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A Difcourfe of Divine Meditation. 883 ~fcribed by God himfelf.Tbis Book of the LAw fb•llnot dep-;;;;-;;;of th) mouth,~ hut tho:.' fbalt Meditate therein day and night, that thou m:IJft o6Jerve to do according to Chap. 1 • an tha iJ written thtrein. The end of it is t~ obG::rve f~H· Pratl:icc and ~fe. So in~ the Book of Job we have an Expreffion applicable to thiS Purpofe; Lo thu, we h•ve Job,.,;, fot1rched it ; JO it is, hear it, and knorP thou it for thy good. Some know things that :;~~fceU:,(; ~~~0~pi~\~~~i ~~~;[~,7:,~ kJr~%:1r~f~ :l::tfi~e",i'g:\:aKfb:nk~~j~t\: fo~da ~~~~ own Good. Now this Pr4EficaJ Meditation, is either Occajional or Deliherate. Firft, Occa(lonal Meditation, that is, when the Soul Spiritualizeth every Objefr, when the underftanding is like a Limbeck that diftills fomething from every thing it fees and views for the good of the Soul. This is that Spiritual CI'JmiJirJ that turns all Metals into Gold. Our blelfed Saviour was a moft eminent ExamFlc of this, he drew Sr iritual matter from Natural Objell:s; the Gofpel is full of Parables upon this Account. A Chriftian tbould labour to fee all things in God, and God in all things. Every Stream fbould lead him to the Fountain. All things here below fbould be but a Ladder to raife up his Soul ro God. I tball fpeak more of this occafional Meditation, becaufe it is of great u re, and he that neglell:s it 1. Reffell:s Dilhonour upon God. 2. Is Injurious to his own Soul. ~. Doth neglell: the Creature. I fpeak now of thofc Meditations that may be raifed by thofe variety of Objeob before us. 1. He cloth ReAell: din10nour upon God. The end of the Creature is this, that God.may have and receive a Tribute of Honour and Praife; and therefore God hath ~~~~~~r~:R~~~;e~~el~0h;;htfia~~ ::,; f'frM~~di:~:i~~o:M~?,;~~~:ybdo~hco;~~~i~ft Rational Beings. See Job j8. 7· Where the Lord fpeaks cogcerning the work of Creation, when tht Morning Stars fang together. As Birds fing at the break of Day, So in the morning of the Creation the Angels fang together ; and God expell:s it from 'Man, bccaufe he hath given him a Reafonable Soul. Our Five Senfes are lo many Doors whereby the External Objell:s are conveyed to us, and· the Soul is to take notice of them. Nay for this very end did God create man in the !aft day of the Creation, when he had made a Feaft he brought Man as the Gueft, and when he had provided a Palace, he produced Man to dwell in it; and what's the Reafon, but this, that he might glorifie the Creatour? When God had adorned the Hea. vens with Stars, and the Earth with Flowers ·; then he brought forth Man tp giye ~~h:h;ok~i~~y 0~le~\;oJ?o"r ~~~~r~~~~~~hh~ &;~;j~~ed for this end, that Men 2. He that doth not Meditate occafionally inJures his own Soul. He that makes ufe of the Creatures, and cloth not learn by them, robs himfc!f of the belt part of that which he fbould enjoy of them. The Creatures are but the Adumbrations of the Infinite Maje!ly that is above. Now will any Man Content himfelf with painted Meat for Food ? So wilt thou content thy felf with the bare enjoyment of the Creature; and not Afcend up to God? He hath given thee the Creatures upon this Account, that they might be Inltruments to raifc up thy Soul to himfelf. ~· He Negle8:s the Creature. There is nothing within the whole Circuit of Nature, but is of fome ufe to raife up our Souls ro God. From the Sun, to the Stone; from the Cedar , to the Violet; every Creature hath a Vfice to teach us fomethiog ofGod. This whole World is a School for man. All the Creatures fpell this to us, That there is a God. Now if we Neglell: this ufe of it, by our Meditation, then we Neglell: the Creature. The whole Creation is a well tuned Inftrument, and Man is to make the Mufick ; and if we do oat by Meditation raife U{> our Thoughts to God, we are in the fault. I will not Pals it over without Reckoning what Advantages the Soul may get by it. · 1. This will difpofe and fit the Soul tor Admiration and Pra(fe of God. What's the Reafon that men do rather wonder at the l(ffeEls ql 4rt, 1)1an at ,tby \"ork~~