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_________ ADljcMife~DroiueM~uation_. _____. __ 8~ CHAP. III. Of the Time for Meditation. The Frequency of it; urged hy Two Motives. The Continuance of it. Morning, Evening, Night, and the SabbathDay1 the most ProFer Seafons for it. m. THE time for this Duty; and there are three things I IIJallopento.youin reference to that. I. The Frequency of it. 2. The Continuance. 3· The Seafons when we may moll for the advantage of our Sools draw forth our Meditations. Firll, For the Frequency. In the General you mull know, the Scripture doth not Pofitively Determine any, fct times wherein we are Obliged to Meditate. ~ Chap.~· ~ Spiritual Prudence and holy Afli:B:ions fhould give Rules to us for the frequency of Meditation. The Scripture fpeaks in general Terms, David tells us ofa Godly Man, rr,r. •· '· that he Meditat eJ in the Larv Day and Night. And as for his own Pra8ice, although ~\;.~.2;8, he had the Bufinefs of a Kingdom, and the Plcafure of the Court to divert him, yet faith he, it is my Meditation all the DaJ, which implies the Conllant difpofition of his Soul to this Duty, and likewife that Ordinarily be was wont to fet apart fome Portion of every Day for the Performance of it. There are two things which lhould perl\vade ycu to frequency in it I. By Frequency, you will make your tlioughts more pliable for the Difcharge of this Duty. Your Souls will be more accomplilhed and fitted for the Exercife of it. You know that Cufiomary Running mal<es a perfon long Breath'd. So when we often ufe our [elves to this Duty, our thoughts will be more Confillent, and we lhall be more Improved and Ripened f?r the Exercife of ir. Whereas he that long negle8:s it, will find that Medttatlon firll1s unpleafant , then unnecelfary, at !all Burthenfome and Odious; and this proceeds from difufe. Str~de~~~\;;:~r~~~t~~~fo~~~~~~lolfi;~:r~~:y~rU:eof~~ ';h~~:~~~r~co~reo~J:?~r~:~s~~~ ditations. As it is w th our Bodies, if a Man makes a Free, and Liberal Mea le, this will not maintain his Body to Morrow, and a Day after, but he muft have conftant Food, clfe Nature languifhes and decayes; fa you Meditate to Day, but if you fhould Negle[t it. for many days after, you will lofe the Benefit of it, and the Soul decayes and Langui01es. If the Bird leaves her Nett for a long fpace, the Eggs Chill and arc not fit for produCtion; b~t _when there's a Conftant Incubation, ~ hen they Oring forth: So when we leave Rehgwus Dutyes for a long fpace, our Affe8:wns Chill, and grow cold; and are ':lot fit to produce Holincfs, and Comfort to our Souls; But when we are confiant in clus work, then fhall we find the Advantage of it ; Secondly, for the Continuance of this Duty, How long mull we continue in it? I Anl\ver, So long ordinarily till thou doll find fame fenfible Benefit Conveyed to thy Soul. The Nature of Man doth much difi:eli!h this Duty, and we are apt to be foon weary of it; our thoughts are like a Bird in the Cage, which flutters the more becaufeof its Confinement; fo our thoughts are apt to run firayingly out, when we Confine them to fuch a Duty as this is ; but he that begins and doth not proceed, Jor.s the Benefit of the Duty. As it is in the kindling of a Fire in wet Wood, you know Continuance is that which muftcaufe the FJame. When you blow at firft, there's a little fmoak arifes, by holding on you raife Sparks, but he that goes forward at !all brings it.t? a flan:e. So 'tis in the D~ty of Meditatio;J;. \Vhen you begin to meditate upon Sp1r1tual thmgs, at firll you ra1fe a fmoak a few S1ghs towards God ; by continuance you ra~fe rome Sparks of Heavenly Defircs; but at !all there's a Flame of Holy Affections that goes up towards God. Now you fhould not ordinarily lea ve the work tdl the Flame doth fa afcend. When a Man goes forth m n Calm and Serene Evening, and v1ews the Face 0fthe Heavens, he fhall firll fee a Star or two Twinkle and Peep forth; but if he continues, both their Number and Lullre is Incrcafed and at !all he fees the whole Heaven is be!pangled with Stars in every part; So ;.hen thou doll U u u u u Meditate