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A DISCOURSE OF THE Fear of G 0 D. J 0 B XXVIII. 2 8. And unto Man be faid, Behold the Pear of the Lo~d, ibat is Wifdom, and to depart from evil it Vnderftanding. The INTRODUCTION. IF you look back to the Twelfth Verfe, you !hall find an Enquiry made after Wifdom; and in the folio\ ing Verfes, there is a Defcription of the Wifdom of God's Providence, \V hereby he doth marfhal and rank t he innumerable forts of Creatures that are in the World. This Wifdom of Providence diretls us to the ~~~;:y"f:::t;;;~ 'rJ~~!o~~.~~~JLt;.e ~~i~n~;Y~at~~~a~~f~~fi;';,";~;, P~h~: is that Voice, thatiscooveyedto us by all thefe things ; the Anfwer is, T he Fear of - the Lord, th.r is Wifd<>m, and to depart from evil is V nderilanding. If you look lrito this Great Volume, The Book of the Creatures, which is written within and without, writtenwithin with IAvifible Elfences, the Angels, &c. written without with Corporeal Subl!ances, all the vifible Objetls of Nature; and if you would know what is God's Defi!ln in all thefe, it is this, That Man jbould le4rn to fear him, that being the chiefel! W1fdom, and to depart from evil, that being the moll eminent Underllanding. This is the Connexion of the Words. In that part, which at the prefent, I intend to profccute and treat of, you may obferve Firft the Subjetl, The Fear of the Lord. Secondly, The Predicate, that is Wifiiom. The Dotlrine which I !hall infil! on is this, j; : Do£1:. The Fear of God is eminentlj WifiJom. Now in the opening of the Firl! Branch, The Fm of God, We will confider- !. The Nature of GoJ'.s Fear. II. The Objeffs 11pon which it is Wminated. Ill. Diftingr~ijb it from that digenerate Fear that;, in wicked Men. IV. Shew JOU the Proda/Js and Ejfe/Js of it. . . .V·L?::: ;;:;;r:!"J:}~~~:ming tontrtS~ Grtt'tJ to whith j~ is 1m#ed, 4J F4ilh.; VI. Anfwerjome RJ!effions, how far, and in wh4t manner the Tbrwnings of thi Word jbou!d work upon the Fear of a converted Perfon. VII. And thtn exhort J•• to this Fe.r of God. ·zzzzz ~ 9 '-.l