Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

9 I 8 A Di{cour(e of the Fear of God, ~:;:J.;;;w;,- Anoth~erence betwe~~~;;;;-F,~ci;;c;;-: ~nuance of th~m; this fervile Fear ufually being a fudden Paffion, but the ingenu~~; Fear lS a fenous Conlhtut10n of Spmt. I /hall apply to this purpofe that which Arijlotle fpeaks concernmg t he Colours of Men ; . there arc feme Colours which proceed from Complex•on, . there are others wh1ch proceed from feme fudden Paffion. Suppofe the Q!Jelhon be, what Complcxwna Man zs of; if he be pale ~~~~feht~:::; ~r ;:~~:~~ ~~~~·, ~~ 'i:j~fitf:j',:;e:t ~:~h!t0f:rc!~~;{~~~~t~-~~~~ :Zc:ch.7·S· tJmes when there are /harp Pangs of Confcience upon him, he may fear to fin; but thJs Fear remams no longer than the Parox1fm ?f the ~~rning Ague, it may be not fo long, for feme few Hours only; but the grac1ous Spmt always main tain.. this Fear 111 h1m, Ble{fed ts the Man that feareth a/wa)s; The one is but a fudden Paffion the other is the Complexion of the Soul. ' . 5· Fifthly, They vafily diifer in thei r Excitations to that which is good, and that m two relpects, 1. In relpect of the Extent of that good, to which carnal Fear doth cxcae a Man. · 2 . In refpe£t of the manner of Performance. r. Firjl, Jn refpect of the Extent of that Good. He that is a Slave, and fears God fervil ely, his Fear prompts him but to fuch a degree of good as he judgeth to be abfolutely ncceffary for his own Peace; fuch a Perfon wiiJ give God but Gold-Weight; he w1U oot perform thole Duties to wh1ch Natmal Confciencc by feme Spear or Goad doth not excite him. But the Fear that is ingenuous and filial excites the Soul to a. more liberal Degree of S~rvice; therefore it is faid, 2 Cor.?· 1.. PerfrE!ing Hoftne[s tnthe Fear o{God. So Phd, 2. 12 , H1ork O!lt your own Salvatton wtth{ear and trembling~ Now reduce this to your particular State, and make an Enquiry, whether the }=fear that you bear towards God~ doth oneJy excite you to fome Duties which the ve1·y Light of Natural Confci nee d1fcovers and commands; or whether or no, doth it engage your Hearts to all the Duties of Holinefs ? 2. Second!], In refpect of the manner of Performance. This is the ufual Temoer offervile Fear, it excites a Man to the bare Act of the Duty, without regard to thole Qgalities which lhould .attend that Act and tha~ Duty. Thus he that is a Slave and fears God merely for h!S Wrath, poffibly he w!ll pray and hear the Word; but his Prayers are but a little motion of the Lips, th.ey arc Spiritlefs Devotions. He prays like a Parrot, without a Correfpondency of hzs Affectwns to that wluch he prays; and what is the realon of it? Recaufe Natural Confcience is quiet for the Act done. W hereas now an ingenuous Fear caufeth the Soul, in Praye r, to labour that it may be in a Flame, and endeavour to raife the Affections to the highefi pitch and degree_ He that tears as a Slave, though he makes God the Object o( l1is Duty, he doth not ;:}:}':;~,0t:: ~n~u~ft\:\~ P,~tJi'~~"ir t~~~~f~~t~~~~ht~h~uTe~1 2o~fct~~/e~"fn•f:~~td;l~ might be peaceable wJthm. Whereas mgenuous Fear excJtes the Soul to perform Duties in luch a manner, as may be acceptable to the Pather of Spirits. 6. Sixthly, Thefe Fears differ in their Refiraints from Evil, and that likewifc in a double Refpect. " In refpect of the Nature of thofe Evils from whence they are refirained. 2. In refpea of the manner of their Flight from them. J. And Firjf, In refpect of the Nature of .thofe Evils from which they are refirained. Servile Fear it checks the Soul from thole black S111s wh1ch fiare m the Face of a natura l Confcience, thofe fins which are of the firfi Magnitude, and ofa Crimlon Dye, which do va.flare Confiienriam, wall the ~onfcience, thefc Sins flaviill Fear will l<eep a Man from ; but for mhcr fins, wluch (although tl1ey do not leave fo great a ll lot upon the Name, yet they may leave a very great Stain upon the Soul) they do not regard . To give you an Inftance; a natural Man that hes. under this flavifh I-lcar, fears to l<ill a Man, but not to har:· or bear a Spleen aga1~fra !vfa!l; and yet thi s is Murder in a degree. Such a Man tears actually to defile lumfelf With a Woman; but he cherilheth fpeculatlve Wantonncfs, and gazeth on the Imag~~~t