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A Difcourfe ofDivine Meditation. 889 Conte~- The Glorified Spirits above are always exercifed in a S teady view~ Confideration ofGods Infinite Glory. Now the Sab bath being a Type of Heaven, Chap. 4· 'and Meditation being the work of Heaven, certaint y this Day is the moft fit Seafon ~ for Meditation. As for you who difrclilh this Duty, and are unacquainted with it, Do you expect Heaven? Your Jndifpofition to this Duty will be a Bar to keep you ;~~~;~~~~~Y ~isd~~Ji~:J~~ ~~;c~;~~~fei~~~t~ht;'ot~;e m~yGdfrc~~:r;~)th~~ Inhabitants of another World, he may enjoy as much of God as this Interpofing vailc of Flelh and Blood will admit; The only difference between a Saint in Heaven, and a Saint upon Earth who Meditates upon God, is in refpea of the Degrees and the manner of their Fruition. For otherwife a Saint upon Earth enjoyes Heaven efpecially on the Lords-Day, when every Duty receives a.Sp ecial Ble!Ttng, and therefore the Duty of Meditation. CHAP. IV. Of the Advantages of Meditation. It improves the Faculties of the Soul, by opening the VnderSfanding, snd raijing the Af{eftions. Makes Prayer, the Word, and Sacraments ijfeftual. Improves the Gr aces of Faith, Hope and Love. It brings Comfort. Encreafes Holinefs. THE Advantages of Meditation, are fo many and fo Rich, that methinks the Confideration of them might draw forth the moll: Sl uggilh Spirit to the Performance of this Duty. Iconfefs the Duty is difficul t, but confider .he Pleafantnefs of it, Our ofrhe comes Sweerneft. The Advantages ofit I lhall rank under Five Heads. Firft Confider what an Jmpro~ement the Faculties of your Souls will receive by Meditation. I . I will begin with the Underftanding Faculty. Meditation Is the Nurfeof Wifdom, itisthe moll: excellent Inftrument toCon- :h[rek~o;;,:~~:rs:~n~1~h~~~~~ a1!!~r;;;;r, i~tSs g;~~~a~di~~~;la~~~~n~~~efi~ti~r!Jr upon an Objec.t. Meditation Cures both thefe. For the Darknefs of hi s Underftanding, Meditation takes the Vaile off from the Face of Truth. The Glory and Beauty of Truth, cloth not ~n;l~a:.~ ~~ ;:~;:~~~~fb;!,~::~,uf~:alcl~;n;f~~~:~f~d~:a~dtf]~J::~~r,~~~~~t~Y~~ Po,, 4·" us toSe4rch for her as for bidden Treafure; obfcrve the expreffion, You know Jewtls, do not lie upon the Surface of the Ground, but they ar e hid in the Receptacles of the ~~;·~:,Je~fr~~~n~t~o~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ftef~~lcht~~:':heT¥:~ 1tl:s of cJ;l/:.snf;r b;~ Treafures. He that Rides Poft through a Country is never able to make a full defcription of it; and he that takes but a Tranfitory view of the Truths of the Gofpel, will never come to the full Knowledge of them. 'fis Meditation makes them appear to our Eye in their Beauty and Luftre. I have read a S imilitude of Peter MArtJr that converted one. Suppofe you lhould fee a Company o f Men Dancing at a great dif. tance, you would look upon the men as full of Madne fs and Frenzy ; but if you draw near, then you will find their motions Regular and full of Art : So many myftery's of the Gofpeltfyou look upon them at a diftance, they a re above Reafon, they feem to oppofe Sence, yov cannot fee the Truth of them ; but bring them to a near diftance within the view of thy Soul by Meditation, and th en you will fee their Excellency ~G~~ . Meditation is that that doth take away the Darknefs of the Underftanding ; and then for the fluidnefs of the Underftanding, becaufe 'tis ap t to fpring from one thing to another. Meditation in its very Nature is the fixing of it. Take one Infiance, but its above all, 'tis fuch an Inftance, as lhould Comman d the moft knowing Perfons irt the World to follow, I Per. I. lOo There you !ball find thefe words, of whith s.t. U u u u u :1 V~ttiolfl