Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

906 A Di(cour[e of Di'Uine Meditation. ~luntary in refpe£1: of himf~/ay dow~~O~~illdif!eren~ Chap. 9• tween Chrifts anfwer to Peter, and his anfwer to JudtU; when Puer out of an ir.. ~regular Pity to Chrills Perfon, defired him to favour himfelf; becaufe that hindred :::~ :~ ~f ~t"~u~~$~~~J~~.~ c~~::t;~ ~::r~;'cf;~t.d ~; c~i[s'him ~,~:~d~ar&~,~~~ fe~~~~t~ff. ferenco1s there m the Anf\vers of Chnft? Th1s !hewnhe wllhngnefs of his compl iance with ills Fathers decrees; the Love of Chnll was the caufc of hi s Suffe rings . That Love which was as ancient as his Deity, and furvivcd his Humanity. 1 In the Second place, let us proceed to the Effects of thefi: fufferings, and that will be an ObJect fit for our Meditation. There are five eminent cf!ects of Chrills fufferings, which the Scripture fpeaks of. I. Compleat Satisfaction to the Jullice ofhis Father. The fufferings of Chrill were inriched by the Union of his Deity ; his Blood was the Blood of God: It was more for a God to fatisfie, than for a Man to Sin. The violation of the Law, was an atl: of the Creatwe ; butthe fulfilling of the Law was an act of the Creator; and therefore Jullice is compleatly farisfied Upon this account Rtv. 4· l · We read that the Throne of God, is encompalfed with a Rainbow. A Rainbow is an Emb!eme of Peace. T he Juft ice of God receives more Glory in the Redemprioa of our Souls, than in the Damnation of the World. For Chrill at once made full fatisfatl:ion, but all the Damned Souls in Hell are ever fatisfying. You know a payment may be made of equal Value in a fmall weight of Gold, which is equivalent to a greater weight of Silver ; Chrills Blood and Suffering• although they were OJOrt in re fpetl: of their ~~'fl,:a:~ t:~~~O,~ ~£~:, ~~} exceed the erernal Torments of the damned in ~fel:r;,~·~f~~~[1~~:.c~~~fct~~~ri~g~~d{~~:e~o~~~ a ~~o~e~ortf!~e~~~;i~~ ~~~ peafed,Confcience then !hould fufpend irs accufations ; the Hl ood of Chrill: may well be called Spiritual Wine,for it doth at once chear !he Heart ol God by way of C"isfacrion, and the Heart of Man by way of Pacification. Confc ience it cannot alledge any rhing, but what may be anfwer'd from the Death of Chrift . I confcfs many rime!, believing Souls are full of perplexities ;. for the Bee that hath loll h r ll:ing, may keep a noife and Buz, although it cannot inJure us; fo when Sin bath loll its ftmg by his Death, tr~~hth: ::Ik~~[, ~fi~;~~: ~~~;s;a~i;~:sb:alro~~h~1~v~;J;n~!~tl~sun~:~~s not l• The Third effect of Chrill's Death is this, the powers of darknefs are broken by it. He that had Power of Death, the DevJ! IS now made an ObJect of Trmmph. The Devil thought he might get a compleat Vitl:ory whe~ Chrill fuffered, bur Chtill tells us, Norv is the Prince of this World1udged. Death 1t felfthat !SOUr !all Enemy Job. ' 6 • "· ~h~i3~~~'J,e~.~~ ~i~t~~~(~ u~;an~~[~~d ag~?: i~~:,.j.~:m:h~ord:~~re~~~s ~~~~~ was Conquered. And at the !all day the Grave !hall give up its Spoil, by venue of Cluills Death. 4· The Fourth effect of Chrills ~eath .is this~ the Crucifixion of Sin. Therefore the Scripture tells us, the Old Man IS cruc:fied w1th h1m. Sm brought Chnll to the Crofs, and Chrift brought Sin to the Crofs and Nailed it there. Herein ap_pears rho Admirable Wrfdrun of God, that as Sin hrought in Death, fo the Death ofChnll !hou ld carry out Sin, I mean in reference to Believers. 5· The Inheritance of Glory is the fi·uit and effetl: of Chrifl's Deat h. The Blood of ~~~~~ f~~i~~s: *~er~:s Tu~~a::;,en~.xu~r;~c~1~n ~~~ ;/e.. r:: r~t'2i>r~ft~ r~f~n~ ·Supercrogation of Worth, that not only fatisfied for us, but purchafed an Inheritance for us. Whereas the firll .Adam had an Earthly Paradice ; the fecond .Ad•m purchafed for us an everlalling State of Glory: This is another Medi•m, whereby you may exercife the Duty of Meditation in your Souls. . . Thirdly, Another Rule I lard down was tlus, when you do confider ot, any Objects, amplifie them by way of Comparifon, and that either by way of Stmtltr.r•e or Di/fimt· lit•de ; do fo as to the fulferings of Chrill. I. If you take the Sufferings and amplifie them by way ofComparifon. But there is nothing in the Creation, that JS a fit SubJect fully to reprefent them by ' I !hall therefore make a Parallel (asthe Scripture doth) between the Death and Crucifixion ofChrill for us and the Death and Killing of Sin within us. The Death of Chrill was a real Dea;h, and fo !hould the Death of Sin be : Many rimes in the Bodies of Mea, there is an interruption ofshe Vital and Animal Spirits ; fo that fome one pa~f