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922 A Difco~trfe of the Fear o[God, ~ tion, he brings himfelf to his fixed Temper ; as if you put W-;;-a~jill lap. S· if you fbai<e the GlafS the Water may get upon the Oil; but let the Glafs ftand frill' ~then the Oil (as a Triu~phant Conqueror) will recover the Supremacy : So here: although m a Temptation, the Fear of Man may over-power him, yet when he ~f1mlti:e:~ ~e~r~~tal Creature to an Immortal God, then doth the Fear of God quench ------------·--------- CHAP. V. The Confiftency between the Fear ofGod, and Faith, Love, Hope, and Joy; S· THE Fifth General that was propounded, was to fbew tbe Confillency that is bet""'en the Fear of God, and Faith, Love, Hope and Joy; and before I fl1ew you the particular Agreement between thefe Graces, Let me premife thefe three things. · t. Firjl, Know that there is an abfolutc ncceflity of their Union in the Soul of a gracious Perfon upon this Account, becaufe although Sin and Grace oppofe one another, yet Grace and Grace doth not, they all proceeding from the fame Root and Caufc which is the Spirit of God. It is the Opinion of fame, that Grace in the Soul is but one Habit, and according to the Variety of Aas which it produceth, fo it re- ~~j~~~hfer:::;.r~~%~s a;s to 0cl1~~0thi~~: ~~~·:i,!s~~hlta~e~ra~;~:~~ s~~~i~~e[ 0i,;tG~d is called Faith, as it dcP,ends upon him for the Performance of fame good it is Hope, as it feat·eth him fo4tis thus intitled; but granting this is not a Trurh, fuppofe that every Grace is a feveral Habit, yet they all very well agree, and it muft be fo. 2. Secondly, There is a Conveniency in this Agreement of the Graces of the Spirit; as thus, one cloth contemper and correa che Exorbitances which otherwife would be in another, as I fballparticularly fhew you when I come to the particular Graces. ~·.Thirdly, There.Jsan ~aual Exillence of thefe Graces in the Soul; for as they are JOyned together m Scnpture, fo they are expenenced by every Behever. Theli: things being premifed. t • . Firjl, I fhall begin with the firll Grace. There is an Union between Faith and Fear in the Soul; for that confider, that the Fear of God although it doth weaken the Security .ofthe Flefb, yet it never weakens the Certainty of Faith. There is a di. ftrullful Fear which Faith expels, but there is an awful dread which Faith cherifheth, and this is that Fear which we are fpeaking of; the Fear of God and Faith are reciprocal Caufcs of each other, for Faith produceth Fear, and Fear produceth Faith, ot improves it. Firll, Faith produceth this Fear, Heb. 11. 7· By faith Noah being warned of God of things not feen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an Ark, &c. where it is obfcrvable, Noah aid believe an hundred Years before the Flood came, that there would be fuch a Dellruaion~ and he believed that he fbould be prcferved and refcued from that Dcllrutlion (obferve that) and yet Noah feared; fa that a Believer that dotft ~~~~e~~~16e ~~~v:f~~1;e~~;;·~h~!:~~1~~";~~nh; [~.~;~~;~hi!1is0~;~h.;~~r!~ni~r·a~~! Faith be quenched in the Soul there will remain no Fear. Indeed Faith is the Eye that feeth all things in God ; As to God all things arc prefent, and there is neither firll nor ]aft, fo doth the Eye of Faith fee all things, in fame Senfe, as prefent; and therefore a believing Soul looks upon the Day of Judgment to be as real as if it were ,this Moment, bccaufe he fees it in God, and this caufeth him to fear; Whereas take away this Faith and the Soul is then fecure; it being with the ObjeCts of our Affcaions in diifance of time, as it is with the Objcas of Senfe in dillance of Place. When a thing is far difrant from mine Eye, I cannot perceive it : fo when ~~~~rwf~!~~i; ~~~ris ~tvfl ~~:ht.~~~!"roe ~';:'c~ :J:•;,';;t}J~~! i~hhat~YJ, 1-t~::.thBJt ~~~ Faith rca lizeth thek things to the Soul, and fa produccth Fear. (2.) Tlus Fear doth improve Faith. For there is a Circle in thefe Caufcs, as there is a Commerce between Heaven and Earth; the Vapours thatafcend from the Earthcaufe Clouds,_and thofe Clouds defcend in Showers, and fo ar~ the Caufes of Vapours; fo Jt IS With the Graces