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A Difcourfe of Divine Meditation. 907 ~Body, is~ere Dea~;~ofe tha~nder Palfies and the 1~ I· ut it is not a real Death, till the Soul be feparated from the Body: There was a Chap. 9· real Separation between the Soul and the Body in Chrifl ; [o there lhould be be·~ tween Sin and us. The Death of Chrifl was a fharp and dolorous Death ; [o we lhould exercife a holy feveritv againfl Sin: we 01ould. not allow any indulgence to our Lulls. The Death of Chrifl was a Gradual and a Lingering Death : So lhould we condemn our Sins too, that fince we cannot Kill them at once, yet they fl1ould dye by degrees. 2. By Diffimilitude. The Scripture hath an eminent inA:ancc, 1 Pet . r. t8. F ora(m~tcb as ye kno1v tht~t yt lflere not Redeemed with Corruptible things (obferve the Diffi.militude) ., Silver .,d Gold; but with the precious Blood of Chrijl. Take all the Treafures of the World, although wedeifie them they cannot free one Soul; it was ~~llo~etr,:c~~a!"~~~~~~~e~f ~~d~~~ ~~: B~:r.oJe~~~i~nor~f.Tt,~:i~;a~~:dabJ:it~s fr:Ii the Glory of the World, and Impoverifheth the Richefi fj>lcndour of the whole Univcrfe. 4:· Another Rule which I propounded to. you was to Meditate on a Spiritual SubJeCt by way of Emiffi.on or Epculation to your Souls to God, and that two Wayes. 1. By way of Complaint. 2. By way of Defire. , Firfi, Let the Soul lend forth it felf to God by way of Complaint of its Infenfibility of thefi fufferings of Chr ifl. Did the whole Creation bear a fbare with the Lord J efus in his Sufferings, and !hall our hard Hearts be infenfible? . when the Son of God was debaled, the Sun of the World was darkned and eclipfed, and durfr not lhew its Glory. The whole World (as I may fo fpeak) was Hung with Mourving, in reference to the [offerings of Chrift; and !hall our Souls be infenfible ofthefe fuiferings? The V ail of the Temple was rent, and !hall not our Hearts? Imprefs thefe Conlider~tions? The Creature that was not the caufe of Chrift's Death and fufferings ~~':\~a%':d~r;,"~~~i~~:n~n1~~ai1~~t w!~ fr:~~hh~:~~ ~j:l;~~a~o~f~~:l~~! thus complain of our [elves to the Lord, concerning the hardnefs of our Hearts . Secondly, By way of Defire, and that in two refpetts, when we Meditate upon the Death of Chrifr. t , That we may have an Interefi in thofe Sufferings. 2. That we may feel the fenfible Fruit of them. · Firfr, That we may have an Interefr in thefe Suffcrings. It is not a Naked con· templation, but the Implantation of our Souls into Chrifis Death, that makes it effeCtual to us. There were many that did fee the Ark, yet loft their Lives, becaufe they were without it. So many may have an Hiflorical Knowledge, yet becaufe they are not United to Chrift, they receive no Benefit : Therefore beg that God would implant thee into that likenefs of Chrifi's Death, that he would Unite thee to the Lord Jefus. Remember poifeffion follows Union. Chrifis Garments only cover Chrifis Members ; therefore let thy defires be excited after an Interefi in him ; Secondly, That you may feel the fenfible fruits and Benefits of thole fufferings of Chnfi. And here the Soul lhould fend forth It s defires to God. Oh t)lat my Sins might feel the Vinegar and the Gall ! Oh that they were Nailed to the.Cro!S ofChrift! Oh that I might find the fruits of the Crofs ! Oh that his Pains might produce Peace to my Soul ! Thus the Heart of a Gracious Perfon lhould fend forth his defires to God. 5· Another Rule I gave you for the managing the Duty of Meditation, was by way of Impreffi.on upon our own Souls, and that likewile in a double waonet. t . By way of Charge. 2. By way of Refiraint . Do fo as to the Sufferings of Chtifi. on F~ffi;h~~~l~~ i~ri;~~~Th·~P~~i~st~eif~h~f~ 1a;~re:::;~~~ ~~r~Yw~f~h~~g~editati· · x.Te