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Mr. David Clarkfon's Funeral Sermon. at his Table in his Kingdom. In h_is Promifes of _ Re~ara s ~ ·:ft was not' his intention mcerl y to make a fhow of hisPower; but .to d>ch re b1s 'Love : Like a God, he dotli not magnify the Favours he Will befrow, but leaVes it it) their Spirits .to conceivC what becomes Alm ighty Goodnefs to btftO\v on, his Servants.. In the p,l_ain?rt n~an" ~}'tl~{ 6:~:i~~~ ~~i~eG~l,~~~td; there is a Clear C~~~~er :?f rh: e~;.e1ffJf Greatnefs I wi ll now confider tlie iqflillible Alfurance we hav~ of this -marel)rri1ce aild Srate. This is built qn our Saviour's diem,','~~d ~ilJ"rUfi\'.~.· lihd, !lis goilig to prepare that. B}effednefs for !he)ll· . E:Ic faith to. tvs J?Ifc,IP,i ~l1, ·Ot~e'r~if!.- !.would have told JOII ?. Implyi_ng, th;l_t: -ll~~- A!fetl:.Ion, an,d s~tit#,Itf.,~ ~a~e. l.t Impof!_i.tBle tha\ he fhould decetve th; m with an empty Promife of future lfi'P.P;'J?fs: :· .. , ..• ' ' · . ( 1. ) His Love feeures them, He would rteyer ha"e chdfel! t11e;rit5 B~ tl).e . <;ompanibns of his Cref~, n0v'e~ h;lve.~.x.Po's'd the~ as She~f?::;mo'i\e Waiil~ 1o.Jufl'e< for Jus fake and to leave them for ever, and ·reign alone m a&v'en.' ' l';llve is a henel volent Affelli~n rifing in the Br~aft, an~ -~.l;'!e{fing it f~f iH rj:ali~ei\elifS, , ascotdi"g& ro the Power of the Lover, anc\ the Wants or the CapacifY. ·Bf Ehe Per~{i beloved : ahd tlll! more ihtenfe the _6ffe8:ion is, the !Jlpre eviderl£ ilnd hdble eT!,&£~ of Kind: nefs "'ill proteed from it. All tlie mo!t iibedf Ex)miffion_s;'.,\>-itbti\iE rea~erfo?npnce, afC. but a vain pageant of Fiierldfllip. Now, -tlie Love: of our Saviour to his J;)ifci7 pies, was not ~nly fincere,· obf in fuch a degree of einineiice, ~hat they !!]lght fafely ~tt~r~n~15ar;~~~f~~ tl~~ p;rth Lfr~ee;e~~~~?;g":t'mt,Ji 6&N~~~~-~~lnstt~:!t ~&;~;;a~~; t~}mhi:fo~~fi~~~0~e:,"~lda a~1B'e~\~~1;s~1~J~!fn~ i'IXJ~6\~~.i\~~t llikes; is the ftrongeft a!furimce that hew' . hem io fii$ Father's .'H6ufe above. 'Tis reprefented as the peculiar Gia ry' of , that he_rcated ~~el:i:y_ and L?v~ Am«;,;, ""' ~e~~~ ~e~:S;~~~nft 'r[~~s\~~el~~~fr~b'!ni)lion for5a~~,~~Jigrl~~~~R:n~h~;'J~"~~l: ~i~!iE:~~ Throne to a kind of equality with a Sl).bjell:, or too ~1lgh *n· exalta.f~on to affume acani, fc:d indu~ private Perfon into fuch a degree of Atrea:i?;t, as to ~a;ke Hiht as hi_~feJt ~ ·ye~ fu<;I~ ~?fqa;u~~~";: was the condefcenfion of that great and arruabie Emperor. .. But how Hlftabt 1s the ~omfolio.""' !~~~;flo~~~~':~~~t~~ t~v~b;;~~~~i~hed;~~nfr~~0hi~i~:·e ~~\f.~~;!, ~~h~~: ~:.·~:~ 'ld he was ador'd by the ('ng;e1s, and united~~~ tdour ~a_fLife in our lciwl}+, h~tet in order ~'b~~h=~~If~~~~~~~a~~ fi~f~~~~,;,.~~du;~~I~~:f, 'de~'e'::a\~ t:l :!od~hat~J fat~v;~/- remon of, tlle Temple, was furpriz'd wit)] beavenly arroMirnrl!ebq E.u fPill God inC deed dwell on Enrth? with i.nfin \te more caiffe (!ave we, _CdHr.dering tli'e1ncarhatibri ot the Son of God, to fay, JYiiiGod illd!Cil ~well. on E!frth f Fo~ 'Y.llat w~tl)e ar.- pcarance of a Vapour that m•ght be e>lilf difpell d, to tpe comrng of Jefl!s ~hnit: into the ,World, in whom the Fulnefs of .tW0odh,ad dwelt fubftantialiy? . W~at ~ fo worthy of r~verence and admiration ? . ~l'w Things ftlfp'errd tHe ,allings of thl; tnidd, glorious Things overwhelm the Facultfj an~ never was there fo rare and =«~~~n~~ ~~ ~~1:i~ian'{.1~~[~ ggn!1ii~nt~~:tf!e"Ji ;!~n:'Me~I~hf:2t~~m~~~n~rm himfelf in Glory. As 'tis more for a Prince to live wi1h a private Perfon in~ Cdl" tage with complacency, than to receive tliat Perfon into his Coqrt, and ihveft him with Honour. The Love of our Saviour never abated to his Difciples; when he was in view of Dea th, with its troops of Terrors, ,tis faid, Havihg lov,d hk Own~ he lov'd them to the eud. And after his Refurrellion to a Heavenly Life, . he expreff the fame dear affellion, Go to my Brethren ! a ftile as high as Love can rii'e. . . T is further confiderable what was touch'd on before, ihat the Difciples of Chrift, befides the common Calamities of Mankind wherein they are involv'd, ate for hi~ Truth and Cau[e expos'd to Indignities and Injuries of all kinds and degrees, whicfj the malice of Satan and ltis Inftruments, the perverted Wo'rld, can faften upoti t hem. The complaint of the Church of old is often renew'd, For thy fake wl are killed all the day lo11g; we are accounted ,. Sheep for the Slmtghter. And can the' Love of Chrift, fo tender, [o compaffionate, that the Love <;>f a Mother to ~ rucking Infant is not an adequate reprefentation of it; can fuch Love l e~ the Saints be feparated from him foe ever? Then, according to the Apoitle's exprelri" on, If;, thi< Lift ouly we ha·ue hope in Chrij/, we are of all M en moft mife• rnble. Ppppp2 ( 2.) His