Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

794______ ~ __D_r_. _T__ h_o_m_a_s_J_a_co_m__ b'_s_F_u_l1_~_a __ L&_r_m_o,_z. _________ his Profit, but that his Love and Bounty may take a rife to reward us: But Satan will torment them mof't who are mof't obfeguious to him: And what Charm, what Impref!ion upon the Humane Mmd can mduce us to prefer a Murderer before our Saviour? 2.. our ~onfe~t mufl: be intire, wit!10ut exception againfl: any of his Laws, or lJis "Provtden tml Wtll, and any Refervatton of our own Lufls and Appetites. He has told us, No Man cmzfervetwoMajler.r; for either betvillhtlfethcoHe, andlovethe other; or clfe he will hotel to the o11c, o11cl clefpi{e the other. The Commands of Chrif't ond Satan are abfolutely mconfif'tent : Obedience to the one is direCt Rebellion agai nfl the other. We may not capitulate with him, and think by fame goodWorks to compound for our Exorbitancies, and that f'triCtnefs in fame Duties will excufe our Indulgence of fome Sins: He will not accept bf bankrupt Obedience, llut f'triCtly requires the payment of fincere Obedience to all his Commands. Ch~Re; ~~~~~ ::fl:~~~sto0%~m{e~},v~;:a1~"Z,:h t~~~:if,~'~fo'.~~X~h~b~.~i~~,: : live 1mto the Lord ; a11d whether we dye, we d;·e 111110 the Lord, whether therefore we live or dye, we are the Lords: That is, our Lives-mufl: be employed in his Service, and our Deaths be at his Order and Difpofal. Is the external acknowledging of him, and a fpecious Homage worthy his rnof't precious Sufferings? Can his Death excufe our Difobedience? Can his Sufferings that purchas'd his Dominion to Rule us, pr~~~eo~~~~~r~!o~~i'b~e:;;i:~:i~~~i~~~~en:~~'~ ~e;~~~~~.J:~~~~~fl~~~a!f~:~~~ and force of our internal Faculties, with all the diligence of our outward Members, with all pof!ible induf'try to advance his Glory. Tis not the empty Title of Lord, nor the performing Come Oight Obfervances that will pleafe Chrif't. The Commands of the Gofpel frequently urge us to be fervent in our Heavenly Calling, Firft fiek the Kin,gdom ofHeavm, and the Rightcoi!JIIcjs thereof: Strive to enter in at the Jirait Gate: Take the lGngdoJJt ofHeaven by Violence : Work Olft your own Salvation with fiar oncl trembling : Abo11ncl ;, the Work of the Lorcl : Be rich ;, goocl Works: Aclcl to FaithVirtm, toVirtuc!Cnowlcdge, and every Grace in'"degrees of Eminence: Give all Diligmce to make yo11r Calling and Elet1ion Jure : TtVc mufl walk circmufpeli!J and extt.llly becoming the Diguity a11d P11rity ofour high and holyCaUi11g. We have many Duties to perform, many Sins to fubdue and mortify, many Graces to perfect, and the mof't intent application of Mind, the mof't zealous induf'try is requifite for ft1ch great Ends. By Diligence and Culture our Souls will be as fruitful Gardens abounding;, the Fr11its ofRighteollfi•c{I : but if we areremifs and earelefs, rheywill be barren as the Sands of Aji-icn. We fbould wirh as much Zeal and Vigour ferve Chrifr as ever we ~~s~e?T~~~l~~'~(o;~~S~:,"1~~i~:'I ;~;o~~;:, ~~~~~~ Z~~';;,;':/,~, ~~~~fie~,b~~~f.!~~:: and Weapons to V11cleaunejs, fo yield JOttr Membcr.t Weap01u and Sc1·van11 ofRighteo~tJn~ff~ But bow many that have made a Trade of Sin, are as carelefs in Religion as if it were a llight Recreation ? How many pleafe themfelves with aMediocrity inReligion, and pretend if they be but faved, they are content: They do not afpire to excellent degrees of Glory, nor to higher degrees in the fJ.vour of God, and are luke-warm and ren1ifs in bis Service, prefuming what they do will be fufficient to feeuretheir Souls: But was ever any Perfon Co deferred of Reafon, that in Worldly Trade when he ~~ghU~~~a~/~~1~r~~e~h~~~ri~~~p~I;0J~ri~::~;~~e~'~e;~?et~~~~;ft:s ~~~f~~~~ he does ReUgioully is the effeCt offervile Fear, which is no Saving Grace: For were it not for the terrible Pnnifbment, fucb a Perfon would fecmely commit the Sin. Briefly, as the Lord Chrifl h,ufav'cl,,. to the uttermoft, we lhould ferve him totheuttermofi: We flmuld with fuch Alacrity and Diligence, with fuch willing Hearts and Earnef'tnefs ferve l1im on Earth as he is ferved in Heaven : If we l1ad the Powers of the Angels, yet our Service would be fbort of our Obligations. 3· Our Service of Chrif't muf't be upon firm Principles and permanent Reafons to our Lives end. Sometimes there are Defires and Refolmions kindled in the Breaf't, Cl>• ;, ;pfi• and the Carnal Paf!ions below fo violently as to quench them. Like fomeCurfed Wo- ~2iE~f.~:; , ~e~he'~~~ln~i~}e;~J~!~?,~ ~i~r7dh1~~e1;~i~3~ffi~~~~~~;~i~:eib,~~0~~~ ~~;~~! nem _fu_turi arife, they withdraw themfelves. Others begin iu the Spirit~ run well for a time, but ~;~;~-~~/&' ettd i1t the Flefo. Our Saviour has fpoke the doomofall fi.Tch,No Mrm having p11 t his Hdnd p~nc1dium fJ . to thePloJut,l', twd looking back, is Jitfor th:: l(ingrlom ofGod: He jsnot worthy the Hoi:,::~~~::."'· n~m of being Chriil:'s Servant, and be will quick ly find rhe fearful Confequ~~~:fi.[