_____I}_r. Thomas Jacomb's Funeral Sermon.. 793 Morning of Glory arifes, and the Soul awakes from the heavy Eye-Lids. of Flefh, and fees the King of Spirits in his Beauty, and the ltl_lpreffio n of the Dr_vme. E~ce l - Jencies confpicuous in it [elf, what a joyful Satis£1Cbon, as f"~'eet ~s Ltfe, lS d.iffufed through all its Powers ( What a Heavenly Sabbath compofes all ItS vaft and reftlefs DeGres( The Glorified Saint fings with the Pfalmift, Retmw to thy Re{/, 0 my Soal, fir the Lord h,u dealt bountiji1Uy with thee. But how unfatisfall:ory is all fecular Greatnefs and HoJlour ( Ofthjs we have the fulleft Teftimony from fame who afce nded to the top of Worldly Glory: Solomon whofe calm and flouri!hingState wasfcarce ever parallel'd, yet declares that all was Vanit)', And theRomanTnumphs, wherein the World was reprefented in its higheft Glory, was but an empty Shew: Vefi:ajian the N•m ut m•~• Emperor in his triumphant way often refle£ted upon his Folly in being induc'd to p~rdi~mvens fuffer ft1ch a tedious Vanity. 'Tis tr.ue the dreaming Mind s of Men are deceived ~~~~~~'::eawith vain complacence in it for a while, and this makes them unwilling to be dormiat, ita ~~":"~h·~Y 0~rt~1~i~a;~~~~i~[1i~}~~~r~cfa~t;~e!ru~~~n~~a~ 0~a~~~t ~~~~ht~~et~1~t~~~~; f~~:;~~; n.e of the Sou1. Opijit. Dti. To fum up all, The Honour of the Servants of Chrift is Eternal: They will fhine '· ' '· like the Stars, that never faint in their Watches and Influe nces, with a durable Glory. But the Glory of.thisWorld, like a blaze in Straw, prefen tly vanifhes: not one Ray offecular Glory !hall enlighten the higheft Monarchs, in the fhady Vally of Death, nor in the Regtons ofDarknefs beyond it. The proper and main ufe of what has been fpoken, is, 1. To direll: our Ambitious Defires and Endeavours to fee k Heavenly Honour. Nature has inftilled the Defire of Praife and Glory: And t his is like fame Plants that in their native Soil have a poyfonous Quality, buttranfpla nted into another Soil and Climate, are not only innocent, but healthful. Pride ruin 'd both Worlds : The Angels were expelled from Heaven, and Adam from Paradife for their Pride, And ever lince'tis a feminal Sin productive ofinnumerable Evils and Mifchiefs: Pride of Lift~ one ofthe great Corrupters in the World: 'Tis the caufe of Envy and Emulation: Of Envy that would degrade thofe tl1at are above; of Emul ation that urges thofe who are be1ow by any guilty means to afcend higher: lis one o f the great Deft:royersof Men here and hereafter. The Affell:ion of the Praife of Men makes fo many aflmmed ofthe Gojpel ofChriji, of owning its Truths, or fubj ell:ing themfelves to its pure Rules. This Account is gtven of the Infidelity offome inom Saviou r's time, theyfimght the Hono11r oflVIen, tUtd not the Ho11our that comes from God only. But Jet the Defire of Glod,eblen~~~;~~~~~~~·c~~,~~: ~:t~\~~ss~~~{~~nl~bti~fo:,obe~~;~i~;~'\~~";r~~X ~ll"gi,;~ man. The changing of the Objell: will be an excellent me anstorell:ify our inordinate Defire of Honour, of what is pompous and fpecious in th is World. There is fame Refemblance in curing the Difeafes of the Mind, and thofe of the Body. A Difeafe is not only cured by what is manifeftly contrary, but fometimes by what feems like to it, yet has a fecret Contrariety: The feverif l1 Heat is rtot only fpent by cooling Julips, but by Cordials that fortify the natural Hea t that confumes thofe Humours that are the inflamable Matter which foments the Fev er. Thus the fenfualDefire worldly Honouris extinguifh'd by a pure lEthereal Affell:io n, the Defire of that Honour that comes from the God of Glory, who is the a bfolute and eternal FountJin of Honour. 2. Let us be effell:ually excited to choofe Chrift for our Mafter, and devote our felves to his Service for ever. Tho his Dominion is Supreme, and his Right in us unalienable, yet he will be glorifi ed by our free Obedience. Our Refolution andConfent to fervc him, that it may be acceptable, mull: be deliberate, intire, and everlafring. r. Deliberate from the Convill:ion and Senfe of our Duty a nd Intereft : For the Ignorance and Deception of the Mind, the fuddainSurpr ifal of the Will is contrary to that clear Confcnt that is requifite to eftabli!h a Covena nt, There isa Compet it ion between the Son of God, and the God of this World, whd fhall reign over ns : One we mufl: ferve: 'tis therefore our highefl: Wifdom to choofe a gracious MJfter, and moft juft to ferve him who by full Right may claim due Service. If wid1 free Judgment we ponder things, if our ca rnal Scnfes and Paffion's have not the rlecifi;e Vote, we fi1all readily yield our f elves to Chrilt, who by fo many dear Titles has a Rigbt in us: For to this end Chrift dyed, and rofe, and revi- 'l ·ed, thal he m~~ht be Lord bo1h of the dead and of the livi11g. He is the tme Vi11c that left biJ Snx:etmfs , the goocl Olive .that left his F~tmfs to reign over 1#; and !hall we choofc the Bramble to dommecr ( He reqUires our Serdce not for K kkkk 2 his