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881 -------.-------------------------------- A DISCOURSE OF Divine Meditation. PS AL. CXIX. Ver. 97· 0 how lllUe I thy Law ! It it my Meditlllion all the Day. The INTRODUCTION. , T HE Book of Pfalms is Intitulcd by Calvin, The Anatomy of the So•l, wherein all its inward W?rkings are made vifiblc. In this Text we ~~~~;!~'~e;;:f.~~d~~ ~.~""'Je:Of,"?~:"{vo~~fn~h~f 'hl~t~!fea~o~:· ~"t;; !O'Ve I thy L1w! Here's the motion of his Underfianding, It is my MeAitation aU the day. Conllant Love produceth continual Meditation on Gods Law. I intend to fix my Difcourfe upon the latter part, concernin~ t~e Mediwion of David; and I fuppofe this may be one reafon for which he ts Intituled, A m•n •fur God's o•vn heArt, becaufe of the Heavenly frame and temper of his Spirit. ~ Chap.' · .......-v--.J Da.,id .WJIS always afcending ~o God, and defccnding upon himfe_lf; to emkar God to hiS Soul, and to engage hiS Soul to God. When I awake (faith he) I ""Pf•• ,39.v. JliU••ith thee. In the Difcuffing of which Duty of Meditation, I !hall ufe this Method. CHAP. I. Of the Nature of .Meditation. 'Tis Speculative or Praliical. The latter defcrihed, · and the Defcription open'd. Occajional Meditation . The Sin of negleliing it, and the Advantage of perfarming it. Deliberate Meditation : which is either DireCi or Reflexive. , MEditation is a Duty fo Rare and unprailifcd, that I think the Knowledge of it is no~ among all Chriftians, .th~ Exercife of it is among very few ; and therefore tf I fhould tell you that 1t IS an Unaccullomed Duty, this might be an imperfeil account of it. Tttttz Io