatures, to Convoy th~ir. Soul: i~to the Co11rts of. h,. Ho11our, mto the Chamber of Ius glonous Prefence. DIVlne D1gmty! This is ti):e priviledge of his chofen Friends and Favourites, of the mofl illuflrious and ble!fed Creatures. In Heaven the Divine Majefly is feen in its Glory: And if one Ray of it, reflctl:ing upon Suffering Stephen, adorn'd him with Angelica} Glory, how much more will the Face of God mofl radiant and refplendent transform the Soul into an admirable Similitude of his PerfeCtions? Whm we foal/ fee him M he is, we /hall he like him, by his ever-living Spirit, the Principle of the Divine Life and Beauty in theSoul, as the Soul is of the natural Life and Beauty in the Body. There will remain no !hadow of Error in the Mind, no mixture of Evil in the Will, no Pollution in the Affections, but the full Likenefs of God in Holinefs ami Joy. This is the highe!l: Honour an immortal Spirit is capable of. The State of Innocence wherein Man was created is ~a~;~r~o~::; ;{.ff,~;J:'~ ~t1~~~~~~~~e~:;o~~~~~1~~n';l~1s;l~~t;~Jj,if{RI:;~,~ !::J. ~~r~ fill they partake of the Heavenly and Divine Honour. If the Joy that fprings from believing whilfl we are in this Vale of Tears be mifPeakable andfit/1 of Glory, how ~~or~~u~1;! ~;~J~l~~dt, ff1~~n~:r~~tt\~e ~i~~~~~ts~~~~a: t~~ed~oa~ :g!i~la~J~u~~: prelfes, J,, thy Preji11cc n fit!!lejs of]oy, at thy right Ha11d are Pleajims for evermore. 2. At the lafl day their Bodies !hall be raifed and reGncd to a Spiritual Excellency, and transformed into the Likenefs of Chrifl's glorious Body. The Apoflle declares, That the Confummation of the Saints Glory !hall be at Chrifl's Appearance. Then their Souls !hall be reinvcll:ed with !hining Robes of Immortality : They fhall be placed at the right Hand of the everla!Hng King, which implies the highell: Honour; as God's beinp; at our right Hand, implies ProteCtion and Defence: They !hall then ~~~~:~,~ e::'t~~ i~!~r~o~~~ 11~~~n)o;~ ~}te~~f,i;~a~;~·aJ::,'r~;:;;:·tg~1ili:~ ti~ro~ Thrones, and judge the World, even the Prince of Darkr.cfs with all his Apoflate Trains; they !hall give their folemn Suffrages to the Judgment pronounced by our Saviour, faying, HnUdujnh, Salvation, a11d Glory, nnd Hono11r, nnd Power 101to the Lord 011r God ; for tr11e a11d righteoM are his ]11dgments. Add after the lafl Act of his Regal Office, our Saviour will lead them into the Kingdom of his Glory to reign with him for ever and ever. Who is able to unfold this excell ent Glory? all Humane Words arc unworthy and too narrow to exprcfs it; only the lively and ravifhing Experience of that Glory can fully reveal it to us. The meanefl Saint in that Kingdom fhines in Glory that infinitely exceeds all the mofl folemn and magnificent R.eprefentations of an Earthly Majefly, all the Trophres and Triumphs of the mofl famous Conquerors. To raife our Thoughts by a di!'rinct .Comparifon of them, confider, The Glory of Saints is fubflantial and folid, 'tis inherent in them. The Apoflle fays, Tis a Glorl that jhall be revealed in '": A plenary Infulion of all glorious Endowments both in Soul and Body !hall conform us to the Son of God. The Glory of this World is but an airy Opinion, a verbal Sound without Subflance, empty Titles, external Appearance, and confers no real Dignity to the Perfon that receives it. ' There is no Greatnefs in worldly Honour : 'Tis Fancy heightens fame by companfon with thofc that are below them. But Heaven is the Kin~dom of true Glory, and ~~~~~u~·~;,tdt~~~·f~!r~~~1 ~f~";;W~rlhA;:a~~~~~~~l~~~e~,~~~!l,~:dJ.monl~!d,•1~~~:~ . tho11 nrval-efltholl 1vilt dejlroy their Image. They are painted Shadows, fplendid Toys. What difference there is between the clear and found Judgment of a Perfon throughly awake, and the vain fugitive Fancies of one tha~ dreams, there is, and much more between the [welling Images of Worldly Honour, and the real Heavenly Honour of the Saints. . - The Heavenl yGlory brings entire SatisfaCtion. As for me, faith David, I wiU behold thy };,ce ;, Righteoufi,efs, I jha/1 be fotisjied whw I awake with fhJ Likenefs. When the ' Mornmg