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Mr. Benjamin Afhurfl:'.r Funeral ~ermon. old World, and raife the new ; ftom hit Face the Earth aud the Hettven ftaUflee nro.lJ, tmd tl·cre jhn/J be no place f(nmd for them. Accordiug to his Promife we look for 11ew Heavens a11d amroEarth, wherein dweUs Righteoufnefs. Briefly, in bis firll: coming he was defpifed and rejcfJed ofMC11, condemned and crucified, bm then he fl1:tll be revealed from Heaven with his migllty Angels, iH ftamiug Fire, total:c Vengeance 11pon all that know not God, anddifobeythe Gofpcl. _How will the wicked be f\~rpriz'dwitht!Je terrors of the Lordi At the promulgation of the Law, the Scnft:s of Hearing and Seeing, that are the inlets ofTerror, were fo fl:rongly affeCted with the Prefence of God, when fearful Lightnings were darted from his Eyes, and Clouds of Smoke came from the Breath of his Noll:rils, and at the lo11d j01mding of the r;~~~Pd1~ ,~?31{,~et6;~~:"~~:{'i:foJeNf17i~%l? ~~~a~e~~~~~z~~=fi-~t;~ o{ t~l~t ~fo~~~~f~st~:=~~~~~; and Sounds at the !all: Day overwhelm the guilty with Terrors, when theSonofGod ~f,~naft~~fu~~sh~f ~;:t~~~~fla~, ~~~~~~~~~~·~ta;[~~~f~~~0~at~lt fe"~~~:t!fr;;~: and a dreadfn l Jndgment !hall pafs upon the i~tpenitent Tranlgreffors of the eternal Law! how will they appear fpiritlefs, in fad Confufion in the g,.cat Day ofthe Lord Almighty ? Srco,dly, We are to confider the Circum{(ance of Time, his coming tf.11ickly. 'Tis verified by univerfal Experience, that no carnal Principle does more fortify Sinners in a falfe Security, thtt1tputting the evil Day far ftom them, and the Prefumption that they are not in prefent danger of God's Difpleafure, when inevitable and great Evils are look'd npon as remote, they make a flight Impreffion, but the Propinquity of fueh Evils infpires Terrors. We have an Inll:anceof this in Cabt, who (after God had denounced his PnniOtment for his bloody crying Sin) full of Perplexity and Defpair breaks forth, My Pu11ijbmeut is greater than I cau bear I a~td if ]ball co,~Je to pafs, that every o11e that findet.h me, jba/1 flay me. But when he was fecured ~rom prefent R.evenge:o and cxpeCI:ed a long Life in this World, he freely indulged Ius fenfual Dc~res, and built a City, to drown the noife of his a.ccuGt:g Confci.ence. The World follows this way of Cain, and freely purfues the SatisfaCI:!onoftheir Lull:s. Wh<;n Men look upon th e Divine Judgment at an. Imm;nfe d1fl:a~ce, a~d whe1t the evz.l Servttnt fbalifoy _in Mauh. 2-f~ his Heart, my Lord delays hu commg, he will fatisfy both the angry and voluptuous Appetites, he will fmitc hi.t FeUow-Servants, and eat a11d dri11k with the dr1mkm. To ~:~~e~ t~~~~~~o~~1e~e~~o%i~~~7 L~;:tst~~r Pfn]c~~~o~ifr~~:ee~~~t~}Wr;~~'t~~~R!~ v eli11g, 'tis threatened, they jbttU g~ve an account.of them, to him who is ready toj~tdge the 1 Pet . •;·I·!· .f<t,ick and the Dead. And to mduee "' patient Temper and affwage Sorrow, the AI~f:~~Jj;"~' ~e~~~~;~~ffi~~~eto~~u;~i~~~~I~~il~ ~t~ JP~!ci!fti~~~ !1~!,:i~'sDfudden coming to Jud~ment, _with the interval offo. many int.ire A~e~ laps' cl G,nce,_ and ;~~;~~~:n~;c~~~fide~f.,~;h: f~l~~~~~nt~,~~~·~ic~l';;s~ s uncertam. 1lus diflj~~l~y will ]<e r. The Words of the Text are to be underfl:ood in · thc fl:r.iCI: litera.! Senfe: For our Saviour havingreprefcnted in a vifionary Scene the State of the Churql in ·the . feveral Periods of its Duration to the end of the World, it~ ConAiCI:s, Villmy, and Triumph over Antichrill:ian Enemies, and Jtaving defcribed the Tranqnil(ty, Purity and Glory of the Church in the very !all: part of Time, wh ich is preparative to the glorious everlafl:ing State in the next World, he declares, I com,t!J .qllickly., and nv :Kev. 2 ;. 5 Rcwm·d ;,. with me ' After the final accomplilhment of thole Prqphecies, there is ~~p~~[t~~~e; ~~;~~~·te~:~;~:/,;ot;~:~'~~:~~O::,~d ~~dr{~~~Yp~rl-~~i;r~~~~c~~~g;!~~~ Efa. n. 1 . diately {ball receive R.ecompences according to their Works. _ .. Mich. 7· ' · 2. The whole flux of Time, from tbe firfl: to the fecond coming of Chrifi is ea!- Hob. '· ~f~et~~ ~If. ~[,:,~ch~11~~ ~~~p~~rl~~ret\~!~ ~;e a~e~~~~~!~gL~:"Of~u~3a~e~}fo,~d~ when the Mcj]ias, the Subll:ance of 1t, and PerfeCI:10n was come, and a new Cov!'- nant be immutabl y ell:abli!h'd in the Church, till the final expiring of Time. In t his Senfe the Apoll:le fpeaks to Cbrifl:ians in the firll: Age of the Church; Now ,u, CO<. ,o .. . ' theft things bappemd unto them for Examples, and they are writm for our Admo_nition, ~tpon whom the Eml.r ~[the JrVorld are come. Now in the diviGon of Timc,._dhis bemg the !all: par t of It, for the duration of the World, the fecond coming of Chrifi is reprefented as near. The !all: Glafs of Time was turn'rl up at the Revelation of the Gofpcl by the Son ofGod, and now the !all: Sands are running; whet] 'ti~ out, It !hall never be turned more. R r r r r 3. Some-