Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

The Bookfe/lers Advertifement. THE Reader is defircd to take Notice, That the Two following Dil<!ourfes, (which were never before Pub· lifhed) Vit· Of Divine ·Meditation, and On the Fear if'God; were Exactly taken in Short-Hand, and Approved by the Author in his Life-time as Faithfully done for private Ufe, but never Defigned them for the Prefs. We thought fit to have the Judgement of fome able Divines ; who having Perufed them, do judge them to be Genuine and very Ufc:ful. Yet the Reader cannot expect them to be fo Polite, as if they had the Doctors own Finifhing Hand. J. R. B. A. --.--·--------------