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Mr. David Clarkfon's Funeral Sermon. ednefs from Thorns, Poverty, and Mourning, Hunger, and Thirfl:, and Perfecution: and t his the more lively tinll:ure to our Joy. The Joy of Vill:ory is tranfporting, and that always in proport ion_to the Danger and Power of the Enemies fu~­ dn'd, Jnd the rich Spoils taken from them. Now when our Spiritual Enemies, fo numerous, fo powcrfhl and irrecon~ileablc to our Souls, Sin, Satan, Death, are utterly bro_6en, how triumphant a Joy follows? The Hifl:orian r_elating that moft: glo- S~d nihil lift~~~ r~;;,11~1fe~~~,0'Ti~:~~~~~f{;:~h~;o!~:ei~:~~~t \~~~~ ~~~r~j~y~::~:~rl;,~at5oef!ee!~:~ t~;er~l:~~~~ Elephants that had been fo terrible, and carried Towers on their Backs, to be fub- •lla quu ri· dued and ied in Triumph. Thus how joyful is it to fee the Prince of Darknefs, with ~~:tb~s c(u~· all his infernal Legions, not without the tormentin~ fenfc of their Captivity, bruifed bellias, q~~ un~er our Feet ! ~o fee t!J~ ln~mane Nature ?f CbriO: rais'd t<;> the bighefl: Honour to ~ao;; i~?r:t1i~nfu wlu ch that rebellmus Spmt d1d proudly afp1rc. 0 how delightful a Spell:acle! All fobmilli• .w- ~~~~~t~~s ~~t~~~e~~1eir Crowns ~efore the Throne, an~ fing the P,aifes of their ~~~~#~L~o~ 5· The Glory of this Place is difcoverecl in the Scripture. The Father of Chrifl ;s Fl". hb. •· c. the God of Glory, and the Father of Glory; and Heaven is his loft y and gloriOUS ' 8 ' Throne, becoming his Excellent Majef\y and Univerfa l Dominion. The' Lord hath prepared hit Tbrone in the Heavens, a11d his Kingdom ruleth over all. Glory in its tirO: ~;~~~s "f~~~~~~~ ?~i~~~e£si,~d~d 11:~:~s ~~eLb~:~,n~~r~~aTo~~~~~ee~;::/l~'~~~lt G!oriO!f$ i1t Holin';/s, Glorio!H in Power : ~nd the Joy of Believers is call'd unJPeakable and y..lorio11:r. Heaven is fer forth a:; Glorious in a tranfcendent manner; 'tis called, the ExceUwt GlmJ; from whence aVoice came to tbe Apof\Jes in that Holy Mount, declaring Chri!t to be the Son of God : So 'tis ca ll'd, The richly glorious Inheritance; the luheritmtce of the Saints i11 Light. . When the Sun rifcs in its brightnefs, a Deluge of Gold overflows the World, and adorns the Univerfe: but this is but a Shadow of the inherent Glory of the hi!(hell: Heaven. Twas prepar'd by God for the Ho,fo of hi< KingdoiJt; aml the Glory of h;s Majejly . We read of the vall: preparations made by two great Kings for the building the Teml'le at Hiemfalem : fuch fums of Gold and Silver, that would empty all the Treafuncs of the Prmces of the World; t hat were it not recorded in Sacred Scripture, it would exceed belief. .ThC"number of the Workmen were feventy thoufand, employ"d feven Years without intermiffion; the Materials were very rich and fplendid, Gold, and Ceda r, and precious Stones : and the excellency of t he Architell:me was fuc h, that no Hlllmne Art can equal : for it was n,1odel'd by the Divine Mind ; ~nd the delineation of its Parts was fent to David by an Angel. But what are the Preparations of Earthly Kings, to the Preparation of God? And what is the Glory of the T emple made with Hands, to that admirab le Fabrick that receiv'd its Being and Perfect ion immediately from God ? We read of the N erv Hierufalcm, the Type of Heaven, that tbe Fomtdatimi.; tvere preciotn Stone.r, the Gates wer.e ·intirc Pearl.r, the Streets pure Gold, dS it 1vcre trtu~ffiareut Gl'!fs. The Expreffions are in condefcendance to our Capacities, and but a faint refemblance of the Glory of Hierufolem above. I n the ViGon of the Prophet Efoy, the Seraphims cried to one another, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lm·d God of Hofl.r, the whole Earth ;s jitU of thy Glo>J'· 'Tis a T heatre of Wonders divinely deck'd, and the wife oon,,.ro;t ~~f~nj~~ ?t~r~~~r~h~d~!~~~~~~YP~}i~~c~~:ti~,~~G~~~a~rc0~~d:,~~ef~ ~f~~~ ~:= ~;~~~r~~~ii.; ker; and the Glory of the Maker refults from the Excellence of the Work. B.ut what the Apof\Je faith, in compa ri ng t he Legal and Evangel ical Di fpenfation, That if that which WM done away, WtJS glorioll:t, much more that which remahn ~ gloriON!; and in that degree of eminence as to obfeure the other, may juf\Jy be applied to the Glory of God appearing in the Earth, and tbe third Heaven : for if the Earth, the Jowef\ Stage of ,t he World, t he Habitation of Brute Cre~tures, and to be continued only for a time, bath fo much Glory in it, what an excellent Glory is in the Supreme Heavens, the nati ve Habitation of the Angels, and that is to continue for ever? The Earth fince Man's Rebellion, doth not remain in its Primitive State, but hath lofi much of its Beauty and Ufefulnefs. At fir(\ it was intirely fuitabl e to t he rich Good ' nefs of the Creator; now terrible mixtures of his Jufli ec appear in all t he parts of it: Barrennefs in the Earth, Thorns and Thif\Jes, the Fruits of the Curfe for Sin i Ma; Jignant Influences, and Storms in the Air, Tempefis in the Sea, Inundations of VVa - ter; and how many Difeafes are fatally natural to our Bodies? But the highef\ H<a" ven remains in its origin:~ I Beauty~ and pure Integrity. The Earth is now the Habitation of his Enemies, where they opprefs his faithful Servants by their hold lnjuPpppp ri~'