Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

To his Honour'd Friend HENRY ASHU R S T, Efquire. SIR, I Have complied with your defire in publijhi11g the (oUowing Se~·mo11 •PM the Death if your Dear Brother. The Soveraign DiJPofer ofall thi11gs ha< been plcafed to tak• '"''J ;:~~t; ~I:a;;~e;es:fr~e1;~:;;rf::a;o ~~::b:; ;;;, ~~;~:1:;;:;r ta:~;;:~ ;;; Jent l .ife is ttpprottcbing that will be tlttmded with its Night, and to excite you to prepare for )'Our great Change fom Time to Eternity. Y01e ha?Je h1deed peculiar Obligatious t~.nd Enctnmtgement to beReligioTH in a degree ofEminence; whofe Father was fo bright aLight, and Guide to all his Relations in the Everlajling Way, by hi< Holy C01m{els a11d Heavenly Converfation. Of him I could JPeak 1J11WJ excellent Things, we1·e 1101 hi! Good11e.{s Jo tmivetfaUy known, that Detraelion itfelf could never faflenanmrworthy Imp1~tationupon him. It JhaU jitjfice to give thi< fhort Charalle~· ofhim jincerely: He wa< adorn'd with aU Divine Graces, and by their con.JPicHOIH Exercife WM fingularly emim11t amo11g the Saint!. He madefo particular an Application of that general Precept, Thou !halt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul, with all thy Strength, and with all thy Mind, tH if it had been felely given to himfelf; the Love }£God injlam'd hi< Heart, h;d t~~;:e ;A:;~;~/~;nt ]h1o ";:;~bJ;;~ 0h~n~4/ft·o:,:~h: £,{t,;~~ o1:£e 1~U~7d~~~:~efe might more fteely enjoy Comnumiou with the btejfed Objet1 of hh' Spirit11al Defires. HH Piety Wd:f in ConjtmOion with a.U thofe Vtrtue.r that are req11ijite to accomp!ijh aChriflian: ;J:){ev;:~::e:';~};';:l_a0~':!ai7~~;' t;t::,e aa;t h~$:~~ :;t~':af::'{::;::,;~hM.:!~rA ::~ Humility, tU/.Illlliable Meeknifs, cond~[cending Affability and Sweetne.{f, compalfion~teCha- ~%ta::dBAt:::.ce 7I:h;;j:I::e1Y n::t~ 1o}!~fo~:~::cfoe~~;;;;~~~U~ :za:~/):!:Z~ loved of all. The uniform and regular Tenor of hi< Lift obtain'd thi< Tefti,;,ony, that rPM givm to OilY Blejfcd Majler, He did all things well. A conflantSermity reigmd in hKCountena1!ce, t he vijible jign of the Divine Calm ;, hi< Breajl, thePeace of God that palfes Xffi~~:~E~~Zg:n ~;gt~h~n:::f;:nco;t:,;~1fo;d,o':i%h:;~:d;:,:~t; t:~~~;af: i{;wc'h:}e~ ~ffi:;;::s:;:;;~~:~~;:i:&::c:n~:dtmt~r~~~~c= :}rl!}dfarT ~~~,;f:'~e~:;d;d~;r}n~~ mit to the dangerollf Remedy of C11tting, with what refigned SubmiJ!ion did he yield himfelf to the WiU of God r With what Tranq~tility did he expect the if!ite either offimvivi1lg or dyinR? Yo~t remember his words before that terrible Operatio11, When I walk through the Valley of the fnadow of Death, I will fear no Evil: When fo great a Wou11d w,u made in hi1 Flefb us an open pajfage for Death to enter, andfitch cruel pflim foUowed dS ft_r~tck the SpcOators with tremb-ling, he endur'd them with mr in.JPired Patieucc aud Con~ jlancy. ThM God was pleafed to perfe/1 his dear Ser<Jant by s,~'ferings. You.,. defccnt ftom fit eh a Father fbould be a powerful I11ceutive to you to iJJJitate' hit ad- :;;'(}~;i;~:m~ei;· //be~:~;~,~otu~;: j:ta:;;~{w:de~n~i/t 1t~o~efo~a:;; ~=~: 0~Jfo:J}f,;: Methinks aJacred Ambition fbould inflame yott to excel i11 all HolinefS and Godlinefs, ~::ra:?:,/ivi'P~o~;;1,e t?:JS;!,a;;e;~: :ea:le4~;:; ;:J:le:;,;~.~y:;:,: ~:~/fo'h!;~nadv=n::d~ be alwn;'Jtiri11g, and with Zeal endeavo~tring to obtai1z the Celeftial Prhe. I lluftig~tedly ~1toh~~;;t /t:;c:f, 'S"i i:ceUmt Lady, and your Family to the DiviNeBtejjiu,s. I 11111 Tour '!JfifliOJtllte And ftithfii l s~n.'tt{lf, VV. Bates.