Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

8p Mr. Benjamin Afhurll:'s Funeral Sermon. ~~\:~sT1~~~~~bleF;~~~tl~l~~~~ ~l;e~ai~'it~10i~~t ~~~~~~~~~~ J~d~~~~~' i~0f~0un~~;~: fider'd, fo unexpeCted, and unprepared for, by mof't of t he World? Shollid not t he Excellence of their Jud,~e make Sinmrs afraid? His univerfal Knowledge, for all t!Jin~s are tJakcd a11d opw to him, with whom we have to do ; His immaculate Holinefs, _for he is of p~trer Eyes than ~o. behold Jniquity rvithout avcrflttioJt ; His incorruptible JnfHce that l~rU not Jfarc tl~e g~ttlty ; _H1s Eternal Power that can fo eatily and terribly revenge all wtllful D tfobedtence to Jus bw, and has been fo infolently contemned, all t he Perfe£twns of his Divine Nature, and the bleeding Sulferings of hi s Humane Nature to J?urcbafe Salvatton fo wretchedly neglell:ed, will render their Judgment fear- ::a~k.':~.l· ~~}r~,0~r1 ~l~J:H~~ds t:ft:;,t;'~/:h{ J~i;1h~eh~a~J{J~{~:::z11t. ~e~a; ~;~ ~~;':h~~k t~ miti ~a te his hot Difpleafure, when his Clemency fo often defpifed, will inflame !m Juf'ttce? All the Mercies which they have fo ungraciouOy abus'd, fuall be produc'd in Tef'timony of their Re.bellion, heighten'd with the mof't unworthy ln•ratitude: What Confl:ernation will feize the Guilty, when ten thoufand Accufers 0 fuall rife up in Judgment againfl: them, and not one Advocate appear for their Defence? Methi nks the hearing fuch terrible Truths fuould make their Ears tin~le, and their ~,':~~?:: ~/t~f~~~~ll~ta~,?[~~~~f~'!~~:~~~r~b~;rf~~0P~~~d~::e: rf~ei0~~e b~ deaf as Adders; but let a carnal Lufl: whifper within from their earthly part, they prefently hear and are charmed. From whence is it that the Eternal Judgment, fo fi1re as Death, does not caufe an extream Apprehenfion in unpardoned Sinners? The next caufe of this Stupidity is, that they put the evil day at a remote dif'tance, as the Ez.k., '· "· Scorners faid, the Vijion h for many days : they f'tudy to be fecure, and delay their f.;;l~a~a~i~~;Y ~~~~~~~i~ge:c~i~;:?ti~:ne~~~ffZeb~hbr~Jl~el~i,e ~~~~n~~7fe !'~;vh~~~1? Some in their impure Embraces, others at voluptuous Fcaf'ts have beeh feized by Divine Juf'tice: the day of Death is equivalent to the day of Judgment; for immediately after there is a final decilion and all:ua\ difpofing of Men for eve r. . That we may therefore be duly prepared, thefe Dire/.lions are to be followed. 1. Let it be our fpecial care to plant the Beli ef of this great Truth in our Minds, and preferve it in its Vigor, that we may feel its Efficacy and Influence in ourHearts and Li ves. Cuf'tomary Believers, whofe affent to Divine Truths is only from the ~~~j~~d~~~~!fsE:ndafl~u'ie ~~~i~~~ cx:r,~7~s~I?}T,~'r~tb"r[a~~~~r;,~~~:~1 of1~~1:!1\~~ts l~~~ ~~li;;~~. fp~~1~ ~[~,:r I~:d~~~-~ fn~~~~!~!f~f~:l~~i~1~~· a~ddp~~K~~~~~~~1bof~~;Cs in Sin, is becaufe Men have but a Oite Belief of their great account. But we have infallible affurance from the Judge himfelf: Behold I come quickly : hh Thr011e h like the fiery Flame, and his Wheels a< burning Fire, an Emblem of his fwift coming to Judgment. The fl:edfafl: Belief of this will arref't our vain Thoughts, and controul our vicious Affell:ions, and regulate our ConverGttions. Faith is the Principle of Fear; and Fear is a preventive Paffion, it engages the Mind to confider with. becoming ferioufnefs, how to efcape the Damnat i01z of Hell. Then we throut<hly believe this fundamental Principle of Religion, when the defign and work of our Ltves t> to be approved by our Judge. . ' o, Moderation both in the Pleafures and Bulinefs of the World is reqnifite, that we may with intire Application of Mind prepare to appear before our Judge. 'Tis L"k "·H>!S the aweful Caution of our Saviour to his Difciples, Take heed to your felves, left at any time, your Hearts be O"Jercharged with SllrfeJtmg and Dnmkemr~{i, and Cares of th;s Life, anel fo that Day come upouJOlt 1UJawares. For M a S1Mre j/Hdl it come Oil dU them, t hat droe/1 011 tl1e Face of the whole Earth. W~ttch ye therefore aml pray alrva;•s , th.1.t )'C 1Jiay be accou11ted worthy to efcape all theft thi11gs that ftMUcome to pafs, and to ftaml before the Son of Ma11. The univerfal Snares that faf'ten Men in fecurit y are fenfual Pleafures and Worldly Cares : They are natural and infinuating into our Hearts. A ~:1~0;~~ei~~~t;~~~~~fccl~:~ai:n:ft~;~e~i ;~~htl~o f'tnu~i1~'~~~~vfc~o~~~:~c~~;1,e ;s0~h; . ~~~~i~eu~[ fe~ft~~~~~~eciT~~~~t~le~~;sbt~1f::;;i ~:d~~u::~~~;~~~~;~:t J~a~~ub;~'h! ~1~t~0t~~at~~c i:~~~~ a }~~}efru~P\!; e~fu;:staa~ ~i~~,~~~~Je~vl~ddtl~l~:~~ cl~~~~~~; gently feeds the voluptuous difeafed Appetites, knowing tbat a Scnfual Ltfca l: en~\~!