Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

A Difcourfe of Pivine Meditation. 909 -:r;;d!y, Let your Meditation be Applicative,always make an imprellion upon~ Souh. The Generality ofPeople look upon the Death of Chrill: as the Death of a Chap. 9· Martyr, and not as a Mediator; only as the Death of an Innocent Perfon, that fu/fered ~ withoutcaufe ; therefore they fpend their Declamationsagainll: the J'"' '•thc So/diers,and PiL:te; but vain Perfons they never reflea upon their own Hearts, they do not ap.. ply it to their own Souls. Confider it is not the Blood ofChrill:, as it was lhed upon the Crofs; but as fprinklcd on thy Heart that faves thee; and therefore make application of it when evenhou Meditatell: upon the Sulferings of Chrill:. Fourthly, Let thy Meditation be Praaical, Reduce it to Obedience. Oh this is ta Realize it in our thouglus; when we live as thofe that feel the influences and Power of Chrill:'s Death in our Souls; when we find our Hearts thereby to be inlivened in the Duties of Holinefs, and our Corruptions to wither and decay and fall before us, then it is that we Meditate aright upon the Death of the Lord Jefus. Take this •• an Incouragement. Thofe that thus make application of Chrill: as Crucified ; lhall hereafter be conformed to Chrill: as Glorified. Thofe that now feed upon his Body in the Sacrament by Faith, lhall hereafter feed upon his Face by fight and vifion, for ever and ever. A D IS-